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Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/15 23:58:12 )

Jesi Says:

Kent- the PowerPuff Girls :>

Dragon- I mean if it works it works

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Voltie — Damned Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/15 23:58:43 )

What's the convo going on here? Are folks still doing art?


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/15 23:59:18 )

LWD -shrugs- I guess so. ^_^
It's just so much slower than normal!


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:00:46 )

Jesi Says:

@Angelus: a couple posts back (on page 113) I posted a png and gif of my art but they were talking about the awesome items and how we don't want Staff to die before that :>

Dragon- slow net is kind of lame yeah >:

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:02:57 )

Yeah, but it seems like the threads have slowed down too.


Voltie — Damned Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:04:30 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: Don't want the staff to die? O_o


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:06:31 )

Jesi Says:

@Angelus: XD cause the EIs and new Commons are all super great and the Event was amazing so we're like "oh no how will they top themselves I hope they don't overwork themselves!" etc ;>

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Voltie — Damned Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:07:42 )

@littlewhitedragonlet: Ah I see. Such events would def take a ton of work.
I already want the next one to start! XD


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:07:43 )

Yeah, don't want them to overwork themselves and die.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:09:50 )

Jesi Says:

-pokes Staff with a stick- hopefully they're just sleeping...

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Donator — he/him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:10:43 )
Oooh! I love the power puff girls! XD
Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Donator — Puzzling Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:11:50 )

Hey. I'm on for a little bit. Whats up guys?


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:11:56 )

Going to play Apples to Apples Disney with the kids. ^_^


Donator — Puzzling Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:12:37 )

That sounds fun, Dragon ^^


Voltie — Damned Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:13:00 )

@dragoness129: There's a Disney Apples to Apples? Sweet!


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:14:28 )

Jesi Says:

I own Apples to Apples...I don't think I've ever opened it though xD;; I want CAH OvO

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Voltie — Damned Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:15:18 )

I own Cards Against Humanity, the super crude adult version of Apples to Apples but I've played both.


Just because you don't see me doesn't mean I'm not here. I'm a lurker.

Deals With the Devil

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:16:24 )

Angelus - Yeah, I just recently found it at a thrift store. ^_^

I'd like to play CAH too. But that's something I can't play with the kids.


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:17:22 )

Jesi Says:

I've played both XD but yeah CAH is...not a kid game lmao

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

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Donator — Puzzling Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/16 00:17:33 )

Do they have a kids version of CAH? o.o You'd think they would by this point.


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