@RainbowPanda: ; /// ; Yeah but I'm about to pass out so probably better for me to go shopping for stuff tomorrow anywho lol
@Mica: I'm about to floor you if you think that's impressive. I've worked for the same retail job for 7 years and been a manager for nearly 2. I guess that's what made me a decent moderator. It was just a losing battle though: no matter how hard we tried, people just hated us.
Actually, some of my favourite moments as a moderator was when I was allowed to professionally give them the what for. Had this guy who would pretend to not only be his brother on another account, but his FATHER all claiming these bugs were happening. The bugs weren't real, no one else was experiencing them, but they were... SO INSISTENT. Then, one of them showed a screenshot of the inspect page with the 'issue', and I--somewhat versed in html/css and general jquery--realised how they were faking the 'issue', caught them red handed, and promptly told them to stop wasting our time with non-issues while explaining how I could tell they were lying their angle-side-sides off.
the wonders of placeholder.com and the ability to make white images in varying sizes with some minor code adjustments.
Also the lovely drag and drop feature of multiplication and addition I got on my sheeeets.