Npc — He/Him
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/7 23:46:38 )
PROMPT: Give Butterflies to Virgil
You've lost 1 Bottle of Butterflies from your inventory!
Virgil adjusts his glasses while closing the notebook, "You really did it, huh? Hm. Interesting juxtaposition of the eternal filth of humanity and the fragile beauty of nature you've created..." He looks over the bottle, mumbling to himself, "But they'll need a better home..."
"Yup! Now Virgil can come with us," Vreg twiddles his thumbs with a hopeful smile.
The artist looks at him for a moment, and then lets out a sigh, nodding, "If you insist."
Gained 1 Virgil Frost! Unfortunately not in Vreg's inventory. A good party member with solid stats, however.
New Prompt Suggestion Unlocked! Ask Virgil! If you find yourselves stuck, you can turn to Virgil for useful help or advice. He will follow you anywhere.
As Virgil gets up to follow you his pauses, a faint glimpse of concern showing in his usual stoic expression, "Vreg... Were you hurt?" He nods towards the bandage.
"Oh no," Vreg smiles, shaking his head, "Is called fashion."
"Ah," Virgil sighs, his expression falling back into its previous blasé state, "Don't know why I expected anything else."
What next? You have 15 minutes to discuss and vote.
Npc — He/Him
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/8 00:02:07 )
PROMPT: Dig the X
You see a suspicious looking red X on the ground. It's either a spot begging to be dug up, or a trap luring you in for the kill.
Luckily for you, Eugene seems knowledgeable about it. He whispers into Vreg's ear and the man nods to each series of unintelligible squeaks. "Got it," he says to the rat before brandishing the Neon Shovel from earlier.
You watch as he and Virgil dig where the X is, and over a period of time lugs up an extravagant looking treasure chest. The shovel sadly doesn't survive the tension.
Lost 1 Neon Shovel from your inventory! It should return to the bucket for a sad reunion.
"Eugene's buddies say good treasure here and they were right," Vreg smiles as he tries to open the chest, but finds that it's locked with a complex mechanism consisting of five keyholes that each look slightly different. "Hm, box can't be opened. Maybe the keys we've found can do it? We should go and find the rest because there's sure to be good stuff inside."
Gained 1 Ornate Treasure Chest! Heavy as it is gaudy.
What next? You have 15 minutes to discuss and vote.