"I'll field this question, since I'm kind of an expert in this area," Spark grins, "You're talking about The Agents of Entropy. A pretty nasty bunch, I've been staving them off for years. They have a pretty bad habit of trying to wipe out all light and positivity they can get their creepy hands on..."
He rubs his chin, "For any of you who were.. heh, in the dark when this happened... For like, ever, I've been what's powering up Voltra, but I was pretty much trapped in an orb to do it. Then those Entropy losers busted it so not only was I stranded in there, but I couldn't do my job! The whole city went dark and some wild stuff happened. But thanks to the plucky engineer Valentina, boom. You got me," He smiled, pointing his thumbs back at himself with an unseen wink, "Pretty good deal, right?"
You can read the final comic here...)