Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past
Maddie sat up when she heard a response, and blinked again. The familiar voice reached her ears once more. Clint. Clint had found her, and brought her to his home? She wasn't mad.. She was surprised to say the least. Maddie held her head as if it would stop the spinning. "I remember you.. I used to watch the elementary kids play outside, some years ago.. You used to talk with me every time you saw me. I know it was you.." Maddie began speaking without really knowing why. She was shaking slightly, but not from being cold, maybe she was starting to run a fever?
"Please help me.." She murmured just loud enough for him to hear. "I'm so tired of running.." Maddie still didn't know why she was even talking. Why would he help her now, after she blatantly turned him down before? Either way, whatever she drank was definitely messing with her.
The stove clicked off and Clint walked out into view. He used to talk to her? He didn't remember that, but if it was elementary school then it was no wonder he forgot. That was so many years ago. He was impressed that she had managed to remember though. "Elementary school..that was such a long time ago. I'm surprised you can remember so far back. Now you're here and you're asking for my help. Last time I tried helping you I was told to back off and to stop worrying about you. Yet now I'm hearing the total opposite." His arms were crossed across his chest, a concerned look on his face. Why the sudden change? What was she hiding from? Who was she running from.
Getting close to her, Clint knelt down in front of her and looked at her face carefully. He watched as she held her head and shivered. "Cold?" He asked, reaching out and wrapping the blanket close around her. "Let's see.." Reaching out, his hand rested on her forehead for a split second before he pulled it away. "Fever.." Clint said quietly and stood then left to the kitchen and returned with a wet rag which he folded and placed on her forehead. "Lie down. You need to rest."
Getting close to her, Clint knelt down in front of her and looked at her face carefully. He watched as she held her head and shivered. "Cold?" He asked, reaching out and wrapping the blanket close around her. "Let's see.." Reaching out, his hand rested on her forehead for a split second before he pulled it away. "Fever.." Clint said quietly and stood then left to the kitchen and returned with a wet rag which he folded and placed on her forehead. "Lie down. You need to rest."
Maddie lowered her gaze when the male spoke. "Something you said made me remember.." She murmured quietly. Maybe she should just leave.. He was right. What right did she have in asking him for help, now? How could she even explain what was going on in the first place? He might end up shunning her like the rest of them! Trying to push passed the thought, she raised her eyes when he spoke. Rest? Didn't she just wake up from falling out? She lied down anyway, curling up on the couch and snuggling closer to the blanket he had covered her with. "I know what I said.. I thought.. I didn't want y-you to get hurt.. You- you don't even know me.. M-maybe I should just tell you, who I am.. T-then you can d-decide if you want to..or not..?" She tried talking without the stuttering, but the shivering made it rather difficult, and she was asking him really- if that was fair.
Clint stared at Maddie as she spoke, but he just lifted a hand and shook his head. "You can tell me anything you want once you're all better. You have a fever so let's focus on that first before we focus on anything else Maddie." He told her then left and came back with a few things. Setting them down on his coffee table, he slipped a thermometer into her mouth. "No talking." he told her then left once more and returned with a bowl of cold water. Setting it down, he took the rag from her forehead and dropped it in the bowl of water. With a small dry cloth, he dabbed some rubbing alcohol on it and carefully rubbed it on her forehead. "Weird I know, but it's a family thing and it works." Clint explained, knowing she would have questions. Removing the smaller cloth, Clint reached for the rag in the water and made sure to get rid of the excess water then gently placed the now folded rag on her forehead once more. When the thermometer beeped, Clint pulled it out and checked the temperature. "Well it's bad, but it will go down soon enough."
Maddie blinked when he spoke, but only nodded her head some. She blinked again when he put the thermometer in her mouth, and glanced at him curiously. She lifted her head slightly as he left, careful not to cause the rag on her head to fall off, and lowered her head back down when he returned. She was even more confused when he put the rubbing alcohol on her forehead, but seeing as she couldn't talk with thermometer in her mouth, she only watched him like a curious child would. Once the thermometer beeped, and was removed, she shyly pulled the blanket up over her mouth a little. Part of her issue now was, she hadn't had anyone actually care for her like he was doing now- not even as a child. So, she really didn't know what to do with herself.
Clint looked at Maddie and tilted his head to the side. "You okay Maddie?" he asked and chuckled. "Still freaked out about the rubbing alcohol? I can understand, it is pretty strange isn't it?" He asked then looked to the kitchen and back at her. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?" As far as he was concerned, she was a guest in his house starting right now. He knew how to treat a guest, he wanted her to feel welcome even though she was more frightened than anything. "Don't worry, you're safe here. No one is going to find you here. And even if someone asks for you, I'm not throwing you under the bus."
Maddie shook her head lightly after he spoke, and slowly lowered the blanket so she could speak. "The alcohol didn't bother me.. It's to help bring down the fever, right?" She asked curiously in a quiet voice. At the mention of food, and just as she was going to decline the offer, her stomach growled, which caused her to avert her eyes as a dark blush colored her cheeks. When the last time she actually had a decent meal? "I've never had anyone treat me like this.. Everyone's always treated me like an outcast, even my parents.." She voiced quietly, pressing her lips together. Maddie glanced at him again and slowly sat up some, not much though, since she didn't want the rag to fall off.
"Do you.." She started to ask before stopping herself and averting her eyes once more. "I'm not sure how to ask this.. So, I just tell you I'm not a picky eater." She murmured, a bit embarrassed by not knowing how to talk to someone asking if she was hungry.
"Do you.." She started to ask before stopping herself and averting her eyes once more. "I'm not sure how to ask this.. So, I just tell you I'm not a picky eater." She murmured, a bit embarrassed by not knowing how to talk to someone asking if she was hungry.
Clint nodded, "Yes it is. Sometimes people rub it on the soles of their feet but we stick to the forehead method." He answered. Clint could tell she wasn't exactly relaxed right now. She seemed out of place here which wasn't exactly a good thing. "Really?" He was surprised to hear her say that she wasn't used to being treated with respect and kindness. It seemed strange that not even her own parents treated her properly. "Well I'm not your parents or anyone else. I'm Clint and I'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated." He told her honestly. He would treat her with respect like she was supposed to be treated.
"Not a picky eater?" Clint smiled, well this was good to know actually. "Alright then, just rest here and I'll make us both something to eat." Walking off to the kitchen, he resumed on making the dinner. He thought she would be very hungry, who knew when was the last time she had actually eaten food that was good for her. He made some white rice with broccoli, soy sauce, and chicken breast. Would she be able to eat it all? "You can set the rag in the bowl of water for now while you eat. You can eat there on the couch it's fine but if you prefer to eat at the table, that's fine too."
"Not a picky eater?" Clint smiled, well this was good to know actually. "Alright then, just rest here and I'll make us both something to eat." Walking off to the kitchen, he resumed on making the dinner. He thought she would be very hungry, who knew when was the last time she had actually eaten food that was good for her. He made some white rice with broccoli, soy sauce, and chicken breast. Would she be able to eat it all? "You can set the rag in the bowl of water for now while you eat. You can eat there on the couch it's fine but if you prefer to eat at the table, that's fine too."
She smirked lightly when he told she was right about the alcohol on the forehead thing. Maddie actually smiled a little at his next set of words. "Thank you, Clint." She said quietly . She watched him curiously as he went off to finish the supper he had abandoned to care for her, the aroma mentally making her mouth water, before the food was even finished. To have a home cooked meal like this.. Surely, she'd enjoy every bit of it.
She took the rag off her forehead and set it inside the bowl of water, like he had said, and slowly sat up some more, so she could actually eat. Maddie shook her head when he mentioned eating at the table would be fine, as well as sitting in the couch. "I think I'll stay right here." She mused quietly, not feeling strong enough to get up from the couch. Plus, she was comfy.
She took the rag off her forehead and set it inside the bowl of water, like he had said, and slowly sat up some more, so she could actually eat. Maddie shook her head when he mentioned eating at the table would be fine, as well as sitting in the couch. "I think I'll stay right here." She mused quietly, not feeling strong enough to get up from the couch. Plus, she was comfy.
Clint busied himself and serving them each dinner in a plate and poured them each something to drink. Since she was sick, he thought some water would be fine for the time being. "You're welcome Maddie. I'm just glad I'm able to help. Here, I hope you enjoy and I'm giving you water for now. Once your fever is broken, then you can drink sweet drinks if you want." He explained while setting a tray with her food and drink down carefully in front of her. "Eat up. And if you can't finish it that's okay."
He too decided to sit on an arm chair in the living room to keep her company. If her fever wasn't broken by tomorrow morning, he'd call in sick or something. He didn't want to leave her alone. Especially not when she wasn't feeling her best.
He too decided to sit on an arm chair in the living room to keep her company. If her fever wasn't broken by tomorrow morning, he'd call in sick or something. He didn't want to leave her alone. Especially not when she wasn't feeling her best.
Maddie nodded some as he spoke, and mentioned giving her water for now. That was fine, she didn't really drink soda or anything, since she couldn't afford anything but free water most days. Unless she was lucky enough to get some customers for her 'fortune readings' . After all, she only charged a single dollar. She straightened up once he set the tray of food down and thanked him for the meal (again) before taking a bite and trying some. Her multi-colored blue eyes stared at the food on the tray in amazement, and after that, it didn't take her too long to eat most of the meal. Even with her taking her time eating, she finished well before Clint, and drank some of her water. When was the last time she had a meal so fresh?
The sat for a moment, to allow her stomach a break and leaned back against the the couch some. She fully intended on finishing her meal completely, but maybe she should wait to eat the rest.. Since she wasn't feeling well? Debating the choices was perfectly shown on her face for a moment, before she sighed quietly and covered back up with the blanket, and leaned back so she wasn't laying down. She just ate! "It was very good, but I don't think I can eat anymore right now.." She murmured quietly, glancing at him curiously.
The sat for a moment, to allow her stomach a break and leaned back against the the couch some. She fully intended on finishing her meal completely, but maybe she should wait to eat the rest.. Since she wasn't feeling well? Debating the choices was perfectly shown on her face for a moment, before she sighed quietly and covered back up with the blanket, and leaned back so she wasn't laying down. She just ate! "It was very good, but I don't think I can eat anymore right now.." She murmured quietly, glancing at him curiously.
Clint began to eat his dinner calmly while deep in thought. How much longer was she supposed to run? Now, he wasn't a big scary guy, no. He was just a mechanic but he could probably tell whoever it was that was chasing her to back off. Maybe even get the police involved. Maybe not. Glancing at Maddie, he was glad that she was eating at least. She needed some real food in her system. Nothing beat a home cooked meal. It was funny, he didn't know how to cook growing up but he knew he needed to learn eventually, so he did.
"Good to know you enjoyed it and it's okay, you're full and that's good." Clint said then drank some water and looked at her, still pretty worried. "How are you feeling? A little better since you woke up?"
"Good to know you enjoyed it and it's okay, you're full and that's good." Clint said then drank some water and looked at her, still pretty worried. "How are you feeling? A little better since you woke up?"
Maddie could pretty see it on his face which or he ate, that he was deep and n thought, but she didn't ask. She thought he was thinking about how she showed up so close to his house. Nodding lightly, she smirked some and averted her eyes briefly when he asked if she was feeling any better. She felt better since eating a proper meal, but her head was still scrambled, and she was still running a fever. "Still about the same.. But the shivering stopped, at least. I think your cooking did that though." She murmured quietly. It wouldn't do her any good to lie to him.
Her mind wandered and tried to think back on what happened.. She wouldn't know if she had been poisoned until morning, if that was even the case. Maddie sat up and took a drink from her water, then curled up under the blanket.
Her mind wandered and tried to think back on what happened.. She wouldn't know if she had been poisoned until morning, if that was even the case. Maddie sat up and took a drink from her water, then curled up under the blanket.
Clint was happy to know she stopped shivering, but looking at her it was easy to see she was still anything but healthy. Finishing up his food and drink, he took his dishes to the sink and washed his hands then walked back and placed the cool wet rag on Maddie's forehead. "Don't worry, you won't have to sleep on the couch. It isn't the most comfortable. I have an extra room you can stay at for now. Don't worry about anything, just focus on getting better. I won't be going to work tomorrow I'm sure, so I'll be here to look after you and then we can talk if you want to. If you don't want to talk though, that's fine too." While Clint was curious to know what the hell happened, he didn't want to force her to talk either. He was more concerned with her health at the moment.
Maddie shook her head lightly when he mentioned a guest room. Not unless he was planning on carrying her. She didn't think she could make it far from the couch. "The couch is more comfortable than what I was sleeping on before.." She murmured quietly in a calm voice. Slowly, she felt her eyelids grow heavy and slid closed and soon fell asleep right there on the couch. Despite her effort to stay awake a bit longer, her consciousness faded with the feeling of being safe and comfortable.
She'd probably be passed out until morning.
She'd probably be passed out until morning.
Maddie was out like a light, and Clint didn't want to disturb her. Hopefully she'd feel better the next day. To keep himself busy, Clint put away her leftovers then washed the dishes and then went back to finishing up folding the laundry. Anything really to kill time since he wasn't exactly tired. Every so often, he'd go check on Maddie to make sure she was fine. She still felt warm but at least she wasn't shivering anymore. So many questions, she was a mysterious girl but she had told him that he used to talk to her back when they were much younger. Had they been friends before? Was that why he was helping her subconsciously? Because he knew who she was?
As it got later, the laundry was folded and put away. Doors were locked, lights were turned off and Maddie was carried off to the guest bedroom where she was laid in bed and tucked in. The wet rag was placed on her forehead after more rubbing alcohol had been rubbed on her forehead. "Sleep well Maddie." Clint closed her door behind him and headed to his own room then to get some needed sleep.
As it got later, the laundry was folded and put away. Doors were locked, lights were turned off and Maddie was carried off to the guest bedroom where she was laid in bed and tucked in. The wet rag was placed on her forehead after more rubbing alcohol had been rubbed on her forehead. "Sleep well Maddie." Clint closed her door behind him and headed to his own room then to get some needed sleep.
Maddie continued to sleep pretty hard even as Clint did his thing around the house, she didn't so much as twitch. She did have a really weird dream, kind of like a flash back to where she was a kid again and stalking the elementary school.
When she woke, it was early afternoon, just a little before lunch, and she was damp with a cold sweat, mostly her forehead. Her multicolored eyes slowly fluttered open. Her fever had dropped some but she was still warm, and her head was pounding! Where was she? She vaguely remembered being at Clint's house.. But hadn't she fell asleep on the couch? Maybe he moved her.. Placing a hand on the side of her head and willing the pain away, she stared up at the ceiling. Some of the things she had remembered about him, were cloudy.
When she woke, it was early afternoon, just a little before lunch, and she was damp with a cold sweat, mostly her forehead. Her multicolored eyes slowly fluttered open. Her fever had dropped some but she was still warm, and her head was pounding! Where was she? She vaguely remembered being at Clint's house.. But hadn't she fell asleep on the couch? Maybe he moved her.. Placing a hand on the side of her head and willing the pain away, she stared up at the ceiling. Some of the things she had remembered about him, were cloudy.
That morning, Clint snuck into Maddie's room and replaced the rag with a fresh one then left to let her continue sleeping. He busied himself with making breakfast and called his work to inform the boss that he wouldn't be able to make it today. "Something came up. It's personal but I'll be there tomorrow for sure." Clint didn't like missing a work day, that was one less pay day. Money was important, needed to pay for bills and other things. He wasn't rich like other people around.
He had enjoyed his breakfast and around lunch time, went to check in on Maddie again. "Oh, you're awake now. How'd you sleep?" Clint asked her. Approaching her, he rested his hand on her forehead and sighed. "Well it's gone down quite a bit but it's still lingering there. This is quite a serious fever but you'll be better in no time. "How are you feeling, have any pain anywhere?" He asked her quietly. Friends or strangers, he was going to look out for her. "I don't have work today, so I'm all ears if you want to talk."
He had enjoyed his breakfast and around lunch time, went to check in on Maddie again. "Oh, you're awake now. How'd you sleep?" Clint asked her. Approaching her, he rested his hand on her forehead and sighed. "Well it's gone down quite a bit but it's still lingering there. This is quite a serious fever but you'll be better in no time. "How are you feeling, have any pain anywhere?" He asked her quietly. Friends or strangers, he was going to look out for her. "I don't have work today, so I'm all ears if you want to talk."
Maddie blinked when the door opened and Clint came to check on her. She waited until he had removed his hand from her forehead before sitting up. Bad idea. Maddie but the inside of her cheek when her headache pounded against her skull from moving. That's about the time he mentioned her fever had gone down, but was still there. "I slept..better than any night on the street.." She murmured quietly, lowering her eyes some. "I have a migraine.." She voiced quietly, keeping her eyes lowered. He was doing this for her because she was sick, even though he didn't know who she was. She wanted him to remember. She wanted to remember more. Was it the drug making her feel like this?
"I.. When I was a child.. I always had nightmares, involving the people I had met prior and the events of that nightmare always happened. I told my mother and she said I was gifted.. My father thought I was insane, so he took me out of school before I ever started. My mother passed some years later and my father blamed me.. He wanted to lock me up so I ran away from home. Shortly after, is when I noticed the kids playing outside in the school yard. Some kids were playing kickball and the ball went to far, I ended up getting hit, and a young boy brought me an ice pack.." Maddie's eyes softened as she spoke, not knowing why she was even telling him anything. Though, that young boy was him. It was Clint, and she knew it. "We had become friends.. He was always sneaking away during recess just to talk to me.." She had ended up gripping the bed sheets as hot tears gathered in her eyes against her will. She'd been alone for so long.. Why was she remembering something like this from her childhood? And why was she getting all teary-eyed over it?
Maddie shook her head lightly to clear her head, and quickly wiped away the tears. "I'm sorry.. I guess acting tough isn't easy all the time.." She murmured quietly.
"I.. When I was a child.. I always had nightmares, involving the people I had met prior and the events of that nightmare always happened. I told my mother and she said I was gifted.. My father thought I was insane, so he took me out of school before I ever started. My mother passed some years later and my father blamed me.. He wanted to lock me up so I ran away from home. Shortly after, is when I noticed the kids playing outside in the school yard. Some kids were playing kickball and the ball went to far, I ended up getting hit, and a young boy brought me an ice pack.." Maddie's eyes softened as she spoke, not knowing why she was even telling him anything. Though, that young boy was him. It was Clint, and she knew it. "We had become friends.. He was always sneaking away during recess just to talk to me.." She had ended up gripping the bed sheets as hot tears gathered in her eyes against her will. She'd been alone for so long.. Why was she remembering something like this from her childhood? And why was she getting all teary-eyed over it?
Maddie shook her head lightly to clear her head, and quickly wiped away the tears. "I'm sorry.. I guess acting tough isn't easy all the time.." She murmured quietly.
"Yes, well I can imagine that a bed is much comfier than the streets." She had a migraine, he had pills for that which he'd gladly bring to her. Before he could get up to leave however, she started to tell him her story. Clint sat on the edge of the bed and listened to her the way any good friend would. She had such a troubled past and never once did she get any form of help it seemed. Instead she ran away and this is where she was now because of that choice. "Oh Maddie.." Clint sighed and shook his head. "I'm very sorry you had to live through that. I can't imagine why any parent would do such a thing. I'm not sure I would have run away, but that does sound like it was your only way out." He explained and politely smiled at her. "Hey now, it's not their fault they were better at kicking the ball than I was." He commented. "Now, now Maddie, don't cry. It's okay. It's in the past, and none of that makes you a bad person for doing what you did. You ran away because that was your only option. Maybe you had no one else to turn to that would understand you. Shame really...had I known I would have asked my parents to take you in. You would have been safe at home with us. But...well you're here now and that's what matters right?" He asked, running his fingers through his hair.
"Acting tough is never easy, but there is nothing wrong with trying to be strong in your weakest moments. It shows great character, I think so anyway. Being strong is the reason you're still here. You're alive, you've survived so much because of it. You've gone through something that I don't think any child should ever have to go through. You were tough from the very beginning though." He said and left only to come back with some warm tea and some pills. "Here, these are for your migraine. They should help. Are you hungry?" He asked. She needed to eat something eventually. Especially after taking any sort of medicine.
"Acting tough is never easy, but there is nothing wrong with trying to be strong in your weakest moments. It shows great character, I think so anyway. Being strong is the reason you're still here. You're alive, you've survived so much because of it. You've gone through something that I don't think any child should ever have to go through. You were tough from the very beginning though." He said and left only to come back with some warm tea and some pills. "Here, these are for your migraine. They should help. Are you hungry?" He asked. She needed to eat something eventually. Especially after taking any sort of medicine.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.