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Forums Role Playing [Request] Roshan’s search for 1x1 or small group

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/2 03:54:21 )
Hello folks!! Just putting this up for a search. And I’m hello I am new here and yes.

I'm looking for roleplays with active people. 1×1 or small groups (3-4 players) and welling to play any pairing. M/m or f/f or m/f.

Um oh!! I only do OC as I am not very good at playing other people’s characters and I do some fandoms like Harry Potter, dragon riders of pern, or anything else that I really know about like some inuyasha. I am not really up to date on shows and most of my reading has been limited to children books so there is that.

If you want to make it more adult I have discord and Recolor so you can message me to get my user name so we can do it there. I am also on Menewsha as well.

So rp cravings:

Harry Potter
Dragon Riders
Human/Shapeshifting dragon
“Ghost”/ human or other
Demon/human or mage
Hunter/supernatural creature

Ummm that is all I can think of for now. I have no ideas for a story base for any of these just romance. Umm if you want do any ro with me that is not sci-fi then please hit me up.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/2 13:07:19 )
Hoping to find someone soon

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 15:56:14 )

I have a couple Harry Potter rps already going what's one more. XD

I set it in the future , depending on the year we want our characters in determines if the statute of secrecy is being talked about being lifted or has been lifted. If you're interested. Only have two professors that I set. One being the herbology teacher the ghost of Neville long bottom, and the other being professor Dursley (female great granddaughter of Dudley) since magic does run in their family she and some other Dursley ended up with it. Otherwise world population hasn't been decided yet ^^;;

Besides that. I'm a fantasy rper. Love doing pretty much anything and tend to run multiple characters because it's always weird to just have two people in a story.

So of the others you are craving.. hmmm yup any of them sound good


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:07:06 )
@Shadami: well Harry Potter seems to be the on going theme up here for the moment. Lol. I think it is because we are all excited about the new fantastic beast movie that is coming out in November!!

But in the future like years down the line would be a good idea so that way we are not to close to the original characters and that setting. Wouldn’t want to mess that up to much. Lol. So your saying that the statute of secrecy being lifted or possibly being lifted is about if the muggles know about the magical world or not?

Ah so your going the teacher route! But you do have a very good point on the Dursley front. There is bound to be someone else in that line to have magical ability and since Harry and Dudley kind of are on good terms then Harry could help his cousin’s kids out with it if it comes up.

Right! I am trying to better my writing skills so multiply characters are fine with me. And ummm yes!

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:12:52 )

Students or teachers could be played yeah xD I just only knew I liked the thought of those two characters existing in the future.

The statute of secrecy is the law that says the muggle world can not know about the magical world. But it's harder and harder for the world's not to mix with so many magical people coming from muggle families and science of the muggles getting stronger so the Ministry of Magic has decided that they are going to lift the statute of secrecy . And of course it's being argued over and say year one characters were going into Hogwarts it would be fully lifted by year 4.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:21:15 )
@Shadami: okay I would like to play a student. So what about the pairing preference like do you prefer to just do m/f? Cause I can work either way and that is a good idea to have those two in the story. :)

Oh that makes a lot of sense but I think the ministry of magic would still keep a lot of things a secret like magical creatures since muggles would more than likely try to kill everything that is scary and they don’t understand since they don’t have magic to help them against such creatures.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:26:57 )

Hmm that's a good point. I never really got into the details of the lift... Politics. Just thought it is a great plot point. :3

I am best at mxf than mxm and fxf is my least. I CAN do all of them but I have little experience with fxf so I'm not very good at it. I'm fine with multiple characters even. Do you want first year? If so I have a female Hufflepuff first I can just reuse the profile of xD
Unless I need to play male or another year. I can easily make new characters. I adore the Potter world.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 16:54:45 )
@Shadami: lol. Well I think the lift would just be a minor one like yes their are wizards and witches in the world and leave it at that. Wouldn’t want to blow their minds away.

Okay we can do mxf and I don’t mind playing the male role. Lol. I always end up playing it anyways so a female one would be weird but not undoable if you know what I mean?

Oh first year would be fun!! Cause then you can go through all the newness and being sorted and trying to find you nitch but I was think of a transfer student from the American wizard school so a second year.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:07:48 )

I know what you mean. I was playing males so much on menewsha when I got to play female I was confused for a bit. Now I write so much that either are just comfortable.
Transfer student is always fun. XD I just used that idea in one of my roleplays though they were just background characters from llivermony . So the headmaster/mistress through a thanksgivings day ball and feast to make them more comfortable at Hogwarts.
I'm also fine playing multiple characters if you want to play a male and a female. I can do that as well. I'm always very open.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:29:44 )
@Shadami: yes! We should so play two characters cause that way my transfer student won’t be alone! Exactly! That is what I want to do play a transfer from student from llvermorny school.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 17:56:51 )

Sounds great to me. Which gender are you playing for your transfer student? I'm heading to my computer in a moment and will start on my profiles. I detail then quite a bit for my own reference to keep characters straight in my head.

Also I tend to start with an anime picture that gets close to how I picture my character until I can at least get a terrible sketch drawn ^^;; but I put lots of descriptions in what they look like so don't judge solely based on my terrible art or borrowed pictures. <3


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 18:28:57 )
@Shadami: that sounds find to me. I am on my sister's computer so i can create a profile and i think my transfer student will be male and my hogwarts one will be female. i think i might make them long lost twins. i tend not to go into to much detail about my characters since they always get changed from how i plan them but yes i am fine with the anime pictures as i use them too.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 22:51:57 )

twins or siblings if they're different years? :P
Unless livermony 2nd year is the age of hogwarts 1st year. i honestly don't know to much about it ^^;;;

Okay i'll get started soon. i may have gotten distracted by my husband offering to game with me. finally. xD

Oh do you mind if I make a thread to start posting info, and than a second post for my characters. and than you can do a post for your characters? :]

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 23:29:35 )
@Shadami: well i figured that the years would be the same and just have them both in second year and twins

oh! well you can't pass up a chance like that to game with your man.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 23:38:42 )

Exactly :3 Plus it's Viscera clean up which is hilarious amounts of fun, and just my kind of game.

Ah awesome. I'll make a couple second years than and get the thread up.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 23:46:44 )
@Shadami: never heard of that and i kind of made the rp already

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/4 00:22:07 )

Oh shoot did you? xD I must have missed it my bad :3


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/4 00:31:05 )
@Shadami: it is fine we can make the one i made a OOC so that we can chat about it there and any ideas that we have and seeing your profile makes me think of making mine better lol

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/4 00:32:26 )

Either one of those works. I turned my into the journal tag just incase. I had to find my notes on 2nd year classes quickly. And I kind of fill out the profile as I go sometimes too.

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/4 00:35:40 )
@Shadami: oh well that works out too lol still going to make my profiles better now cause you inspired me though i am stealing your profile format lol
Questing: !

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