Donator — A.I.
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/1 23:42:08 )
Yes henlo this is going to be my gallery where I display my attempts at art, most doomed to remain incomplete until the end of time because if I can't do it perfectly I don't want to do it at all. xD
> About Moi (I mean who cares tho really)
> Sketchbook (Concepts and Ideas)
> Digital (Tablet and Photoshop)
> Analog (Pencil and Paper)
Donator — A.I.
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/1 23:52:50 )
Like most of us, I started drawing as a kid, and once I started I couldn't really stop. My imagination was always flowing with ideas, what to draw, who to draw; I was just heavily getting into anime, too, which probably had some influence. The trend continued for years, and I would always find a new boost of motivation by looking at my old drawings and thinking, "wow, this was the pinnacle of my skill?" or "I can't believe I was so proud of this, it's hideous". With time, though, other things simply started grabbing my attention and I ended up drawing a lot less. Up until recently (and still now, even) I've been in a funk where I just. Can't. Draw. Like it's been too long and my hands forgot how to do it. Everything I try to draw ends up looking weird, awkward, stiff, or just plain wrong; when it comes to composition and actually creating a completed piece, I just can't.
I've always loved sketches more than lineart; the organic feel of the lines, the fact that it's the original, live always seemed like every artist was supposed to start with a stick figure and end with a masterpiece. And to me it never seemed like sketches were "valid". I could sketch, but I couldn't finish... does that make me less of an artist? Any time I would try, things just didn't work out. My brain couldn't wrap itself around how to get from point A to point B. I'm finally starting to learn and come to terms with the fact that not every artist is destined to create photorealistic paintings or seamless works of cel-shaded art. Stick to what we're good (or at least kinda okay) at, amirite?
So I pulled my tablet back out (one that my friend was so kind to send me) and have been goofing around with drawing again. Constrictive critiques are welcome, but I am a soft bean, so please be gentle. xD the ego is fragile
Donator — A.I.
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/1 23:56:55 )
Sketchbook Most images can be clicked to make them larger!
DRAFT 1 (Quick)
DRAFT 2 (Actually put effort into it)
This is a concept sketch for an alien species I've been developing, called the ka'dar. They're highly intelligent and benevolent creatures who are excellent engineers. NGL, they were heavily inspired by the Chozo from Metroid in terms of culture and galactic identity. Originally I had imagined them as being similar to the aliens in District 9 (insectoid), but over time they've evolved into an amphibious hominid species more like the zora from LoZ.
One of my female OCs, and the protagonist in a sci-fi novel I've been working on for a decade probably won't ever finish it lbr She's kinda based off Christina Hendricks in terms of appearance. cB
Another one of my OCs and novel protagonists, Dez, is actually my favourite. Such a cutie bootie. I was really excited about this sketch, too, because he's really difficult to draw and most sketches I make of him don't really do him justice.
The third in the trio of protagonists from my story. ^0^
Tried and gave up on a comic:
Emperor Nasha (ooooold OC of mine, used to be named Anggun)
Another one of Nasha:
Benicio Del Toro xD
One time I sat down and purposely drew characters I hadn't drawn since like 6th grade:
Samus? In looking back this one's not too bad. I can tell now what needed to be fixed.
Ref sheet for my OC Lazuli:
A lot of this stuff is just old doodles, character concepts, etc
Donator — A.I.
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/1 23:57:27 )
This was supposed to be like a "magazine cover" mockup featuring my OC Dez. I cringe every time I look at it now. xD
I can't remember where this was...Subeta? Gaia? I was offering speedpaint freebie headshots somewhere and this was one of the results. xD
Art I did for my signature over on Sapherna once upon a time. It was kinda rushed, wish I would have taken my time as it had potential. Not sure why it looks so pixellated tho. >:|
I created a character inspired by The Enchantress for an RP site, and was really proud of the way this was turning out, but ended up making a bunch of mistakes that were just too hard for me to fix later down the road. Q-Q
VERSION 2 (latest)
There are two iterations of me digitizing this sketch; one in a painter style (top), and the other with lineart and cel. It's my favourite sketch okay The original pencil version had some anatomy mistakes that I wanted to fix digitally. cB