@MoodyBats: I need to get back into digital! //shakes// I like to do more gesture or sketchy chibi/cute drawings.
Tell me about it! ;;-;; I thought my old was big!
I know what you mean or even what to use for a sketch brush and then coloring brush ;; I think a thin soft brush might be good to get the first ideas down but then for lines go in with a sharp brush? But I feel like I know all of these tips but they all go out of my head once I am at my desk, pen in my hand and getting down to actually picking the brush.
I have too many brushes already and I had to make a
cheat sheet for myself
HUGS!!!! I hate that! I get bugged or the dogs are always pushed to me when they are behaving badly so I feel so cheesed off.
I stay up late and its when everyone even the dogs are asleep. However I never do anything other than watch videos or write a bit;;;;