Velvet Wattson was so consumed by her own thoughts that she didn't notice the clock. She had been waiting at her favorite cafe, Aromatic Delights, for a while, but hadn't yet drank from her bubble tea. That wasn't good etiquette. A figure approached her table while a capybara underneath nuzzled her legs to give comfort.
"Velvet? Are you alright?" Vontell's voice caused her to physically jump, however, and nearly fall back out of her seat.
"Vontell! Oh, yeah... of course. I ordered you something," she squeaked out but glanced aside. "One of those seasonal drinks. They said it was expensive, but whatever," she arched a brow with a playful smirk. "Money's no object when it's between friends, right? It's not like I'm trying to bribe you or anything."
Vontell caught the reference and took his seat in shame, "Yes, you are most correct. My thanks, Velvet. I apologize if you have been waiting long." He smiled sheepishly.
She wanted to say 'yeah, I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up' but she didn't. Besides, he was exactly on time. "No, not really. Oh, I see you brought Leo!" She perked up a bit and gave the animal a small smile with a caress of his cheeks. "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy! I should have noticed you right away!" She let out a rare giggle but then noticed the writer's smile in her direction and coughed abruptly. "Ahem, I mean. Why'd you call me out here so suddenly?"
"Ah, about that..." He frowned while searching for the right words to say next. "When I saw you last, I grew concerned. You seemed distraught, and it felt like a familiar brand of misery. It has claimed me, too, and I hope to be of assistance to you during this time."
Was he telling the truth? She took the first sip of her tea, then, and chewed on the straw as if mulling it over. "You're not the only person to offer me help, Vontell," she looked away. "At least I could see their lies coming, but you hurt me and still haven't made it up." The bitter voice of her younger self bubbled up within her. The combined jeers of rich status-driven 'friends' formed an ugly sound.
The writer knew it would come to this. He bowed his head deeply in forgiveness, "Velvet, words cannot even begin to express how truly sorry I am. That is why I must show you action born of sincerity!" He gazed into her eyes with resolve, and she found it more difficult to stay mad. Just a bit, though.
"So what," she clicked her tongue. "You're going to force me to accept your help? I'm sure it's just your reputation that matters, anyway. Don't worry." Her voice dropped low, "I won't tell anyone what happened."
"No," he shook his head and stood. "You must understand you are not alone, Velvet. You have friends in Voltra who care about you beyond fashion and status. I did whatever it took during Blackout to rescue Vivienne, but my course of action was a grave mistake that tore you asunder..." His voice trailed off and for the first time, he might have been at a loss. "You may cast me aside and that will be entirely within your right, but I promise to make amends. To show you that in my mind, Velvet Wattson is just as treasured a companion as Vivienne Harper."[/color]
"Vonny..." She waved her hands while looking around. The cafe was watching them both. He followed her eyes and swiftly sat back down, but did not lose the intensity of his gaze.
"Look, I get it. Vivienne was in trouble and you had to do what you did, but that doesn't make it right. You're... not like the people I'm comparing you to, though, and I know that." She let out a shaky breath while subconsciously patting Leo who was resting at her feet. "I guess I could tell you... if you're really sorry-"
"I am," he showed no hesitation.
She let the faint traces of a smile tug at her lips, "Okay." Holding up a finger, she narrowed her eyes, "But you only have one more chance, sir."
"Then please," he smiled warmly. "Share what is ailing you so that we can begin to handle it." He chose his phrasing carefully to avoid another shut-down.
"Gosh, it's going to sound stupid," she whimpered. "I'm... I can't design, okay? I hit a block and I can't get past it. I've tried everything I can think of, but I'm not happy with any of the ideas I've come up with!" She pulled at her hair in frustration.
"Ahh, I see," he nodded. "The plight of a creator. I often struggle with writer's block myself, and so I know the obstacle you currently face. Or rather, I understand its nature."
"Yeah, so... what now?" She was still reluctant to outright ask for help, but Vontell's continued efforts was slowly tearing down that wall.
"Remember that you cannot do everything by yourself," the writer gestured around them. "I believe the key to renewing your inspiration is seeking it from those who fill our city of Voltra. Their ideas will coalesce with your own and give birth to grand new designs."
She blinked, "Why didn't I think of that? You're a genius, Vonny."
"Nonsense. You merely needed another perspective I was fortunately able to provide."
"Velvet? Are you alright?" Vontell's voice caused her to physically jump, however, and nearly fall back out of her seat.
"Vontell! Oh, yeah... of course. I ordered you something," she squeaked out but glanced aside. "One of those seasonal drinks. They said it was expensive, but whatever," she arched a brow with a playful smirk. "Money's no object when it's between friends, right? It's not like I'm trying to bribe you or anything."
Vontell caught the reference and took his seat in shame, "Yes, you are most correct. My thanks, Velvet. I apologize if you have been waiting long." He smiled sheepishly.
She wanted to say 'yeah, I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up' but she didn't. Besides, he was exactly on time. "No, not really. Oh, I see you brought Leo!" She perked up a bit and gave the animal a small smile with a caress of his cheeks. "Who's a good boy? You're a good boy! I should have noticed you right away!" She let out a rare giggle but then noticed the writer's smile in her direction and coughed abruptly. "Ahem, I mean. Why'd you call me out here so suddenly?"
"Ah, about that..." He frowned while searching for the right words to say next. "When I saw you last, I grew concerned. You seemed distraught, and it felt like a familiar brand of misery. It has claimed me, too, and I hope to be of assistance to you during this time."
Was he telling the truth? She took the first sip of her tea, then, and chewed on the straw as if mulling it over. "You're not the only person to offer me help, Vontell," she looked away. "At least I could see their lies coming, but you hurt me and still haven't made it up." The bitter voice of her younger self bubbled up within her. The combined jeers of rich status-driven 'friends' formed an ugly sound.
The writer knew it would come to this. He bowed his head deeply in forgiveness, "Velvet, words cannot even begin to express how truly sorry I am. That is why I must show you action born of sincerity!" He gazed into her eyes with resolve, and she found it more difficult to stay mad. Just a bit, though.
"So what," she clicked her tongue. "You're going to force me to accept your help? I'm sure it's just your reputation that matters, anyway. Don't worry." Her voice dropped low, "I won't tell anyone what happened."
"No," he shook his head and stood. "You must understand you are not alone, Velvet. You have friends in Voltra who care about you beyond fashion and status. I did whatever it took during Blackout to rescue Vivienne, but my course of action was a grave mistake that tore you asunder..." His voice trailed off and for the first time, he might have been at a loss. "You may cast me aside and that will be entirely within your right, but I promise to make amends. To show you that in my mind, Velvet Wattson is just as treasured a companion as Vivienne Harper."[/color]
"Vonny..." She waved her hands while looking around. The cafe was watching them both. He followed her eyes and swiftly sat back down, but did not lose the intensity of his gaze.
"Look, I get it. Vivienne was in trouble and you had to do what you did, but that doesn't make it right. You're... not like the people I'm comparing you to, though, and I know that." She let out a shaky breath while subconsciously patting Leo who was resting at her feet. "I guess I could tell you... if you're really sorry-"
"I am," he showed no hesitation.
She let the faint traces of a smile tug at her lips, "Okay." Holding up a finger, she narrowed her eyes, "But you only have one more chance, sir."
"Then please," he smiled warmly. "Share what is ailing you so that we can begin to handle it." He chose his phrasing carefully to avoid another shut-down.
"Gosh, it's going to sound stupid," she whimpered. "I'm... I can't design, okay? I hit a block and I can't get past it. I've tried everything I can think of, but I'm not happy with any of the ideas I've come up with!" She pulled at her hair in frustration.
"Ahh, I see," he nodded. "The plight of a creator. I often struggle with writer's block myself, and so I know the obstacle you currently face. Or rather, I understand its nature."
"Yeah, so... what now?" She was still reluctant to outright ask for help, but Vontell's continued efforts was slowly tearing down that wall.
"Remember that you cannot do everything by yourself," the writer gestured around them. "I believe the key to renewing your inspiration is seeking it from those who fill our city of Voltra. Their ideas will coalesce with your own and give birth to grand new designs."
She blinked, "Why didn't I think of that? You're a genius, Vonny."
"Nonsense. You merely needed another perspective I was fortunately able to provide."