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Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/8 23:12:59 )
@moodybats: Ahh, I'm glad! * A* !!
Hrm. Did you do anything fun today?

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/8 23:22:47 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: not fun but i took my third exam
and passed. so i can officially graduate with 3 tests done.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/8 23:41:54 )
@moodybats: Ahhh, that's awesome!! * A* !!! Congrats! /throws some confetti.

What tests were they?

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/8 23:43:51 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: Well the tests I have gotten done so far is Science, social studies and language arts.
so math is the last one.

i didn't do them all in one day though.
science i did like 1-2 years ago. and social studies i had done a month or so ago.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:18:11 )
@moodybats: Sorry about the late response! I got caught up with work things... and then video games. /flops

Ahhhh, that's good! Eeps, leaving math for last. Q vQ What type of math is it? Like Algebra stuff?
Gosh, I would hope not! That seems like a lot. /sweats.
It took me 2 years to get all my teacher certification stuff. As long as there's no rush, I don't think you should! Can't stress yourself out, you know?

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:20:39 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: It's fine no worries. I've been drawing a lot haha.

And it's algebra, and geometry.
yeah. though i am going t be studying a lot until I can pass this test for sure.
i got a while to go. i don't think i'll take it on the 15th as i had planned.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:22:32 )
@moodybats: Ahh, that is good! O: Are you drawing your avatar??

Oooh, yeah. Those are the main topics for math. /flops.
YOU CAN DO IT. >: U !!!!!

Hey, don't worry! Everything happens for a reason! Not everything is always going to work out the way someone wants it. q vq !!

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:26:16 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: Nah. it's on the list but i am working on a WIP i have had for about a month or so.
Because mostly it was on my twitter and i wanted to update it.

Haha yeah. I mean i don't need to work on a whole lot according to the pre-test.
it's mostly just circles with geometry and equations with algebra.

I know but still. i mean regardless of what day i choose i still get to graduate.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:28:49 )
@moodybats: Hahaha, I know that feeling. xDD I have a few WIPs that will probably never see the light of day. orz.
Ohhh. I mean, I can understand that. I get really lazy when it comes to updating things on twitter and such. /squints.

Oh, well that is good!
Ugh, I always hated memorizing the formulas for things in math. I remember I almost got caught with the answers one time, but she went around the room to check the calculators and I erased them before she got to me. /sweats.

That's good though! * A* !!!

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:32:59 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: Since changing my art name i wanted to update all my wip's.
i didn't have much on my twitter so i was fine deleting the old pics i had up on there.

i don't so much need to memorize formulas as they have a formula page they give me.
but i just stink at remembering how to do PEMDAS and such.

yup indeed it is.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:36:58 )
@moodybats: Ohhh, good point, good point. Definitely a good incentive. u vu //
I don't use my twitter for art at all.... even though I originally was going to. coughhh.

Really? Q vQ Dang, that's awfully nice! I definitely didn't get that when I took tests! TT ___ TT
I don't blame you, that stuff can get tricky. x ____ z ;

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/11 00:50:34 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: Haha yeah. Plus it kinda drives me to be a better artist.
I know it's odd all because of a name.
But this name...feels more like me.

Lol well that is okay. i mean it's your twitter. you decide what to do with it.
I don't like clutter tbh with my twitter. :vanora_sweat:

Haha yeah so i don't really need to memorize it. Just how to do it.
yeah. so i am just practicing on khan academy for math.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 17:38:57 )
@MoodyBats: hey how are you?

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 18:16:02 )
Happy 100 pages!!!

@moodybats: Heck yeah! That's always good!! * A* !!
Nono, I know that feeling! I went through the same thing before I made the username yuracye! It was suddenly like, yes this fits. Then I made a new deviantart and everything. Though, sometimes I wish I could wipe all the deviantart pieces and just shove it into a folder. My styles are always changing. x ____ x

Haha, yeah. It was supposed to be art only at first, but I don't have many... art followers so I ended up just doing my own thing. It's not fun to stare at a blank twitter. xD

Oooh, that's good! Khan academy is great! I use that for my students! They complain about the voice sometimes, but it's good at explaining things!

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 20:09:23 )

Batsy Says. . .

@nyreen: I am fine, just a bit tired.

@Yuracye: Woot! sadly i can't give out any page prizes cause i don't want to overwork myself
with the event prizes as well.

i don't like deviantart or trust it so tbh i am reluctant on actually making a new one at all lol.
I am more of a twitter or insta gal.
But i understand changing styles. mine seems to be improving a lot. a friend the other day when i showed her what i was working on
said i had improved so much. lol.

I don't like my twitter to be cluttered so i'll probably have an art and a personal one. maybe.
i still haven't decided yet lol. I don't make a whole lot of art. i only know my sis and BF follow me for any and all reasons XD

ah. i just do the quizzes as to help me. i don't watch the videos as i know the jist of most of the lessons XD

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 20:11:58 )
@MoodyBats: same same, sleepy but good!

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 20:13:45 )

Batsy Says. . .

@nyreen: ah that is good to hear.

Donator — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 20:19:04 )
@MoodyBats: i'm stinky tho. need to shower XD
call me grem

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 20:21:45 )
@moodybats: Hey, no worries! I just like celebrating the little things in life. xD
I thought about making a hangout thread myself and give art as the page prizes.... but idk. I feel like I barely have time to draw for myself most of the time. @ _____ @
I have yet to give out event prizes so far.... but I need to catch up on the event items myself because I'm falling behind. AHhhh.

Ehhh. I'm not a huge fan of deviantart myself... but nothing really supports the animation type things I do. I've seen twitter kinda ruin it in that aspect.
Besides, I don't really have any followers, so meh. I used tumblr for awhile too. I just have no motivation to upload things anymore. It's like a chore for me now. xD
Ahhhh, that's great!! Isn't it a good feeling!!! Just wait until a year from now! You won't even recognize your own art!

That's smart. o:
I should do something like that too... but eh. I tend to draw 400 things and I spam it- or nothing at all. If anyone follows me on TH, I've been doing uploads like crazy- though thankfully it uploads as one giant thing for the most part. u vu ///
Hehe. It's good to have support!

That's still something! * A* !!!
At least you know you know the material, eh?

TH | dA

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 21:20:13 )

Batsy Says. . .

@Yuracye: still wish i could do some sort of prize for our 100th page.
i did not think we'd get to 100 XD

I use twitter, tumblr and maybe insta if i can finish anything lmao.
well it all depends if i actually draw too. i barely draw or finish anything so surprised i somehow improved by doing barely anything.

yeah true.

well most of it anyways. i just need to refresh my memory about it.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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