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Forums Artist Galleries Unoriginal title is unorignal [picture dump etc]

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/4 10:45:44 )
Locked due to 6+months of inactivity in the thread. If you would like this thread unlocked, please PM a mod.

Hi all!
| Last update: 18-07-2018 (scroll down! ;v; ) |

(that frog is my favorite emote and no one can stop me )
As you may have guessed I'm going to use this thread to dump pics and possibly other 'art' in the future as well!
Some of them i had to send from phone to phone to actually get them on my pc and ended up kinda tiny.
But, either way, seems like his would be just to place to share it.
Feel free to walk on in and chat
Any title suggestions for this thread are appreciated as well

Some of them might be big though?
And also a few years old, lol.
Either way here goes:

These may be a little bigger??

If you spot any doubles feel free to notify me me!
If I ever find the motivation, and the patience, to do so i will sort them on size, sorry for any inconvenience!


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/4 10:46:03 )

Reserved for:


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/4 10:47:31 )
I'll make this my index I think?

Wave 6, 7, 8 & 9 are still on the first page of this topic. (:

@Godawful: idk if editing a post to ping someone works but I'm about to find out haha

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 02:47:51 )

@Siron: I Can Tell You With Confidence That Editing A Post To Ping Someone Does Not Work.
But Hey, I Still Found My Way Here! Congrats On Making Your Photo Thread! And Neat Pics!!
I Look Forward To Seeing More Of What Youve Got! (And Youre Right Lol. They Do Look A Bit Creepy!)


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 08:23:30 )
@Godawful: Welp, noted :vanora_sweat:
And thank you!! I'm glad you like them ;o;
Tbh since I saw your lightning gif im just sitting here, waiting for a thunderstorm tbh

But gotta say most the photo's in the first batch were taken in a mist so thick i could only see a few meters in front of me!
Had this somewhat eerie atmosphere to it!

Also I was just thinking and i figured you might like this site:
You can make stuff super glitchy, it's really cool!
Only con is when you gif it you can't save it transparently
(you can push spacebar to see some examples! Be careful with holding it though, cause lots of flashing images, thought 'd warn just in case )

Also I like your new avi! The colors contrast nicely! ;v;

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 12:27:13 )
Your photos are so pretty aahh!! I especially love the ones with rain on the window, it gives off such a cool feeling and the lighting too..I just love it so much! T w T I look forward to seeing more pictures from you! <3
Find my illustrations here:

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 17:56:59 )

@Siron: Just Make Sure If It Does Rain And You Go Out To Keep Dry! It Would Suck To Get A
Neat Shot But End Up Sick In Bed For It Lol. Man, I Havent Taken Pictures In Mist In Ages. I
Wanna Go Out In Mist One Day And Just See Silhouettes In The Distance. That Would Make
For A Fantastically Creepy Photo. And That Site Is Pretty Neat! Ill Probably Use It More For
Dumb Things Than For Creepy Things Thought, Tbh. Lmao
And Thanks! I Have A Tendency To Change Avatar Looks From Time To Time! Even When I
Was On Gaia Or IMVU, My Avi Would Change A Few Times A Day


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 09:15:50 )
@Lydiachan22: Thank you so much! (the ones with the rain are my favorites too haha ;v; ) Glad you like them!

@Godawful: You're right about that! Don't get sick easily but better not to risk it.
Shouldn't be a problem cause I hate getting soaked thoroughly, especially not if i have places to go haha.

Lol, sounds like a weird thing to wish but in that case i hope it'll be misty for you in one of the following days :vanora_xd:
Gotta get those perfect shots!

Same, I mean I've been turning dragons in to unrecognizable glitchy messes :'D
Just be sure that if you want to save it as gif you click the gif option, i made that mistake first time, oops.
Also while it's recording the gif you can still mess with sliders and it will be visible in the saved version as well!
I usually do too, although if i really like one i tend to stick with it a little longer haha.

Ah imvu, that's been a while
I tried checking a while ago but kinda all my accounts disappeared, lol
I liked the avi's but was kinda sad about the fact gaining credits (without buying or having to do those shady surveys was basically impossible)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/21 07:06:32 )
Ok so inb4 I forget about this thread, a new tiny batch of pics
theres more, much more
but uh, let's say there's a tiny chance I lost my phone again
I bet it's upstairs, ah well..
Here we go!


Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/17 20:22:58 )

@Siron: I hope you were able to find your phone.

Your stuff is pretty neat. Makes me want to go out and take pictures, heh. These are my absolute favorites:

These two aren't bad, either. Light flares are pretty fun to capture.

It's a damn shame the files shrunk in size when you transferred them, though.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/18 10:01:49 )
@Quoth the Raven: Some of my personal faves as well!
And same, not sure how it happened, I think they've been through two phones and a laptop so I think that may have caused 'the great shrink' :')
Glad you like them!
Also update

Sorry if there are duplicate pictures (some are simply alike but some uploaded twice so idk)

Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/18 21:14:00 )

@Siron: Do you take photos while you happen to be out and about, or do you specifically go out to get them? Also, that last wave is my favorite. There's actually a trail I used to walk that looks like the one in this photo:


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/19 15:03:37 )
@Quoth the Raven: First option! I take them whenever I have my phone with me and I'm out!
And thank you! I really like that one too, but I like lights at night a lot so if there's one thing I like taking pictures off when giving the chance it's going to be stuff like that.
Oh, that sounds nice, I have to say though the place where i took that is not one everyone would walk at night (well if you continue from there on)
it's water prevents you from crossing to the other side and there's no light (only very faintly somewhere across the water on the other side of the road)
I went to walk their with my dog but at some point had to 'signal' with my phone's flashlight that, y'know, there was a person walking there because a car drove there :')

Also I just noticed, but that is some adorable art on your profile! (Is your avi an OC, by any chance?)

Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/19 18:18:22 )

@Siron: Eh, no, it's just the first thing I threw together that I thought looked decent. Crowly did make some nice art of it in the MS Paint thread, though, so I figured I'd show it off, heh.
Your comment did sort of tempt me to make him one, but I already have so many, most of which still need fleshing out now that I think about it, so I probably won't.
What kind of dog do you have, by the way?


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/20 18:59:46 )
@Quoth the Raven: Ah, I get it! I feel *squints at army of oc's who still need work*, really do :')
Are they mostly fandom or mostly original/ from your own stories/plots etc? o:

And my dog is a mix between a Groenendaeler and a Bernese mountain dog!

He was a little smaller here though. And yes, he does look /way/ more like the Groenendaeler haha.

And there's also the family dog which is a brown labrador, one of the sweetest things around. ;v;
(mine is really sneaky, ate another 4 socks yesterday)
How about you, do you have any pets yourself?

Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/21 01:02:47 )

@Siron: Heh, the struggle is real. What kind of characters do you like creating?
And your dog is gorgeous! I had a couple of dogs in my childhood (never knew the breed, though), but now I own two cats. They're both domestic shorthairs. Unfortunately, I don't have any photos on hand of them to share.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/27 06:55:36 )
@Quoth the Raven: Usually ones fit for fantasy/dystopian/ (post) apocalyptic worlds.
I've got a ton but there's only a few that actually get most of my attention haha.
How about you?

And thank you! ;o;
Oh do you still remember what they looked like, or where they, possibly, mixed?
Cats are adorable! Well if you ever decide to post a pic of them I'd love to see them ;v;

Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/27 17:44:27 )

@Siron: Sorry, looks like I never answered this:
Are they mostly fandom or mostly original/ from your own stories/plots etc? o:

(Even now my memory insists that I did, to the point that I've checked 3 times now, but I definitely did not. My apologies. I probably answered a similar question somewhere else.) To answer your question, most of my characters are original and I use them in stories I've fabricated.
As to what kind of characters I like creating, I enjoy mythic humanoids. Most of my characters would be considered vampires, although I do have a siren I've been trying to flesh out.
Who would you consider to be your favorite character?

Honestly, it's been over 15 years, so my memory is pretty hazy. And I can't recall where I've left my photo albums, unfortunately. I'm definitely sure he was mixed, but he sort of reminded me of a Yorkshire Terrier? His fur was more on the shorter side, and he was all white.
And indeed they are, heh. I'll keep that in mind.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 16:12:33 )
@Quoth the Raven: Ah it's okay! And are talking solo written stories or in the form of rp'ing (maybe both?) o:
Vampires, make great characters, especially with so many takes of them you can easily make an unique vampire oc.

I usually find it hard to pic on in particular because some of my oc's kinda form this clique and It's hard to imagine them without each other.
One of my all time faves would be this angelic being who's name is my username, but shortened :')

That and her human counter part (long story, i still confuse myself with it) together with 3 of my apocalyptic oc's which would be:
A jolly, big, merchant named kenny, a very grumpy 'mercenary' named Leo(nardo) and this adventurous lass named Aki(ra)
But there's quite a lot I love dearly, even though not all their stories/ barely any are on paper.
I'd be cheating if i went on to create a list of my dearest haha.
However I just keep making them mistake of having everything in my head and never writing it down, rip.
Honestly, I make way too many, but it can't be helped.

How about you? Who is/ are your favorite(s)?
Is it, by any chance, a vampire?

And the dog sounds adorable! ;o;

Sorry if Reply late!
Please ping me!


Donator — Whatever Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/27 22:49:40 )

@Siron: Sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on recently and I'm not too sure if/when I'll be back.

Anyway, I technically haven't written anything with them; they're mostly just for fantasizing, I suppose. I'm not sure if I mentioned it earlier but lately I have been trying to write backstory and details of their world down so I can hopefully start roleplaying with them.

I completely understand the difficulty of choosing between interrelated characters. If I remember correctly, there were two periods of time where I actively created characters. The characters created in the second time period weren't supposed to be in the same universe as the ones created in the first one, but somehow I ended up having them interacting and now I can't fathom separating them.

What's the story behind that particular clique, if you don't mind me asking? Especially your username's namesake?
Also, I'm extremely fond of the name Leonardo, heh.
Will you ever write down your characters and their stories?
As for which characters are my favorite, those would be: Adrian, a florist in love with love, and Jordan, a practicing witch and loner siren.
Adrian has to put up with a ghost problem while Jordan has to deal with being thrust into a relationship, heh.
I'm not really big on romance to the point where I won't be roleplaying it, but at the very least I'll explore it with my characters.
Oh, as for a favorite vampire OC, I guess that would be Drake. He is my very first original character. He started off extremely wild but he's been tamed quite a bit. Currently he's dealing with having turned someone and ensuring they survive.


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