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Forums Exchange The Mad Hat-Tea Store [Closed for Now]

Donator — UWU/ Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/8 03:36:17 )
@mad hatter:

Polka Dot Tailored Shirt - 3k? ouo
月の兎 ☆★☆ 鹿の光

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/11 19:35:10 )
*:..o()o..:*  *:..o()o..:*

Hiya! Can I buy that Fall Harvest?? :3


Voltie — Time 4 Tea Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/26 07:01:14 )
Apologies for my lateness

@inatlaka: Sorry, I made a mistake, let me ask Junko7 first since I only have one and they asked first

@Junko7: and @Kairu: and @SuperZombiePotatoe: are you guys still interested?

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/26 15:46:39 )
*:..o()o..:*  *:..o()o..:*

@mad hatter: Yes! But my funds have gone down a bit DX Could you wait till I get 12k again? I have 10 at the moment. Or alternatively I could offer you some ohms to go with the 10k?


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/27 03:54:41 )
@Mad Hatter:
yes i am still interested .:3

Voltie — Time 4 Tea Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/30 14:18:55 )
@SuperZombiePotatoe: Ohms work too XD whichever you prefer, honestly

@Junko7: I'll begin a trade then

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/30 20:03:39 )
*:..o()o..:*  *:..o()o..:*

@mad hatter: I have 11 700 volts so uhhhhh 20 ohms to make up the difference? I dunno how conversion works XD


Voltie — she/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/30 20:37:39 )
@Mad Hatter: Could I get Queen of Hearts and Seafloor Fashionista for 6k please? Spent my volts but I'll be back!
~Instagram! Twitter!~

A Big Ole Quest Thread

Ping me, I'm easily distracted

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/31 02:23:50 )
*:..o()o..:*  *:..o()o..:*

@mad hatter: Ah! I see I have 12k now XD I'll start a trade :3


Voltie Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/05/31 02:24:30 )
@Mad Hatter:
nvm i sent my half of the trade /D

done by xvz

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/1 22:21:36 )
**** (> ^ w ^ <) ****

@Mad Hatter: Hi there, can I buy Libra and Pisces for 6k volts? If they are still available?

Donator — They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/06/7 05:05:46 )

@Mad Hatter: Hiya! May I buy your Fall Harvest for the 12k v?


Voltie — Time 4 Tea Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/2 10:00:16 )
Hoo boy it's been a while since I checked on here. Please give me a while to check what I still have and I'll get back to everyone who posted if they still want.

I just need to check on a bigger screen XD

Voltie — Time 4 Tea Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/2 10:09:35 )
@ChiffonOrange: Are you still interested? They are both still available

@skettiyeti: Apologies for the delay, unfortunately my Fall Harvest is gone, I'll update my front page as soon as I can, apologies.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/2 14:01:05 )
**** (> o . o <) ****

@Mad Hatter: Sorry for the late reply! Yes, I am still interested *nods* I'll start trading 6k volts to you asap

Voltie — Time 4 Tea Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/2 15:10:41 )
@ChiffonOrange: it's I who was late in responding haha, don't worry. Thank you for buying

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/3 03:39:39 )
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Mad Hatter: Are you still selling Chemically Powered ??

"They keep their secrets locked inside."

Voltie — Time 4 Tea Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/5 08:49:36 )
@0v7: Yes, indeed I am, just 1 remaining though

Who am I, you ask?

Signature Art by Mica

Voltie — He/Him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/5 16:14:45 )
"Don't ask your questions to the wall..."

@Mad Hatter: May I buy it? c:

"They keep their secrets locked inside."
I quit Voltra. Read my profile.

Donator — he/him Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/08/5 17:42:03 )

@Mad Hatter: May I buy Snowboarder, Year of the Snake, and Unique Oversized Mug, please? o:

Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


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