@dipper: She laughs playfully, "The rascally rabbit is too wise to my tricks by now... He never falls for it the same way fresh meat does. While I was snaring his friend, he most likely used one of his many tunnels to bypass it, cowardly if you ask me. I suppose you could even say... Traitorous?" She grins.
@rainbowpanda: "You could call me something of the sort..." She laughs as her body disappears, leaving only her head behind, "Hm...
I very well could if I had the fancy, attempt it. But I've never felt the draw to a life of crime. I prefer mischief," She purred, "And I am not fast enough to travel back and forth from my maze to the castle in time to greet all my guests that day..."
A playful glint shines in her bright eyes, "Besides... If I had my hands on the sceptre, I would have much more fun than breaking it..."