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Forums Role Playing [IC][1x1] Roshan and Khajitten

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/3 19:31:34 )

Disclaimer: We do not own Harry Potter and the world.

What happens when a witch and wizard discover something so simple but so life changing.

Rosalynn Loveless
age: 27
Halfblood Witch.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/4 01:54:02 )







Is anyone even going to ready my records? Well if you must know there isn't much to me. Born into a pure blood family, the Alexander family, though we are not the wealthiest family we are better off than... other families... But that's not very important. I was placed in the Slytherin house, after moving from America to Lodon. My family was living in Texas on the border of Mexico, studying with the people there. After coming here my life has been uneventful.

Stoic, until you get to know me I suppose. I'm more of a relax by the fire and read a book kind of guy than anything else. Muggle technology is fascinating and I like to mess with it in my free time. I'm sarcastic, have a morbid/cryptic sense of humor, and I like to be in control of situations. I'm not going to lie, sometimes it makes me angry when I'm not in control but I'll deal with it.











Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/4 05:25:41 )
Date: July 5th

Well this is going to be fun. So I picked up this nicely old leather bound book up from a dusty bookshop I found down in Knockturn alley. Though I should be weary about it since that isn't a good place to go according to the witches and wizards around here, but this journal was just perfect for me to write in and start keeping a log of my travels. So I suppose I should do this proper in case I die and someone finds me. This way someone will know who I am and be able to send my things and body back to my sister.

So My name is Rosalynn, I am a 27 year old Female and my job is protecting magical creatures from the muggles and general any danger posed to them. Currently I am in England trying to track down a young werewolf that was recently turned and was taken from his home from a small island off the coast. To be honest I am not sure where I should start as the muggles have not been very much help and I can not go to the ministry of magic here as I am sure they would not be willing to locate a muggle turned werewolf. I have traveled far to be here and failing is not an option. I have to find the poor boy to help him go back to his family and help to hide this new side of himself from them. IF he can not do that then i will have to wipe their memory of him and find a new home for him to live at. Maybe my sister will keep him....she always wanted a child of her own. Well Time for me to head out into the woods in search of the pack.

The dark haired female closed the book, smiling softly to her self as she cast a simple spell upon it to keep it locked closed before slipping it into the small bag hanging from her waist. Her golden eyes stared at the dark forest before her that swirled with a mysterious fog that made it hard to make out the trees. She knew she was going into a dangerous situation but this was just something she had to do, something that she cluldn’t Leave alone in the least little bit. Rosalyn finally got the courage up and took the first step in her rescue mission. Unbeknownst to her the journal had a twin and where ever it was; it was giving signs to it’s owner to draw attention to the fact that it has a message in it.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/5 03:53:34 )
xxxxxxJace stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and grabbing the smaller one to dry his hair. Wiping the fog off the mirror he sighed, "Finally a day off. But who knows how long that'll last." Humming in amusement he turned sharply out the door. All of a sudden the leather-bound book lifted off of his desk and flew across the room towards him. Skillfully dodging it, the book thudded against the wall behind him. Grabbing the book he eyed it carefully, "I knew when they said take the day off something was bound to happen." Walking back to the desk he opened the book and set it down.
xxxxxxAfter putting on his pajama pants he sat in the chair and looked down at the pages and let out an amused chuckle. There, on the old tinted pages, was feminine handwriting. Carefully reading over the scrawled page his eyebrows furrowed. "Is this... like those cupboards I was told about?" he pondered to himself for a moment before deciding to fix himself dinner. 'I'll write something in it after I eat, no need to test the unknown on an empty stomach.' Once he finished off the leftovers he had in the fridge he made his way back upstairs to begin his test.

xxxxxxThis is a tad awkward, it seems to me that I have received your journal entry. This journal was given to me by my father a year ago, I've yet to write in it... Ah, where are my manners? The name's Jace, Jace Alexander. I'm twenty-four and originally from Texas. It seems you've gotten yourself into some trouble. Werewolves are no joking matter. I should let you know that the Ministry of Magic would indeed help you out if you were to inform them, seeing as werewolves are considered magic, even if they are muggle born. I do hope that you are not wandering off alone in unknown territory.

xxxxxx...Also you should that it's not easy to assimilate into the muggle world after being exposed to that lifestyle... Also good thing the full moon isn't for another three days huh? Joking aside, please let me know if you didn't die soon, that way I wont have to alert your sister and find your body.

xxxxxxLooking at the journal he sighed, it sounded so awkward and unlike him, but he didn't know anything about what was going on... She did not write of her location, besides that it was somewhere in Europe from what he could assume. Closing the book he walked over to the bed and flopped on it. "What am I even doing? This isn't normal... I should've reported it immediately." Turning off his lights he rolled over, pulling the blanket over him, and attempted to quiet his thoughts so he could sleep.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/5 06:14:04 )
@Khajitten: xxxxxx

Rosalynn treaded carefully through the woods, bending down occasionally to have a look at the ground. she seemed to be following a trail that only she could see as she made her way deeper into the forest. The fog seemed to only grow thicker with each gentle step she took forward, barely able to make out the outline of trees. She had to stop a few times when a creature appeared before her before disappearing once more. a curse was mumbled under her breath as the bag on her waist was being tugged away by some strange thing that was happening inside of it. She tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ear, upon opening her bag the journal she had written in came out and almost hit her in the face, luckily she grabbed it in time.

Looking around the area the witch proceeded to place some enchantment charms up before she gave a small flick of her wand to magically set up her camp. Once everything was ready and the protective charms were in place, she slipped into the tent before she opened it up to be face with masculine handwriting that brought a flush to her face. Rosalynn sat there, staring at the words, it took her a couple of hours before she got up the nerve to write back to the male.

Jace Alexander,
I should have known that this was a magical book after all it did come from the wizarding world and not the muggle world. I assume that this was a set to keep in contact with fellow spies or with a lover on those long trips. My last name is Loveless. Just to be clear i have not gotten myself into trouble as of yet. As I have stated it is my job to do such things and this particular werewolf is only six years old. He was turned and stolen from his family which he should be remaining with.

As for the ministry of magic, in my home country they kill creatures that are muggle born as they tend to expose us to the muggle world more so than others. The only ones that survive are our fellow witches and wizards. So you can see why i am so adamant about rescuing this poor child. Even though it will be hard on his family i know they want him back regardless of the fact that he had been changed. I will also be doing my best to make sure that he assimilates back into the muggle world and will make sure he is properly taken care of and that his family and he have the support they need.

Meaning I only have three days to find him, give him the potion he needs to take and protect him. Though your attempt at humor was in poor taste. I suggest that you work on your material a bit more. Your hope will be crushed for I am doing exactly that, wandering an unknown foggy forest alone in search of a werewolf pack. Though I assure you it is a relief that this book is linked to your book because then you can tell my darling younger sister if anything should happen to me. Just know that If i do not reply to your entries that something bad has happened to me.

The female left her entry at that before closing it and locking the book once more, this time she made sure to secure the book down just in case there was another reply before she was ready to read it. She sighed heavily before she moved over to the part of the tent that held the bathroom, getting a hot bath started before she cast a spell to start having a warm meal made that would be ready for her by the time her bath was over with. She was soon sinking into the hot water, looking towards the pitched ceiling as her mind wander to this Jace person and what type of person he really is.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/5 17:06:50 )
Jace was startled awake at he was hit in the back of his head by the leather book. "What in the ever-loving hell?" He picked the book up and stared at it for a second as his brain figured out what was happening. Grunting he flicked his lamp on and opened the book, that seemed rather annoying at the moment, and saw Rosalynn's writing again. Chuckling as he read through her response he rolled his eyes and grabbing his pen.

xxxxxxDo you mind if I call you Rosa? Or maybe I should just forgo writing anything at all, I mean who said this has to be formal? At any rate, I wonder what it's original intentions were... It could always have been my fathers mad doing. He thinks that he's so brilliant, I wouldn't put it past him honestly. Where is your home country? If you don't mind me asking? I moved here to London as a child, because my parents were origonally from here and they thought Hogwarts would be a better school.... I digress again.
xxxxxxI do know muggles are not thought fondly of here, I don't see why the Ministry would cause any harm to the child. Seeing as I work for them, I think I could pull a few strings. Though he probably should go back to his family, especially if you can give him the potion. If anything you should give me your location so I know where to find your body. I mean what kind of person hunts down a pack all alone? Maybe I should appaparate to you and help you out? This kind of work is also my specialty, believe it or not.
xxxxxxAnd I'll have you know, I am very funny. Maybe you just lack a proper funny bone!? Here's to hoping you can actually reply and not be dead... this is the part where you imagine me holding up a glass of beer in a cheer.

xxxxxxSmiling he closed the book. Wanting to see if she would reply again he took the pen and book down with him to the living room. After plopping down onto the couch he turned on the television to the novela La Reina del Sur. "Mom will throw a fit if I don't finish this soon. She's been dying to talk about it with me." He sighed out to himself. Lifting his hand up in the air 'Accio.' suddenly his phone flew into his hand. Unlocking it he sent his father a text.
「Dad, you know that journal you gave me back in the day? Yea... The fuck is it?」

xxxxxxWatching the tv he found he couldn't concentrate that well... For an odd reason he felt like he should go find this Rosalynn woman and help her retrieve the kid from the weird pack of werewolves. Sighing he ran his hand through his hair and stood up. After a pause he went upstairs to get dressed, picking up his black backpack he threw the journal inside and headed downstairs. He was going to help the woman, even if she didn't want it.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/5 19:41:55 )
@Khajitten: just so you know i replied

Rosalynn jerked in surprise, having caused water splashing out the small tub as her attention was turned to the book that had started to fight violently to try and get her attention once more. it was a far quicker response then she had anticipated to have happen. She could only imagine what type of damage the book would create if it had not been secured and was left alone. For the moment she ignored the book until she was done getting cleaned up, making sure not to use anything that had a scent to it. The last thing she needed to do was give herself away and end up being killed. She sighed in relief, drying her hair off after wrapping a bathrobe around herself, finally making her way over to the book after grabbing a bowl of soup.


I would give you permission to call me Rosa but we don't know each other that well for you to do so, but I suppose it shall be fine considering the fact that I do have a rather long name. Don't you think it is a bit hard not to be formal since we are writing and proper writing etiquette requests the formality? Who knows. Though if your father has given you your end of this connection then he would probably know more about these then either of us.

She paused in her writing, smiling and chuckling at the rest of his message as it had amused her which was something rare as of late. She thought on his question a bit more before she set quill to page, ready to finally reply.

I am from Finland originally but as a child circumstances changed so I ended up in Brazil with my Godfather. I have heard good things about Hogwarts, I on the other hand went to Ilvermorny as my Godfather wanted me to experience a different country and culture. It was rather interesting but We didn't have the famous talking hat to sort us out like your school. No, we had to stand on the Gordian Knot on the floor and what for the carved mascots of the houses to react to know which house we would be in.

Muggles will always be looked down upon even if Mud bloods and Half bloods are not seeing the racism that followed them in the past does not mean that it is not there. A lot of wizards view them in a much kinder light as they are not a muggle which are considering nothing in comparison. Thank you but I will not impose on you like that as you could eventually lose your position for helping an outsider such as myself to all a magical creature to continue to exist in the muggle world.
That is the goal, to find him so he can take this potion. I will have to refuse on telling you my location as I feel that you would try to stop me. This isn't the first pack I have tracked on my own though it is the most elusive one I have come across. It is much easier to be inconspicuous with one person than it is with multiply people. Thank you for the offer but I am not going to risk your life as well as my own for this, even if you say it is your specialty.
Oh i have a funny bone. You just don't know how to tickle it properly to get a laugh out of me at the moment.

This time she finished it with one of those stupid grinning emojis with a much smaller one next to it that was suppose to be a laughing one. She closed the book once more, smiling as she looked down at it, chuckling as she thought about the silly little doodle that he had placed into it that was suppose to be him. She admitted to her self that he did have a nice sense of humor but she wasn't going to let him know that. She groaned, rubbing her face before she finished her meal, realizing that she was starting to like this strange man just a bit, and she only has spoken or rather written to her twice.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/6 00:35:29 )
xxxxxxFeeling his backpack tug behind him Jace smirked. "Well that was surprisingly faster than I thought it would be." Sitting down at the dining room table he sighed. Looking out the window he watched the rain drip down and the flash of car lights occasionally pass by. He knew she wouldn't tell him where she was, mid thought he felt his pocket vibrate. Pulling out his phone he saw his dads reply.
「 Dad, you know that journal you gave me back in the day? Yea... The fuck is it?」xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx「 It was your mothers idea. 」

xxxxxxGrumbling he set his phone down as a black cat jumped up on the table next to him. Petting the cat he thought to himself, 'Well surely this isn't that difficult to fix, or maybe...... Maybe I could just buy her a new journal so I won't be hit by a book all the time and vice versa... I am unsure on how to proceed... and is it really safe for her to be out hunting werewolves?' Suddenly the cat bit him gently on the hand, "Sorry Salem, you're right. Need to write her back now, don't I?" Sighing he opened the journal and began to write,

So if I forgo writing your name at all, would it bother you? It seems like that would be rather amusing for me... Also... It seems my father and mother decided they were going to meddle in my affairs, and try to make me a "friend"... If you get what I mean. I don't know exactly what they did or what this is exactly... but I can buy you a new journal so you aren't being attacked every time I write in this one and vice versa. I'll make this quick since I'm unsure on if you are trying to sleep or not. Honestly, I kind of enjoy writing this mysterious woman Rosalynn. If you are asleep, I'm sorry this will probably wake you up... What exactly is your job, if you don't mind me asking... How can I trust that you will be okay hunting a pack on your own?
Eagerly awaiting your response oh proper one,

xxxxxxSighing Jace left the book open, curious as to what would happen if it was open while she wrote. Chuckling he looked out the window. "Surely she is asleep now... Hopefully I didn't wake her... I'll give it about thirty minutes then I'll go to the family's house and see what I can do about this situation. Would you like to come?" He looked over at Salem, who meowed in response like he was saying yes. "Of course you do, mother always gives you fresh tuna." The cat purred in response and laid by Jace's arm as he played games on his phone.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/6 05:46:35 )
@Khajitten: just so you know i replied

Rosalynn tugged on a simple outfit, braiding her hair down her back before the book started to act up again. Laughing as she realized that he was awake which explained why he responded so fast, well as fast as he could do so. Small musical sounds came from her lips as she started to hum, tugging a map out of the area to look over it so that she could have a game plan for the next day or for when the fog lifted. Her plans got interrupted by a table falling over, groaning as the source of the commotion brought her back to the journal. She quickly unbound it from its perch, taking the locking spell off of it so that she could quickly open it so that it would stop it's shenanigans.


It might bother me or it might not. Though I assumed that you were a gentleman and wouldn't a gentleman continue to write a proper letter? Why would it amuse you that much if it bothered me? Well I am glad they decided to do so considering you are the only person I have spoken to at length like this besides my sister. :vanora_xd: That is rather amusing that the book is attacking you. I have taken to securing it to a table as well as locking it so that it won't get looked at by unwanted eyes. Still makes a mess but at least it is not attacking me like it seems to be doing to you.

:vanora_smile: Am i truly that mysterious? It seems you are finding out more about me than I you for now. So in order to change this I have a few questions. What is your job exactly? Why would your parents feel the need to meddle in your life? You could have ignored my writing and not responded so what compelled you to do so?

As for your questions: My job can be labeled as Body for Protection of Magical Species or Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.. So i do not limit myself to work in just one country. You will just have to trust that I can do such a thing, as I said this is not the first time I have hunted for a pack alone a few times. They tend to be more friendly when it is only one person than compared to it being two people where they will be far more vicious as one or the other could mess up. Less likely to mess up when it is just you alone and your own life to be concerned about and not another person which can rattle your nerves.

Finding you a bit amusing,

The pale female stared down at Jace's writing, absently tracing her finger over the masculine words. She knew that it was silly to draw little faces to express how she was feeling at the moment but it was the best way she could think of to let him know. This person didn't seem to be to happy about the linked books and even though she was not looking for a "friend", she still wanted to make him into a friend since they seemed to be pushed together so suddenly. On the wizard's end, the words that she wrote slowly started to appear with a glow. It was as if the words were writing themselves, stopping when she stopped and the glowing ending when she was done writing.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/6 15:23:17 )
xxxxxxJace was amused as he watched every brushstroke. It was a mesmerizing sight if he was being honest. Sighing slightly happily, which shocked him, he picked up his pen and started writing back to her:

xxxxxxAlas, you are right. I am a gentleman... but I feel the urge to tease you. In my head you're an adorable petite woman who is easily teased. The attacking stopped once I locked it up in my backpack.... but I have not checked if it made a mess in there yet. It's a unique backpack if I'm being honest. I digress though.
xxxxxxHmmm I feel you are at least a bit mysterious. Honestly I'm very curious the requirements and spell my parents put on the journals. Could be interesting after all... My job? I am an Auror for the Ministry of Magic in London. It's not as exciting of a job as they make it out to be ;P My parents like to meddle in my life because I'm 24 with no wife or girlfriend... Mother wants grandchildren to spoil as I am an only child. They like to set me up on blind dates saying that they'll meet me at a location and a girl will be there... or occasionally a guy after I told them "What if I don't like girls" They're definitely strange people... And I could have ignored it, but I think it would keep attacking until I answered it. And besides, the only reason I ask is because I don't want to bother or hinder your life by sending replies...
xxxxxxAhhh, so you're a badass huh? Should've figured. I suppose you're right though. Although there is a pretty good chance they will become violent anyway. If you don't mind me saying, please be careful tonight and tomorrow. I would prefer not having to find your sister to give her bad news. Plus how could such a bubbly person leave this earth in such a violent manner? ;) But seriously, please be safe. Could you let me know when you are heading to bed and when you are leaving tomorrow so I can refrain from writing and give you a break ;D[align=right]
Honestly I'm not that amusing,

xxxxxxSmiling he closed the journal, tied it up, and placed it into the backpack sitting next to him. Zipping it up he got off the bench and put it on his back. Picking up Salem he quickly appaperated to his parents house out in the country. Knocking softly on the door Salem purred happily in his arms. The door quickly swung open and he heard his mother all but shout "DARLING! Oh you came to surprise your mother did you!?" as she proceeded to squeeze him, making Salem meow in protest. "Mother, the journals. Tell me. Now please. Salem also wants Tuna." Sighing she walked back in the house all but pouting. His mother was a Gryffindor, but she should have been a Hufflepuff if you asked him. Salem jumped out of his arms to follow his mother into the house. Jace followed after them, shutting the door behind.

xxxxxxAs they sat down at the kitchen table, Salem with a plate that had one sushi sized piece of tuna on it, his father strolled in. "Welcome son, now before you pout, your mother had good intentions. Honestly." Said woman rolled her eyes. "You can't expect me to believe my Slytherin child will find love on his own. I mean really. How did he even become a Slytherin with a Ravenclaw father and a Gryffindor mother?" Jace twitched in annoyance. He never like being around his family.... They never understood. Since "He who they don't speak of." was "vanquished" the stigma against Slytherins were strong... his parents never let him live it down. In that moment he wished to be back home but he needed answers. "Val... Not now." His father turned to him and started, "Look, the spell is complex but not. You should know by now. Honestly your mother put so many restrictions on it I'm surprised it appeared in front of anyone to begin with. She has to be smart, would be able to put up with your sas.... Well... Basically your mother put a spell on it to appear in front of someone who could handle you... Now we're not saying go and date the girl, but you should at least try to be her friend... It might be worthwhile you know..."

xxxxxxSighing Jace knew his father was right. After having menial conversation about cousins, aunts, and other families and making plans to go back to America for the holidays this year his mother convinced him to stay the night in his old room. Taking off his jacked he sat down in the chair next to his bed and sighed... His parents always drained his mental energy.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/7 06:05:34 )
@Khajitten: so you know i replied to you

Rosalynn was taken by surprise at seeing his words appear right before her very eyes, the glow mesmerizing her for a bit. She chuckled slightly as she stared at the words, debating on what she should write in reply even if this man was showing all the formalities with her just a bit.


Oh? I am not as petite as you may think, Sir. Or maybe I am.....I am only five feet tall. Lol. There are sides to me that you can only fathom and wonder about. I am not sure if I am easily teased or not so that shall be something you will just have to find out. Thank you for the compliment none the less. I kind of imagine you as one of those Durmstrang fellows that is big and can hold their own, but is a bit mischievous and would cause trouble.
Oh and what do you digress about this time?
Well when you find out just what the requirements on the books are feel free to tell me as you said it will be interesting to find out. Maybe it is something as silly as being the shortest female you know. Though what would they have done if this book ended up in the hands of a muggle?
Well at least you have parents that love you and are still alive enough to meddle in your affairs. I am practically in the same boat as you. I am 27, single, no kids and practically married to my work. Lol. That is rather funny that they try to do that with you. My sister tried to set me up once with a Centaur but it didn't really work out as we had ended up having to relocate his herd. Your parents are only trying to help you even if they are strange people.
Well I am going to head to bed in a couple of minutes after i finish getting my game plan together about my tracking tomorrow. I would still be doing it right now if it were not for this fog that is obstructing my view. I also would not say that I am a bad ass just stubborn and preferring my solitude to other people though lately a friend has been in need as it has gotten lonely in these recent years. I don't know my sister is just one year younger than you so maybe you and she will hit it off. Well how else would one leave the earth? Peacefully in my sleep?
well maybe you should let me know when your busy so i can do the same.
OH so you don't have humor then,

She finally closed the book, stretching as she gave a small yawn. Tying the book back down before she went back to her maps, marking the tracks that she had found, making sure they were going in the right direction. She tapped her quill on the table while determining the direction they could be and their lair. "Meow.” A smile crossed the witch's face as she reached down to stroke the head of the nebelung, that just purred to her before placing the letter it was carrying down. Rosalynn chuckled as the cat claimed her place on the pillow, she grinned even more when she saw that it was sister who had written to her of all people. ”Thank you, Tali. Though you do know your bed is over there right?” she said to the feline while pointing out the cat bed that was near her own bed. Of course she was only ignored by the cat who yawned and curled up even more where she was laying.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/7 16:02:53 )
xxxxxxAs Jace sat there rubbing his temples he felt something gently land in his lap. Looking down it was the book, "Maybe it can tell I'm annoyed? Or maybe she's started to like me?" he said before looking over at Salem who was laying on one of the pillows in the bed. Sighing he opened it up and began reading. Chuckling he shook his head. 'This woman. She is indeed adorable.' he thought to himself. Looking at the time he bit his lip knowing he probably shouldn't write again until morning. Locking the journal in his backpack he stripped down to his boxers and went to bed. It was late and he knew his eternal clock would awake at six even though it was the weekend. After a while he ended up drifting asleep.

xxxxxxWaking up almost on the dot of 6 he pulled the journal out from his backpack and re-read over her words. Smirking he took the pen and began writing;
xxxxxxHmmm maybe I would like to your other sides as well ;D But wow, you're like a foot shorted than me. I'm 5'11" which basically is six foot if we're being honest here. But, I think your imagination hit spot on. I can take care of my own very well.. I mean unless I'm up against a body builder then I should use my whit because it's quiet difficult to evade someone so much bigger than you. xD
xxxxxxDon't get me wrong, I love my parents a lot.... they're just.... typical pure bloods you know? My father is a Ravenclaw and my mother is a Gryffindor so they were so distraught when I was sorted into Slytherin... But not all Slytherin are evil..... Anyway.... Last night they told me that the book wasn't even suppose to be found... Basically, that it was to appear in front of someone who, and I quote, "Can put up with me." Which is quiet rude in my opinion. Like I have friends.
xxxxxxFor the most part you can reply to me whenever you feel. I keep it locked up for now, and last night it didn't attack me, just landed gently into my lap. So my theory is that it knows when it should and should not try and attack me. Which is ironic.
No, humor is for the weak. I am a robot, therefor I have no humor in me at all.
I'''mmmmmm kiiiidddiiiinnnnnggggggg,

xxxxxxClosing the journal and putting it on the bed he got up and went to his connected bathroom and started getting ready for the day. Since he was over here at his parent's house he figured he might as well help around the house and talk with his parents more. The smell of coffee drifted into his room as he finished getting dressed in simple blue jeans and a dark green almost black shirt. As he trotted downstairs, Salem happily followed, where they were met with breakfast.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/8 04:44:17 )
@Khajitten: booooo

There was no response from the book so the female concluded that the mysterious Jace had headed off to bed. Which was all well and fine since she had to write her sister back before Maria truly started to worry about her. It was early in the morning before she got all her tasks done and was able to settle down in her bed after pushing her feline companion out of the way so that she could plop down for the night.

Being rudely awaken in the morning by a book landing on her head did not help her as she groaned, grabbing the offending object as she sat up, realizing that Tali had made her self comfortable across her neck. "ugh! Tali....can't you sleep somewhere else?" she groaned as she shooed the cat away from her, looking down at the book in her hand. Before she did anything she went to the bathroom to get cleaned up and breakfast started. Once she had a meal in her belly she finally opened the book to read the letter left there. Chuckling at how silly that man was being.


Thank you for the wake up call for now I can get an early start on my day, Good another person I have to look up too. *insert eye rolling here* Well when your against someone that is much bigger and stronger than you, then you should use their strength and weight against them.
I wouldn't really know how typical purebloods are since I am a halfblood and the purebloods I know aren't about the line purity or or upset about things like which house you got into. I think it is silly they are upset that you were in slytherin after all it was just a school house and it says nothing about your future or who you are, well not who you are truly.
So I was just lucky then to even find the book to begin with. Ah see that is the problem there. Friends just tolerate you while it is rare to find someone that will put up with you and all your shenanigans. I mean really I do not think that your friends would put up with your poor sense of humor and your occasional lack of decorum. I mean really, you sir, have very poor taste in friends.
Hmm that is rather interesting. This morning the book landed on my head when i had thought i tied it down to the table. So you might be right, it might know when to act up and when to behave. I rather like it when it behaves since it is less bothersome in that way. So I shall inform you that I will take you up on your offer and write to you as I see fit and I hope the book beats you up. lol.
So I shall inform you since we are already getting intimate with knowledge of each other. I got a letter from my sister last night and she seems to have found a boyfriend and that they are really serious about each other. Oh and she asked me how my job was going so I informed her about it. I stayed up late forming a plan and determining the direction and location of the pack on the maps. I have a good idea of where it could be even if i wished that i had a bit more sleep. lol
Who needs sleep?,

She smiled at his writing, chuckling a bit before she remembered to add the bit about the journal into the letter to her sister, and about the man that was on the other end of it. She made sure that Tali was feed before giving her the letter back to her sister, petting the feline before making sure she made her way out safely. She then turned back to her camp, taking a deep breathe before she started to magically put everything away and back into her small bag before slowly making her way towards the trail she had lost sight of the night before. "Here is to hoping I find this poor child in time." she said to herself encouragingly as she continued on her path. Vaguely in the back of her mind she thought that if Jace really wanted to find her and the case that she was working on then all he had to do was go into the Ministry to the Magical creature department to easily dig up the case.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/9 14:22:24 )
(@roshan: If you put color=white then tag me like "@Khajitten: Ping" but with the white color around it it'll look like @Khajitten: Ping So yea that's a thing idk if you needed that info xD If you highlight it you can see it, it's also like a secret message!)

xxxxxxFinishing off the last chocolate chip peanut butter waffle the journal floated down the stairs and sat in front of him. His mother all but shrieked with excitement. "AHHH SHE IS REALLY WRITING BACK TO YOU!?!?!?" wincing slightly he nodded his head trying his best not to illicit another fangirl screech from her, "I WANT TO READ IT!!! LET ME READ!! Please hunny! I promise I will be calm and collected and..." His father held his hand up to stop her from word vomiting any longer. "Darling, you know that as part of my agreement to let you do this whole thing, that in the spell no one can read what's written in the journal besides the two who write in it." Jace perked up at this, "Is that so?" he looked sideways at his mother and noticed her pout before he saw his father's head nod. Smirking he shook his head. "Mom, why don't you get a list together for your shopping and I'll go with you?" His mother clapped her hands together in excitement and ran off and his father pulled the newspaper up as Jace opened the journal and read what Rosalynn wrote. Smiling he took pen to paper.
xxxxxxI'm terribly sorry that I had woke you so early this morning. I suppose I shouldn't assume you're on the same schedule as me. Though I find the image of the book waking you up rather amusing honestly. I bet it would have been quiet the sight. My parents aren't so much obsessed with the line of purity in our lineage but more so they just want grand-kids. Just upset about the house XD But yea, I agree with you. The houses, mascots, or whatever they are where ever you are, they don't choose your fate.
xxxxxxYes, and apparently we are the only two who can see the writing inside. My father threw that stipulation in to keep my mother from intruding too much on my life. Heh. But I wouldn't say that they can't put up with me or anything like that... It's just more.... I don't have friends outside of work? I've told them that with my job it's easier to just have work buddies than "friends" because god forbid if something happens and my "friends" don't turn out to be who or what they say they are then it wont cause problems. Work buddies are way more likely to be good guys.
xxxxxxYou would want the book to beat me up! Also I suppose that's good that she has a boyfriend? Or are you not happy about that? It seems weird that they would be so serious so fast but I've never dated, I wouldn't know how that goes. I wish you the best of luck on your trip today and seriously hope you don't get your face eaten off. I was hoping to see it in the near future ;D
I bet your face is adorable,

xxxxxxAs soon as Jace closed the book his mother came back with a whole grocery list and a list for items around the house. Sighing he shook his head and locked up the book in his bag. As soon as they said goodbye to his father and giving Salem some cat food they left for Diagone Alley first. Today would be a long day for him, but he was oddly happy he could spend more time with his mother for once... 'Rosa's letter made me realize that I do have a blessed life and I shouldn't take mother for granted.' he thought to himself before she pulled him into Flourish and Blotts to buy his dad some books.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 03:58:46 )
@Khajitten: no i didn't think to do that. thank you for the advice. lol. and feel free to ping me here as well

There was a fine fog layer along the forest floor which was far better than the fog that had hidden everything from sight. She brushed a loose strand of black hair back, gazing down at the floor before waving her wand to clear a small path to see any of the signs that she was looking for. Spotting the tracks and tell tale signs of werewolves such as scratches on tree, footprints, even bent branches. Excitement bubbled up inside at knowing she was following the right path. For the first time in a long while she felt as if she had hope or a chance to even rescue this poor child and get him back to the home where he belonged. The bag along her waist started to tug to inform her of the book that wanted her to know someone had written into it. She came to a stop in a fairly safe location so that she could read what her new found friend wrote back to her.


indentIt is perfectly fine. I needed to get up anyways, last thing I needed is for the pack to get further away from me than they are now. As for my schedule it is rather irregular as I tend to just um work whenever I wake up most of the time and sleep when I fall a sleep. It wasn't that funny. I think it is more funny when it flies at you and hits you in the head for your attention. Though now that the books have quit down for the most part, I rather enjoy having it around more. Far more easier to talk this way than with regular letters or with cellphones since you don't really have to pay for it.
indentThey are like the symbols for your school houses. I was sorted into Thunderbird and their main trait is to be adventurous. Though some of us tend to end up being more like our houses than anything else. Fate cane be a tricky thing after all.
indentOh that is good! then I won't have to worry about my sister or anyone else trying to read this if it is found or if they try to be nosy. I can only imagine what your mother would say about our conversation should she get the chance to read this. Oh so me and you both lack friends of any sort besides those we associate with at work.Work people are more fake then real friends since they are only nice and good to you in person because of the fact that they have to work with you and put up with you far more than your friends who would probably rather be honest and true with you than put on a mask.
indentYes i would want the book to beat you up cause I found it rather amusing. I am not sure how i feel about her having a boyfriend considering the fact that she tends to go through partners more often then well anyone I know. I mean I am happy for her obviously but I would rather wish she would find someone that she loves and wants to spend the rest of her life with instead of just going through them like water. I mean I know that she is my younger sister but I love her and want what is best for her. Oh I might get to keep my face but i would probably lose everything else that makes up my own body. :D
indent until i reach the right spot for little inscription which should be here.Not that adorable. Your face is probably scarred and constantly bruised,
over here is where her name is suppose to be at for now there it is a bit longer to get to this spot then I thought it would be.Rosa.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 18:31:44 )
@Roshan: Lol I'm just like weird and have to have to have tabs in my things and the white color trick was the only way I could think of doing it lol
Jace and his mother, Victoria, were walking around when his mother stopped in front of a cafe a few blocks away from the shopping district; "Lets stop here and pick up lunch hunny, your father absolutely adores the chicken penne here!" He only smiled and chuckled as she pulled him into the shop. As they were standing in line he felt his bag tug on his back slightly. Tapping on his mothers shoulder he pointed to a table on the side, "I'm going to sit down over there. Just get me what you get dad. Use my card, buy both of your lunches with it too. I will not take no for an answer." His mother huffed and turned around in line again and he was off to the table. Pulling out the book and his pen he smiled reading her writing.
xxxxxxAh, well I'm glad that I could assist you in waking up, I'm the same way honestly. I wake up when I naturally wake up and usually work until I sleep. Lately though they've been giving me weekends off, which sucks... I feel like I could do more on weekends, however due to some sort or another they basically said I have no choice because I'm not allowed any more overtime.
xxxxxxHaha, your sister seems to be the last person I would think to read your book, a stranger maybe, if you do travel for work often... But mother would probably just be excited and then ask me to ask you so many questions. It'd be troublesome honestly. Well since we both have fake work friends, why don't we become friends? You seem like a rather interesting and honest person... and I highly doubt you will be involved in any way with my job. I mean unless you break wizardry law in London. Though I'm thinking about changing jobs honestly... I kind of have been thinking about taking up a muggle job... Shhhh don't tell anyone.
xxxxxxWell hopefully it ends well for her, maybe she did find the one, we don't know... you know? And whaaaat you can't loose your whole body!? That means they take all the good bits! Damn those werewolves and their amazing sense of taste in bodies. XD Ahhh I can't believe I just laughed at that in the middle of a muggle cafe! How dare you make me show emotions in public xD rofl.
II really enjoy your company,

xxxxxxAs he shut the book chuckling and putting it in his bag, his mother came up looking at him suspiciously. "Writing that girl were you?" She asked as she handed him the bags of food and his card. As he was putting the card back into his wallet he replied to his mom, "Her name is Rosalynn, not "that girl" and yes, I was. We get along quiet well, but that shouldn't be surprising to you eh?" Picking up the food he placed it in his bag as well. On a table inside of the bag. (similar to the suitcase in Fantastic Beasts.) His mother smiled big and pulled him quickly out of the cafe. She all but talked his ear off as they went home and as they got home putting up all the items they bought for the day. He answered as much as he could to the best of his ability. She finally stopped as his father entered, ready to eat the lunch.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/11 03:30:01 )
@Khajitten: right! well it is a very good trick. this way we can talk with out interrupting the rp to much. just cause people to wonder why there is a gap between the beginning of the posts to the actual post. lol.

Rosalynn had come to a stop next to a small river which could be labeled more as a crick then anything else. It was the perfect spot to stop and have lunch at, the sky was blue with a few clouds passing lazily above. The trees swayed slightly from the breeze, up the crick a ways were a few small animals drinking from the water while the pale skinned human sat on a rock with in the shade, glad the fog was gone for the moment as she lazily ate on a sandwich from her bag. She pulled out the book once more to see what Jace had to say for himself at the moment.

indent Seems we have something in common then. My sleeping can go from a couple of hours to ten hours depending on the day, my mood and if I am off or not. Well at least you get days off to enjoy, my days are full of travelling or doing my job so I do't get very many days off unless you consider traveling time off. Yea...seems everyone is upset about overtime even in the muggle world
indent Trust me she can be pretty nosy when she wants to be. It is funny you know....she just kind of took on the mother roll after we lost our parents but not so much of a mom like yours. I love her even with all her mothering that she was doing and still tends to do with me, despite the fact that I am the oldest out of the two of us. I guess I just didn't have that mothering instinct back then like she did. Strangers tend to be just as nosy as she is when it comes to something mysterious in their world.
indent Well we could be real friends but I am not sure with that sense of humor of yours, it might scare me away. Oh and what law would I even break in London? My job can over lap with yours as I might go there to report to your department for magical creatures on this case. Oh! Well if you want to work in the muggle world then I would suggest that you actually create your own business cause then your overtime would not matter at all. What would you even do in the muggle world?
indentI know that I know nothing about her relationship with the guy or how long that it has been going on but still I can not help but worry about her. lol. Why not? At least you will still be able to see this face that you claim is so adorable. lol. Alright I admit that was pretty funny of you with your humor there. Oh so are you saying your one of those bad boys who think emotions are for the weak? IF so I just want you to know that females tend to find some emotions a bit sexy rather than whole stoic thing that guys try to have.
Indenting until it is over here once more even if it is not far enough.Your company isn't to bad,
indenting once more until i get her name just in the right place which is further down this way.Rosa

She chuckled a bit before she wiped some of the crumbs off the page, making sure it was clean before closing the book,setting it next to her. She then finished eating her meal before relaxing. Rosalynn closed her eyes as she listened to the sounds of the world around her, the water splashing, birds singing, leaves rustling, and even sounds of something else that vaguely sounded familiar.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/11 18:21:20 )
[size=10]@Roshan: This is true. Lol we can write whatever we want teehee. Ahhh I'm sorry I'm so sporadic ;n;
As Jace and his parents ate their lunch together he decided to leave the book open in hopes of watching the writing, knowing that they couldn't see and slightly to tease his mother for making such a silly thing to begin with. Though if he was being honest he would admit he was a bit thankful for the book. Rosalynn seemed like a genuine good friend and he couldn't wait to get to know her more!
xxxxxxHonestly I was thinking about going to a muggle college and trying to become a paramedic. It is something I've always thought about doing. Though I don't know if my age will affect this any. Or maybe I could go and become a nurse, and travel, like you. Who knows. I just don't feel like I'm needed so much here. I mean many wizards and witches become aurors. It would be cool to go back to Texas and do something there. Maybe become a farmer or something. I mean I doubt I would but it would be pretty awesome...
xxxxxxI'm sorry that she had to become like a mothering figure. I think if anyone loses their parents, especially that young, there would be many different ways to react. I don't think she minds so much, from what you've been saying. And you seem pretty motherly right now. Or at least caring. I think that no matter what you'll always look out for her.
xxxxxxI don't think I'm too worried about trying to be attractive to anyone. Relationships aren't really something I'm not really looking into any time soon. Also, I just hate making scenes in public or being noticed. I don't see how that's masculine ;) But honestly I think that I am getting too use to these letters we send back and forth.
I would hope you enjoyed my company!

xxxxxxLooking up after he finished writing Jace noticed his mother smiling ear to ear at him. Rolling his eyes he closed the book and put it into his backpack, got up, and started cleaning up the area. His mother protested at this and shooed him out into the living room where he lounged on the couch with his bag.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/12 01:58:54 )
@Khajitten: that is fine. I am a bit sporadic myself. I just now got a chance to get here to reply. So I completely understand. Just reply when you can don’t worry about me. :)

Rosalynn woke up with a start, jerking as she ran a hand through her now messy hair. Squinting at the sunlight that was now hitting her face, she looked for the source that caused her to wake and what she had found was the journal which now sat in her lap. Smiling softly to herself, her goldish eyes looked around the area before she began to write back.

Dear Jace,
indentWell if you did become a paramedic I would say you would be one of the best ones out there. I can see you sneaking to use magic to heal some of the muggles but then you work for the ministry so you probably wouldn’t do such a thing. To be honest in the muggle world age doesn’t really matter....there are people your parents’ age that go to college.
indentSadly I do not know anything about farming other than the fact that you have to wake up super early and go to bed super late and that there are no days off. Of course I would look out for her after all she is my family. I love her greatly and I wouldn’t know what to do if I lost her.
indentOh, well then for future reference for when you do decide to look for someone. Eh. Muggles aren’t ones to care if your laughing a loud or showing emotions since they do it all the time. They just tend to try and ignore it as best they can and pretend that it isn’t happening.
indentyou say that like it is a bad thing to enjoy these letters,
insenting until her name is further over hereRose
Questing: !

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/12 15:12:29 )
@Roshan: ;u; you're so kind ;u; I added you onto discord, I don't know if you use it much xD
Jace ended up taking a short nap on his parents couch when he felt his mom throw something on his chest. Startled he looked down and noticed it was the book, "You should answer her and then come help me in the garden. It's not raining and I need to get some weeding done and other things." Walking out of the room he looked confusedly at the book. Opening it up he read it carefully before replying to Rosalynn;

xxxxxxI mean if I were to quit I would be moving to America, it's not that I don't love London but I was born there (during my parent's mission abroad) So I would have to deal with the American department. I'm sure if I didn't do something completely stupid and noticeable no one would care. Over there they always chalk it up to "A miracle from God" Lol.
xxxxxxAhhh, I didn't know that. I thought that you would need to go to college after the school age. Knowing that maybe I'll just go ahead and do it? Well, I'm sure mother would not be happy but I definitely want to move back eventually. I don't know much about farming besides growing up with my mom insisting on making a muggle garden. In fact I am about to go help her with it. She loves growing her own food, my dad showed her the basics and now she has a whole garden in the back yard of tomatos and what not.
xxxxxxHmm. I don't think I want to look for anyone. I always heard that you'll find the perfect one at the perfect time when you have no clue that's what you needed in life. Though I don't know if that's entirely true. My mother and father were in a somewhat arranged marriage and they just learned to love each other.
[align=right]It's not bad, just surprising...

xxxxxxWrapping the leather string around it he shrunk it and put it in this pocket so that he could go out and help his mother. Before he could though his father stopped him by the back door, "Your mother really means her best you know." Jace frowned. "I actually am not that upset by it. I enjoy talking to Rosalynn... That's why I kept up this whole shenanigan of y'all's." His father looked slightly shocked, "Well your mother doesn't think that. You should talk to her." Nodding he headed out to the garden to help his mom, and apparently talk to her too.
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