Dragon: Its by Amazon. Its a device you talk to and it does stuff for you. Mostly I use it to play music and nature sounds. But you can tell it to order things off amazon for you, turn on an off bluetooth devices...I have my pandora and amazon unlimited music connected to it. At the start of each month it will tell me how many songs I played the previous month.
Dragon: I have amazon prime and pandora plus. So I make playlists on both..I have so many. And I can tell the Echo to play specific playlists. Its fun.
Man, my mother is freezing me out of the house. I had to go put pants on. >>
@Sassifrass: Ooh that sounds like fun. I was watching youtube, I forgot I was in the middle of a video. Ha. Right now I am a human Popsicle, that was forced to put on pants. After working in the heat all day I don't like wearing pants when I come home. xP
Donator — She/Crazy
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/7 02:41:47 )
Ah. I have Amazon Prime at the moment as well, though I have not checked out the music on there. Most songs I am looking for can be found on Spotify. Not all the anime based ones though or some parody versions.
That does sound neat!
@Sassifrass: I sleep with a comforter year round as well. Though the one I always sleep with, the guts have been deteriorating. So when I get cold I drag up my heaver one from the foot of my bed. I have to keep a fan going in my room because the heater in one of my fishtanks heats up the place.