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Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 22:51:24 )

Callie sighed lightly, having no idea what it was that she could do here was certainly unpleasant. She knew that she couldn't just run though, that'd make it even worse if this wasn't a pleasant situation. All the while, she was racking her brain, trying to figure out waht it was that her father had taught her about these guys... if he had. She was sure he would have, since she knew she as on Tevash, but beyond that, she had no idea.

Nothing was coming to mind for this.

And it was pissing her off. She ade sure to keep that little detail hidden though.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 23:09:13 )
After about a minute, she recalled SOMETHING that her father had said.

She remembered that this tribe was known as the Kynba tribe, and that they revered nature and the planet they lived on. And that they were VERY suspicious of outsiders.

However, just as she remembered this, she felt something in her neck. Something that felt like a sharp sting.

When she brought her hand up to see what it was, she pulled out what looked to be a dart... sure enough, from a blowpipe that one of the tribesmen was holding to their mouth.

And that's when everything around her started to swim and become dark.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 23:14:42 )

There was only one thing going through her head before the darkness engulfed her.

Oh... fuck She knew she was in deep, and that this would take some sort of miracle to reverse. She was likely to end up dead here, adn she had no idea how to avoid it.


Meanwhile one of the clan members made their way into a larger hut, that seemed far more regal - when compared to everything else there - than the rest. When they asked for entrance and stepped in, they relayed to the one in there, who was in the middle of a conversation with someone, tha thtey were sorry for interrupting... and that an intruder had been caught. They then inquired as to whether or not they were to attend the sacrifice of them, for they realised that the one that they were speaking to was more important.

Of course, this was all in their own tongue.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 23:37:15 )
The people that were in the hut, that were having the conversation, appeared to be the elder of the tribe, and another individual that looked completely different.

He was taller, had paler skin, and his ears were pointed, like an elf's.

"My apologies, but I fear that I must attend this sacrifice." the elder said to their guest. "Besides, you seem to look a little out-of-sorts." they then commented.

The elven individual was silent for a moment, before he shook his head.

"Ah, it's... it's all right." he replied. "May I attend this as well?" he asked, using their own tongue, to which he was quite fluent in.

"We would be honoured!" the elder replied.

'What is this feeling?' the elf thought. 'I sense... something. Something... familiar, but at the same time... I have no idea what...' he thought further, as he looked out the door of the hut.

Meanwhile, Calysta had woken up, to find herself in a crude stone cage. But even though it was crude, escape was impossible. She also noticed that she was suspended about 4 feet above the ground, and that below her appeared to be a large fire pit, which the tribe had just filled with twigs, grass, and kindling.

And now they were standing around it, with torches in their hands, as though waiting for something.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 23:57:25 )

Callie was completely silent as she watched what it was that was happening beneath her. She had no idea what to make of it, and certainly couldn't hope to figure it out.

All she knew for the moment, was the fire that would be lit below her was not something she wanted to deal with. She knew what would come nex.t

Off to the side, she could see pipe like thing that would be affixed to the bottom of the cage she was in. It was made with help from the EArth Elemental several generations ago, and she knew what it was for. Once the fire was lit and nice and smokey, that would be affixed, and... would funnel the smoke right into where she was. It was how they did it. Whenever there was an intruder, they would kill whomever it was that was found in a sacrificial manner.

And in this situation.. her magic would do nothing to save her.

Ah shit...


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 00:34:51 )
Just then, she saw more figures approaching. One was the messenger from earlier, one was the elder, and the third was the completely different, elven one.

The elf looked at Calysta, trapped in her cage, and froze when he saw her.

'What the!?' he thought, as the elder continued.

Once they had approached the others, they started to say something. It was long-winded and seemed to drone on, and even though she couldn't understand it, she could guess it was a prayer of sorts.

Just as they were finishing, the torches were brought to the kindling, and the fire was lit.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 00:51:04 )

Callie avoided looking as terrified as she was feeling. This was not a way that she wanted to die, and she was starting to wonder if maybe having been caught by Vyran had actually been the better option.

Seemed she was destined to die regardless.

Well... at least this way, it fucks with his plans. She thought before sighing as she just sat where she was, leaning against the stone behind her. She knew that it was a matter of time, after all. Her ice could do very little here, since she wasn't overheating or anything.

It didn't take too long. It seemed they used something that was likely boosted by the natural magic in the air, or the earth, to increase the effects fo the smoke. That was something that really did not play in her favour, as well.

After about ten minutes, she had her head titled back against the stone behind her, as she tried to keep herself conscious, and tried to ignore the burn that she was feeling in her ches.t

. . . I guess... this is it... She thought as the darkness at the edges of her senses, her awareness, was creeping closer.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 01:23:39 )
Just as she felt the darkness creeping in, she heard a voice.

It was frantic, and it was panicked. She couldn't understand a word of it, but swore she heard 'Vyran'.

However, the darkness crept further and further in, and she felt the world become black once more, before she could hear any more.

When she awakened again, she wasn't where she expected to be. She thought she'd be in some sort of afterlife, but instead, she was in a bed.

A primitive bed. Odds are in one of the huts in the village.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 01:26:55 )

Callie woke with a start before looking around as she sat up.

"I..." she started before looking to her hands.

"The hell?" She asked the air, knowing she wouldn't get an answer. She couldn't figure out what had happened, precisely. She knew that she was about to die, or at least that had been her susppicion. The last she recalled, it wouldn't be long before she died after that... and then she was there.

She had no idea how she survived that, or what she'd heard being yelled.

Without dwelling on it for too long, she got to her feet carefully, as she wasn't the steadiest for the moment. Her balance was still a little funky, but she was able to make her way to the door and out of the hut before looking around, curious and puzzled.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 01:42:28 )
When she looked around, she saw them milling about again, until one saw her.

He then called out excitedly, which started a chain of them relaying the message from one to the next. And that had led to a bad time, last it happened.

However, before she had a chance to consider running away, or trying to, they quieted down, and seemed to back away a bit from the elf that was approaching, making a clear path for him.

He smiled when he was close to her, and then sighed.

"Sorry about that." he said in english, to her surprise.

"I'm glad I was here at the time, and managed to get them to stop before you died." he commented.

"Here." he then said, handing her a water skin.

"Don't worry, it's water. And it's perfectly clean, as well as ice cold." he assured her.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 01:52:14 )

Callie was completely silent as they whispered to each other. She had no idea what to make of this, and certainly didn't know how to react. As the elf approached, spoke, and handed her the skin, she was silent.

She didn't say anything before lowering herself to her knees and sitting back. She didn't look up at him, as in the grand scheme of things... She was beneath him. Elves were revered by most on adaminia, humans were looked down upon by many as well. If she were to not greet him in such a way, especially since his words implied that he was the reason she was still alive, she knew it would not look good.

"You should not have spared the life of this lowly human, but I thank you for your kindness." She hated putting herself out like this.... And absolutely despised how elves expected this shit, but she did not let that show.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 02:13:34 )
"Ah?" the elf stammered, before shaking his head some.

"Ah... ah... please..." he said. "Please don't... do that." he told her.

"Seriously, don't. I hate it." he muttered, clearly flustered and embarrassed, as his tone suggested, and his red face showed.

"Just... look, I get it. And I guess you have to look good in front of the tribe, but... just... just stand up, okay?" he asked, looking around once more.

"Seriously. I'm no better than you, despite what this world has to say." he then said further.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 02:19:37 )

She was silent for a moment before getting to her feet, as he'd requested.

"All right." She said.

"I was taught to always greet others properly, and respectfully." She then added.

"Why did you save me, though?" She then asked, her voice curious.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 02:39:04 )
"That's fine and all, but... you don't really have to do that with me." he responded.

"Just... yeah, don't. I'm not... I mean I don't... well..." he stammered, before shaking his head a little, and sighing deeply.

"Right. Why I saved you." he said.

"Well, firstly, I could just tell you meant no harm." he told her. "Judging from your clothing, you've been spending a LOT of time on Earth." he continued.

"And... I just felt like I ought to." he went on.

"Like, if I didn't, then ultimately, things would be easier for Vyran." he then said. "It'd be delayed, but... in the long run, easier." he finished.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 02:46:09 )

Callie was silent for a moment.

"My name is Calysta." She told him. "Most people call me Callie though."

"And .... I have to be honest. While up in that stone enclosure, I was actually debating if it was better to die via them... or via Vyran. He's the one that technically brought me back here." She added before sighing.

"Well, he tried... til I hijacked the rift."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 03:23:13 )
"I'm Adamar." the elf replied.

"Or 'Adam', as I go by in Earth-land." he said.

"And... yeah, while I can see that line of thinking, and somewhat agree with it... it would ultimately create more problems in the future." he lamented.

"And you... hijacked the rift?" he asked her.

"Huh." he said.

"Not may people know how to do such a thing."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 03:29:51 )

"My dad was teaching me how to create one before ... well, he went missing." Callie told h im honestly.

"I never fully learned." She then said with a sigh.

"But... that's life I suppose. So now I'm looking for him, and was dragged here - although I'm 99% sure that Vyran is why he's missing, meaning that chances are the man ain't alive, unfortunately." She paused a moment.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be running my mouth like this." Was the next thing she said with a small shake of her head.

"I'm just relieved that you and I share a language. I know a bunch of them from here, but... apparently not theirs."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 03:48:42 )
Adam just chuckled lightly.

"No worries." he replied.

"And yeah, their language is... pretty obscure." he told her.

"I just happen to know it because of special circumstances." he admitted.

"Anyway, want that drink?" he asked her, offering the skin once more.

"Odds are your system could use a bit of relief from earlier." he reasoned.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 03:51:27 )

Callie paused, having completely forgotten about the skin.

"Oh, right." She said.

"Thank you." followed after she'd accepted it and taken a drink.

"So where on Tevash am I? I just... know I was thrown out in a forest, not even a clearing.' She then said as she handed the skin back

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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 04:04:52 )
"Ah?" Adam muttered, taking it back.

"Oh, this is the forest of Hylexis." he told her.

The Forest of Hylexis was known as such, mostly because the root system was complex and twisted, like a snake or a hydra. And any attempt to cut down or destroy the forest, merely caused it to grow back quicker, and denser.

It was also the home to the Shrine of Nature.

"I'd say welcome, but the forest hasn't been very welcoming as of late." he then mumbled.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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