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Forums Wonderland It's Always Tea Time

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:08:49 )

Batsy Says. . .

@ishoji: thank you. i'll probably feel better by sometime this week.

and thanks. i am nervous but not super nervous cause i've been studying this subject for 2 years.

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:13:01 )

You can't see it in either of these but you can tell by his bangs lol
my fav pic that I somehow managed to take of him.
He loves juice and cake pops haha


Donator — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:18:42 )
@ishoji: Thanks I love the bear items!

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:25:44 )

@rainbowpanda: xD yeah, kids are cute when they're little...then they become troublesome lolol
ah hopefully he gets it cut soon then but awe he's so adorable I cant

@moodybats: that's good to hear and yeah you got this, it's normal to get nervous before an exam anyway

@noodle: pings got to get their things right xD but there's a price guide that might help? lolol

@miku: you're welcome xD and good thing they have some on here then

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:27:30 )

Batsy Says. . .

@ishoji: yeah true.
I just need to trust in my gut.
this will be my third exam. and if i pass it i get to graduate.

then i can work on the others.
though graduation isn't until the 24th of may.
so i still got time to sharpen my math skills to get all 4 done before then.
but i want to get this one done so i can reserve a cap and gown.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

Voltie — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:29:45 )

@ishoji: haha he can be troublesome but also very sweet and helpful.
My mom doesn't want his hair to get cut, she thinks it'll get curly again -_-
I knooow!


Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:38:17 )

@ishoji: Omg that's a long time!
How did you survive?! D:

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 05:05:31 )
Tea, yes. But what about tea with a shot of coffee? :vanora_xd:
See what conventions I'll be at next

Final Fantasy XV: Worst. Bachelor Party. EVER.

Donator — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 05:11:10 )
@ishoji: Yes bears are precious

Donator — SENPAI Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/6 14:02:46 )
@ishoji: I mean, you're not wrong.
One can never have enough buns.

TH | dA

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 00:23:42 )

@noodle: I woke up pretty late too actually but it felt so good to sleep in. lol

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 01:02:16 )

@noodle: Well go take a nap then? lol

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 01:43:41 )

@noodle: Good, good. -nods-
You're running around right now?

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 01:44:12 )

-sips tea as if I had been here the whole time-


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 03:49:42 )

Doing good. Just being everywhere, like I mentioned. ^_^


Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 03:54:37 )

@noodle: LMAO!
Well...yeah! I mean, you DID clean so therefore you deserve a break. -nods-

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 03:57:42 )

Noodle cleaned today too? I did that most of today myself.


Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 04:06:58 )

@noodle: Well we all deserve some break time every once in a while. Ugh that sounds pretty tiring, goodluck!
You'll totally deserve a break after that too!

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me here if you wanna!

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 04:09:27 )

Noodle -points to signature- I am a crazy dragon. ^_^
Insanity is where I live.
Yeah. We had to clean out the room downstairs, so that wasn't fun. But I did enjoy making my own room look nice.
Also made the girls clean up their room and get their stuff out of mine. Now I won't step on their stuff when I walk.


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/05/7 04:19:09 )

Yep, yep!
Yeah. The floor did need vacuumed too.
Yeah, I stepped on lego pieces just the other day.


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