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Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:57:18 )
dragoness129 - yes a grand feast with all of the mushrooms.

which by the way that is what I have been doing lately on my walks
going out looking for mushrooms for my mum and I might keep a few
to eat myself.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:57:56 )

Unicorn - Nice! That sounds great!
Free food!


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:58:13 )
@Unicorn: Also thanks @ the avi compliment!! ;v;
I notice some pings later and the topic is moving fast omg

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:58:27 )



Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:59:20 )

RP - The finds Unicorn makes on her walks.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:59:22 )

RP - The finds Unicorn makes on her walks.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 20:59:32 )
@RainbowPanda: wish the free food was at my neighbors' :'D
they're cooking again and it's 23:00 .-.
It smells so good though

Donator — Puzzling Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:00:30 )

*waits in anticipation while secretly cheering: Dirty boy Spark!*


Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:01:01 )
"I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing."

Ping me for a response.

"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:01:21 )

I still need to cook dinner >.<
oooo gimme


Donator — Ze/Zir Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:01:50 )

Jesi Says:

@Dipper: pffffft that's beautiful, 10/10 profile lol

Art by LittleWhiteDragonlet

Fae | 27 | They/Them
Please Always Ping!
RLC Commission Prices

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:01:53 )
@RainbowPanda: free food because I've been finding edible Mushrooms
on my walks to give to my mum and to keep a few to eat myself.

dragoness129 Ooh yes indeed it is

@Siron: your welcome and you are so very right about that

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:02:00 )

Bwahahahaha! That is a great profile, Dipper! ^_^


Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:02:14 )

I love mushrooms!


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:02:36 )
Is there anything i missed concerning the 'dirty boy' thing
i feel like im missing something ._.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:03:01 )
@dipper: Dip's profile for president!
Sorry if Reply late!
Please ping me!


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:03:14 )

I do love Mushrooms too!


Donator — Fluffywuff Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:04:14 )
You guys did so well with this event! We must have a lot of primo puzzlers on here.

Oh my love, I know you are my candyman
And oh my love, let us fly to bounty land~~

Közi (“Kouji.”)

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:04:31 )
@Dipper: I love your profile and the background
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/14 21:05:42 )

"Looks like I need a bath!"

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