— The Dude
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 23:37:15 )
The people that were in the hut, that were having the conversation, appeared to be the elder of the tribe, and another individual that looked completely different.
He was taller, had paler skin, and his ears were pointed, like an elf's.
"My apologies, but I fear that I must attend this sacrifice." the elder said to their guest. "Besides, you seem to look a little out-of-sorts." they then commented.
The elven individual was silent for a moment, before he shook his head.
"Ah, it's... it's all right." he replied. "May I attend this as well?" he asked, using their own tongue, to which he was quite fluent in.
"We would be honoured!" the elder replied.
'What is this feeling?' the elf thought. 'I sense... something. Something... familiar, but at the same time... I have no idea what...' he thought further, as he looked out the door of the hut.
Meanwhile, Calysta had woken up, to find herself in a crude stone cage. But even though it was crude, escape was impossible. She also noticed that she was suspended about 4 feet above the ground, and that below her appeared to be a large fire pit, which the tribe had just filled with twigs, grass, and kindling.
And now they were standing around it, with torches in their hands, as though waiting for something.