It has been several generations since the great war has passed that the famous Boy who lived became a hero for. The muggle world is growing in it's scientific discoveries and more and more witches and wizards are being born from Muggle Families. The Ministry of Magic has spent the last year discussing the best ways to go about lifting the statue of secrecy that has been in place for hundreds of years. Should they do everything at once? Should they keep magical creatures secret still? How much should they reveal?
Though the pureblood argument isn't as strong as it once was, there are still many who hold out on the belief, as well as others holding on to the belief that wizards are superior and should keep themselves secret so that they are not threatened. But the majority of the world is getting ready to finally lift this ban.
The year is 2215 (a random future year picked) and the end of July letters to all eligible Wizards and Witches have gone out for first years to join, and new supplies letters sent to returning students. As an exciting bonus this year, several students from Ilvermony have agreed to attend Hogwarts for a year in an exchange student program, with the same number of students being selected from Hogwarts to attend Ilivermony! The Headmaster/mistress has decided to throw a Grand Feast, and Ball for Thanksgiving to make the exchange students comfortable and think of Hogwarts as another home. As such, dress robes have been included in the supplies list for the new year.
As this is the future, the way things run at Hogwarts has of course seen some changes. The major change from the time of the Chosen One is that classes have been reorganized so that teachers are not run ragged trying to teach more classes than they have time for and keep office hours, and all of their other duties.
This means that classes like Potions, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures have been split up into theory classes, and lab practice. In the theory classes, all houses attend one grand lecture, while they practice what they learn in a smaller classroom with just their own house. This way teachers can focus more on working with each individuals needs to provide the best education for the students of Hogwarts.
Exchange students may choose which Houses schedule that they would like to follow.
If a student knows what career path they would like to follow when they complete their schooling they can speak to their advisors to have special classes set up to teach them special skills that they might need for that career. These are optional classes that depending on who would be helping them learn, determines how many minimum numbers of students they need to have the classes happen.
Ollivander's, for example, is willing to teach wand lore to a single student meeting them at Hogsmeade on the Weekends.
If a student desires to teach in the future as another example they can help teach classes and labs as teacher helpers as long as their schedule is free for the time slots. These type of optional learning opportunities are often taken up by year seven students who are focusing on a certain subject as a major.
7-9:30 Am Breakfast is in the Great Hall
9:45-10:45 AM: Class Block One
11 Am - noon: Class Block Two
Noon-One : Lunch and Owl deliveries
1:15-2:15 PM: Class Block Three
2:30-3:30 PM: Class Block Four
3:45-4:45 Pm: Class Block Five
5-6 Pm: Class Block Six
6-8 Pm: Dinner
10 PM curfew, no students allowed in the halls
The above schedules includes all the base extra curriculum classes. If you are undecided in second year where you want to head career is after school, all of these classes will be added to your schedule on top of the base classes: History of Magic, Defense against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and Astronomy.
In Year Three you may leave classes you were previously taking if they are not needed for the job you are aiming for.
Year Five: OWLS
Year Seven: NEWT classes
Year 1
Herbology Theory : The ghost of Neville Longbottom
Herbology Lab : year 7 Student/professor
History of Magic: Professor Harriet Dursley
Defense against the Dark Arts: Professor
Charms: Professor
Transfiguration: Professor
Potions Theory: Professor
Potions Lab: Year 7 Student/ professor
Flying: Professor
Astronomy: Professor + Year 7 student
Year 2 -3 additions:
Arithmancy: Professor
Muggle Studies: Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Theory: Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Lab: Year 7 Student/professor
Divination: Professor
Ancient Runes: Professor
Year 4-6 Changes
Care of Magical Creatures Lab: No year 7 student
Potions Lab: No year 7 student
Herbology Lab: No year 7 student
Astronomy: No year 7 student
Year 7 Changes:
NEWT Herbology: Professor
NEWT History of Magic: Professor
NEWT Defense against the Dark Arts: Professor
NEWT Charms: Professor
NEWT Transfiguration: Professor
NEWT Potions : Professor
NEWT Care of Magical Creatures
NEWT Arithmancy: Professor
NEWT Muggle Studies: Professor actual muggle ?
NEWT Divination: Professor
NEWT Ancient Runes: Professor
Other Staff:
Janitor/Hall Monitor:
Though the pureblood argument isn't as strong as it once was, there are still many who hold out on the belief, as well as others holding on to the belief that wizards are superior and should keep themselves secret so that they are not threatened. But the majority of the world is getting ready to finally lift this ban.
The year is 2215 (a random future year picked) and the end of July letters to all eligible Wizards and Witches have gone out for first years to join, and new supplies letters sent to returning students. As an exciting bonus this year, several students from Ilvermony have agreed to attend Hogwarts for a year in an exchange student program, with the same number of students being selected from Hogwarts to attend Ilivermony! The Headmaster/mistress has decided to throw a Grand Feast, and Ball for Thanksgiving to make the exchange students comfortable and think of Hogwarts as another home. As such, dress robes have been included in the supplies list for the new year.
As this is the future, the way things run at Hogwarts has of course seen some changes. The major change from the time of the Chosen One is that classes have been reorganized so that teachers are not run ragged trying to teach more classes than they have time for and keep office hours, and all of their other duties.
This means that classes like Potions, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures have been split up into theory classes, and lab practice. In the theory classes, all houses attend one grand lecture, while they practice what they learn in a smaller classroom with just their own house. This way teachers can focus more on working with each individuals needs to provide the best education for the students of Hogwarts.
Exchange students may choose which Houses schedule that they would like to follow.
If a student knows what career path they would like to follow when they complete their schooling they can speak to their advisors to have special classes set up to teach them special skills that they might need for that career. These are optional classes that depending on who would be helping them learn, determines how many minimum numbers of students they need to have the classes happen.
Ollivander's, for example, is willing to teach wand lore to a single student meeting them at Hogsmeade on the Weekends.
If a student desires to teach in the future as another example they can help teach classes and labs as teacher helpers as long as their schedule is free for the time slots. These type of optional learning opportunities are often taken up by year seven students who are focusing on a certain subject as a major.
7-9:30 Am Breakfast is in the Great Hall
9:45-10:45 AM: Class Block One
11 Am - noon: Class Block Two
Noon-One : Lunch and Owl deliveries
1:15-2:15 PM: Class Block Three
2:30-3:30 PM: Class Block Four
3:45-4:45 Pm: Class Block Five
5-6 Pm: Class Block Six
6-8 Pm: Dinner
10 PM curfew, no students allowed in the halls
Year One Schedule:
Class Block 1: Monday and Wednesday: History of Magic with Professor Harriet Dursley
Tuesday and Thursday: Defense against the Dark Arts with Professor
Class Block 2: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Longbottom
Class Block 3: Gryffindors: Tuesday: Potions lab with Professor
Thursday: Herbology lab with Professor
Slytherins: Tuesday: Herbology lab wtih Professor
Thursday: Potions Lab with professor
Ravenclaws: Wednesday : Potions lab with Professor
Friday: Herbology Lab with professor
Hufflepuffs: Wednesday : Herbology lab with Professor
Friday: Potions Lab with professor
Class Block 4: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms Class with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Transfiguration Class with Professor
Class Block 5: Monday: Theory of Potions with Professor
Class Block 6: Friday: Flying lessons with Professor
Midnight: Tuesday: Astronomy
Class Block 1: Monday and Wednesday: History of Magic with Professor Harriet Dursley
Tuesday and Thursday: Defense against the Dark Arts with Professor
Class Block 2: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Longbottom
Class Block 3: Gryffindors: Tuesday: Potions lab with Professor
Thursday: Herbology lab with Professor
Slytherins: Tuesday: Herbology lab wtih Professor
Thursday: Potions Lab with professor
Ravenclaws: Wednesday : Potions lab with Professor
Friday: Herbology Lab with professor
Hufflepuffs: Wednesday : Herbology lab with Professor
Friday: Potions Lab with professor
Class Block 4: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms Class with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Transfiguration Class with Professor
Class Block 5: Monday: Theory of Potions with Professor
Class Block 6: Friday: Flying lessons with Professor
Midnight: Tuesday: Astronomy
Year Two Schedule:
Class Block 1: Monday and Wednesday: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Tuesday and Thursday: History of Magic with Professor Harriet Dursley
Class Block 2: Monday: Theory of Potions
Tuesday and Thursday: Ancient Ruins
Wednesday and Friday: Muggle Studies
Class Block 3: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms
Tuesday and Thursday: Transfiguration
Class Block 4: Monday: Theory of Care of Magical Creatures
Gryffindors: Tuesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Wednesday: Potions Lab
Friday: Herbology lab
Slytherins: Wednesday: Herbology lab
Thursday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Friday: Potions Lab
Ravenclaws: Tuesday: Potions Lab
Thursday: Herbology Lab
Friday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Hufflepuffs: Tuesday: Herbology Lab
Wednesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Thursday: Potions Lab
Class Block 5: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Neville Longbottom
Wednesday, and Friday: Divination
Tuesday and Thursday: Arithmancy
Class Block 6: Free Block
Midnight: Wednesday: Astronomy in the Tallest Tower
Class Block 1: Monday and Wednesday: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Tuesday and Thursday: History of Magic with Professor Harriet Dursley
Class Block 2: Monday: Theory of Potions
Tuesday and Thursday: Ancient Ruins
Wednesday and Friday: Muggle Studies
Class Block 3: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms
Tuesday and Thursday: Transfiguration
Class Block 4: Monday: Theory of Care of Magical Creatures
Gryffindors: Tuesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Wednesday: Potions Lab
Friday: Herbology lab
Slytherins: Wednesday: Herbology lab
Thursday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Friday: Potions Lab
Ravenclaws: Tuesday: Potions Lab
Thursday: Herbology Lab
Friday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Hufflepuffs: Tuesday: Herbology Lab
Wednesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab
Thursday: Potions Lab
Class Block 5: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Neville Longbottom
Wednesday, and Friday: Divination
Tuesday and Thursday: Arithmancy
Class Block 6: Free Block
Midnight: Wednesday: Astronomy in the Tallest Tower
Year Five Schedule:
Class Block 1: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday:Transfiguration with Professor
Class Block 2: Gryffindors: Tuesday: Potions lab with Professor
Wednesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab with Professor
Thursday: Herbology lab with Professor
Slytherins: Tuesday: Herbology lab wtih Professor
Thursday: Potions Lab with professor
Friday: Care of Magical Creatures with Professor
Ravenclaws: Wednesday : Potions lab with Professor
Thursday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab with Professor
Friday: Herbology Lab with professor
Hufflepuffs: Tuesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab with Professor
Wednesday : Herbology lab with Professor
Friday: Potions Lab with professor
Class Block 3: Monday: Theory of Magical Creatures with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Arithmancy with Professor
Wednesday and Friday: Divination with Professor
Class Block 4: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Neville Longbottom
Class Block 5: Tuesday and Thursday: History of Magic with Professor
Wednesday and Friday: Defense against the Dark Arts with Professor
Class Block 6: Monday: Theory of Potions with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Ancient Runes with Professor
Wednesday and Friday: Muggle Studies with Professor
Midnight: Monday : Astronomy
Class Block 1: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: Charms with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday:Transfiguration with Professor
Class Block 2: Gryffindors: Tuesday: Potions lab with Professor
Wednesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab with Professor
Thursday: Herbology lab with Professor
Slytherins: Tuesday: Herbology lab wtih Professor
Thursday: Potions Lab with professor
Friday: Care of Magical Creatures with Professor
Ravenclaws: Wednesday : Potions lab with Professor
Thursday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab with Professor
Friday: Herbology Lab with professor
Hufflepuffs: Tuesday: Care of Magical Creatures Lab with Professor
Wednesday : Herbology lab with Professor
Friday: Potions Lab with professor
Class Block 3: Monday: Theory of Magical Creatures with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Arithmancy with Professor
Wednesday and Friday: Divination with Professor
Class Block 4: Monday: Theory of Herbology with Professor Neville Longbottom
Class Block 5: Tuesday and Thursday: History of Magic with Professor
Wednesday and Friday: Defense against the Dark Arts with Professor
Class Block 6: Monday: Theory of Potions with Professor
Tuesday and Thursday: Ancient Runes with Professor
Wednesday and Friday: Muggle Studies with Professor
Midnight: Monday : Astronomy
The above schedules includes all the base extra curriculum classes. If you are undecided in second year where you want to head career is after school, all of these classes will be added to your schedule on top of the base classes: History of Magic, Defense against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, and Astronomy.
In Year Three you may leave classes you were previously taking if they are not needed for the job you are aiming for.
Year Five: OWLS
Year Seven: NEWT classes
Year 1
Herbology Theory : The ghost of Neville Longbottom
Herbology Lab : year 7 Student/professor
History of Magic: Professor Harriet Dursley
Defense against the Dark Arts: Professor
Charms: Professor
Transfiguration: Professor
Potions Theory: Professor
Potions Lab: Year 7 Student/ professor
Flying: Professor
Astronomy: Professor + Year 7 student
Year 2 -3 additions:
Arithmancy: Professor
Muggle Studies: Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Theory: Professor
Care of Magical Creatures Lab: Year 7 Student/professor
Divination: Professor
Ancient Runes: Professor
Year 4-6 Changes
Care of Magical Creatures Lab: No year 7 student
Potions Lab: No year 7 student
Herbology Lab: No year 7 student
Astronomy: No year 7 student
Year 7 Changes:
NEWT Herbology: Professor
NEWT History of Magic: Professor
NEWT Defense against the Dark Arts: Professor
NEWT Charms: Professor
NEWT Transfiguration: Professor
NEWT Potions : Professor
NEWT Care of Magical Creatures
NEWT Arithmancy: Professor
NEWT Muggle Studies: Professor actual muggle ?
NEWT Divination: Professor
NEWT Ancient Runes: Professor
Other Staff:
Janitor/Hall Monitor: