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Forums Role Playing [IC] Tuijp & Roshan

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/11 04:58:07 )
@Tuijp: here is the rp thread

Character Name: Jasmine Youngblood
House: Slytherin
~ Year: 5th
~ Pet: Yuki

Nicknames: Jas
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: October 31
Nationality: Unknown
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Hornbeam, Slightly springy, 11 1/2 inches
Core: Phoenix feather
Wand Hand: left/right

Skin: medium brown
Eyes: purple/red
Hair: purple
Height: 5'2 3/4"
Weight: 121 pounds
Outfits: Besides school uniform, when she is in her normal clothes, Jasmine likes to wear corsets, dresses, pants and loose fitting shirts, Layers and boots.
Sexual Orintation: Straight

Habits: plays with the pendent on her necklace
Nervous -> fidgets nervously
Hobbies: care of magical creatures
Status: lower upper class

Favorite Things:
Animals -> fox
Colors -> teal, green, black
Drinks -> Hot Chocolate
Foods -> chinese
Hated Things: aracnids, food with eyes still attached
Treasures: Blue Opal Necklace
Found in these Locations: Slytherin Common Room, outside on the grounds, near herbology greenhouses, forbidden Forest
Favorite Quote:
Dream Job: Auror

Happiest Moment: when she saved her kitten from dying
Worst Memory: father Using the crucio curse on her and her mother.

Relationship with Family: It is on rocky terms.

Family: Mom and Dad, no siblings

Boggart: unknown (hasn't faced one yet)
Mirror of Erised: Being true to herself
Amortentia: smell of burning cedar wood
Patronus: Fox
Animagus: jaguar
Legilimency: Fairly dencent

Best Classes: Transfiguration, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, Potions
Mediocre Classes: Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Charms, Divination, Herbology
Worst Classes: History of Magic, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Arithmancy

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/13 12:13:20 )

Name: Matthew Price
House: Raveclaw
Year: 5th
Pet: Murray

Basic info:
Nicknames: Matt
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 17/02/1981
Nationality: English
Blood Status: Pureblood
Wand: Ebony wood, 9½"
Core: Bone and shell
Wand Hand: left
Quidditch position: Chaser

Skin: Caucasian
Eyes: light blue
Hair: blond
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 pounds
Outfits: Dark grey beanie (it used to be black but, since it's used so much, faded over the years. A comfy sweater in the winter with a tank top under it. Weird Sisters t-shirt in the summer. Black jeans with red all stars. Wears his grandmother's crucifix.
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Habits: nail biting
Hobbies: Quidditch
Status: middle class

Favourite Things:
Animals: Kneazle
Colours: yellow, red
Drinks: coffee, butterbeer
Foods: pasta
Hated Things: Heights
Treasures: crucifix necklace of grandmother
Found in these Locations: Quidditch field, library, hospital wing
Dream Job: Healer
Happiest Moment: going to Hogwarts for the first time
Worst Memory: finding his grandmother, after she died
Relationship with Family: troublesome
Family: Parents, 2 older brothers (24 & 26 years old)

[spoiler]Boggart: clown
Mirror of Erised: Winning the World Champoinship Quidditch
Amortentia: Lavender
Patronus: Beagle
Animagus: unknown
Legilimency: Poor

Best Classes: Herbology, Transfiguration, Flying, Charms, Defence against the Dark Arts
Mediocre Classes: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, Astronomy, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies
Worst Classes: History of Magic, Divination, Arithmancy


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/14 15:06:18 )
The Train was going down the tracks at a steady pace, students were getting into their seats or tracking down the tea trolley for their snacks. Jasmine ran a hand through her purple hair as she found a semi empty compartment to rest until they got to Hogwarts for the year. Though this year was different as tensions were high between everyone because of Harry Potter and Voldemort and the war that many knew was just bubbling under the surface of the happy, but slightly melancholy time.
She knew it better than anyone that Voldemort was back that Harry and Dumbledore was right and that behind the scenes there was a battle going on even secret battles within Hogwarts itself.
Her fingers ran lightly through the nebelung’s silver blue grey fur as her duel color eyes looked out the window, wondering how this was all going to turn out. Vaguely listening to the companions in her compartment who decided to get up and leave since they didn’t want to be near a slytherin who was decidedly evil just because of the house they were in.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/15 10:01:56 )

Matthew had almost been late for the train that morning. He got up in time, but he kept checking if he had everything he needed and kept remembering things he still needed to pack. His parents were getting more and more grumpy with every book he added. His breakfast was a quick sandwich, while he packed and repacked everything over and over again.
They left, just to return five times because Matt remembered leaving something in the house, and, after a long drive, finally arrived at the station. His father parked the car while Matt went to get a card for his trunk and his owl Murray. They rushed through the station, quickly put all his stuff on the train and Matt rushed in. He closed the door just when the train started to ride. He waved at his parents through the window and sighed. Finally he was away from his overbearing mother and all-knowing father. His parents almost didn't let him go back that year, because of all what happened the year before, what Dumbledore and Harry Potter had said and what the Daily Prophet had said about the two of them.

He put his beanie on better, grabbed his trunk and Murray's cage and started to walk down the hall. He saw several familiar face and waved at some of them. Because he had been so late, most compartment were full. After walking a while, he saw a compartment with just one girl with purple hair. His trunk was heavy and he didn't want to drag it further anymore. He opened the door carefully and peeked in.
"Hi," he said, "Do you mind if I sit here with you? Everywhere else is full."


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/18 04:54:28 )
@Tuijp: sorry I have been gone for these past few days. Everything has been busy here. I hope you enjoyed your weekend and father’s day!

Jasmine absently strokes the silky fur beneath her hand, her eyes weren’t even focused on anything before her as her mind was else where. You see she was deep in thought about how her summer went. Which for most would have probably more normal or with their parents trying to keep them from going to school to protect them from the crackpot professor running the place.
No, her parents practically put her into training camp/summer school for the whole vacation time. That seemed to be her only thing they cared about, preparing her to fight along side them with the Dark Lord. A frown crossed her face as she mentally went over the new spells she learned and the grueling dueling lessons that were beat into her since failing was not an option.
She gained a reprieve from her thoughts when the Ravenclaw spoke up, gaining her attention in doing so.
”Are you sure you want to be seen with a slytherin? The others left because of that very fact.” She spoke bluntly to him, making sure to keep emotions out of her voice and off her face other than a snobbish tone to fit with the whole she is better than him. ”Feel free to do as you please. Everyone does.” she adopted a bored tone, turning her eyes back out of the window after she motioned to him to take a seat.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/18 10:57:12 )

@Roshan: My weekend was all right and I don't celebrate father's day. Hope yours was good.

"I don't really care about all of that," said Matt with a shrug, "If they're going to judge me because of who I sit with in a compartment to go back to Hogwarts, they seriously need to get a life."
He dragged his trunk in a placed it above the couch, where it should go. He placed the owl cage near the window, so Murray could look outside, and sat down across from Jasmine. He placed his bag next to him and took one of his new books out. It was the book for Defence Against the Dark Arts. He opened it where he was left it, somewhere half way through the book, and started to read more.

After a while, their compartment door opened and the trolley lady looked in. "Anything off of the trolley, dears?" she asked. Matt looked up from his book and it took a moment to realise who had spoken and what they had said.
"Oh yes, please," he said as he got up. He took some money out of his pocket and walked to the door. He checked what was on the cart and decided on a Honeydukes Best Chocolate bar and a box with Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. He sat down again, opened the box and gave Murray a bean.
"Want one?" he asked and held the box up to Jasmine.


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/21 19:53:32 )

@Tuijp: yea it was pretty good! Oh well I hope you had a good weekend none the less. Sadly life has been keeping me busy.

That taken the dark skinned female by surprise. No one had really said they could careless on which house a person was in as house rivalry was something that was encouraged there in Hogwarts. ”You would be the first to think that way despite everything that is going on in the world.” she actually gave this male a weak smile before pulling her mask back on to keep the charade up that all want and expect from her. She watched as his trunk got loaded into the overhead compartment, placing a calming hand on her feline as the owl was placed near them.
Of course she noticed all the little details such as him already being halfway through his defense against the dark arts book.
She let the silence drag out between them before she decided to speak up and make a little conversation only to have her be cut off before even a word escapes her. ”Yes, ma’am. Can I have some pumpkin pasties, a chocolate frog, fizzing whizzbees and pumpkin juice.” Jasmine asked as politely as she could as she pulled a few gallons out herself to complete the transaction.
”Thank you....want a whizzbee?” she asked as she offered her own back to him, carefully picking a bean out before giving it a little nibble. ”ugh cat food. Here Yuki.” she offered the rest of the bean to her companion who ate it willingly. ”So ummm do you like Defense against the dark arts? she spoke softly to him, munching on one of the pasties. Letting her curiosity of this male get the better of her considering she knew slytherin a were mean and vile and cruel to the other houses so no one was spared except those who were a bit more family but they weren’t when at home.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/22 10:03:20 )

"No thank you," said Matt with a small smile, "I'd like to keep my feet on the ground. Only exception is Quidditch."
Even though he disliked heights, he loved playing Quidditch. He loved it ever since he was a small child and was given a toy broom for his birthday. His mother, only let him use it in the garden, after he had broken an old, expensive vase, but she was always there when he was playing with it. He never was allowed more than a few feet off of the ground. When she wasn't around, he would sneak into the shed, take the broom of one of his brothers and practised with it. His first flying lessons at Hogwarts went very well and Madam Hooch had told him to practice some more when he had time. In his second year, he went to the try out of his house and was selected in as a chaser. He loved going fast on brooms and, most of all, trying to score.

He took a handful of beans and placed the box next to the owl cage. He took a bean and fed it to his owl, who ate it within seconds. He took his book from the couch and placed it open, where he had left it, on his lap. Laying the beans on it, he tried to see if there was a familiar colour between them. He nodded when the girl asked him if he likes Defence Against the Dark Arts.This year, they were going to get their O.W.L.s. Matt was planning to study hard this year, to get all of his grades up. Somewhere half way through the year, they would have a talk with their heads of houses, to discuss their future, what they wanted to do after Hogwarts and which classes they needed for it. For him, there were only 2 options, Curse Breaker or Healer. He liked both, but wasn't sure which one to pick just yet.
"Yes, I do," he said in between eating a few beans, "I think it's one of the best classes. I do hope we get a good teacher this year. Someone like Lupin. He was fun.
So which class do you like the most? And what is your best?"


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 06:36:15 )

@Tuijp: I just want to say I love your avi!

”Suit yourself.” Jasmine said to him as she shrugged, popping one into her mouth before stashing the rest away. She wasn’t to bothered as she started floating off her chair, she made sure to avoid bumping into the ceiling.
”Who would have thought a quidditch player would be afraid of heights.” she snorted a bit as she rolled over so that her face and stomach were facing down. She grabbed a railing to pull herself down to her batch of snacks to sip on the drink.
Unlike her human companion she actually liked floating around without the help of a broom, it was one of the more relaxing things she was able to do at home. It was the only thing that made her feel free and as if she could actually escape her predicament.
”Really? Who would want another werewolf teaching the class?” she was being snarky with her words once more. She didn’t have anything against Lupin when he was the teacher as Matt was right, he was a good and fun teacher and she learned a lot from him but she did have a facade to keep up.
”Potions. Obviously. though I am good in several classes not just that one though it is the top of the list.” she tried to continue to sound vile and vicious to the male but for some reason his pleasant demeanor and the fact he could careless about her and her affiliation just seemed to make her soften up a bit towards him. Which clearly showed in her tone of voice as she spoke again. ”I have to be good in potions....after all my head of house is the teacher and because of my parents.”[/colo] The words were soft as if they were being whispered, a trouble looking crossing those delicate features that had been sneering mostly before it disappeared from it. The brief spell that the whizzbee has her under was wearing off as she finished the candy, causing her to shift once more so she could land comfortable bCk into her seat. [color=teal]”What is your worst subject?”

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/23 11:43:18 )

@Roshan: thank you. I wanted to use the arm pose of the Hopper and this came out.

"Yeah I know it's weird," said Matt, while he watched the girl float around, "But I feel that flying on a broom is different. Then you have something under you, unlike floating because of candy."
He took some more beans out of the box, spread them on his book and fed one to hid owl again. Murray happily took it, held it under his foot and started to rip little pieces off of it. Matt took a bean himself and held it up to his face. He had seen this colour before but couldn't remember the flavour or if it was nice or not. He carefully placed it in his mouth and started to chew on it. Carrots, thankfully.
"I rather have another werewolf with Lupin's kind of teaching than a teacher with Binns' style of teaching. I can't handle more classes like his, thought they do make a good nap."

Matt sat down differently, with his legs on the couch. Murray made some soft noises, indicating he wanted another bean. Matt grabbed a bean from his book, that was now laying next to the cage and gave it to his owl.
When Jasmine change her tone, he gave her a small smile. "Just because he is the head of your house, doesn't mean you have to excel in it."
He had to think for a moment when she asked him what his worst subject was. "Next to History of Magic, obviously, Divination, Arithmancy. I have never been good with numbers and, with Divination, all I can see in those Chrystal balls in white smoke.
"If I can't get Arithmancy up this year, I don't have to wonder anymore what I want to be later on. Right now, my options are Curse Breaker or Healer, but for Curse Breaker I will need an Outstanding or Exceeds Expectations Arithmancy. What about you? What are your dream jobs?"


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/25 05:52:53 )

@Tuijp: ah! i need to find a list of the poses so that i can get them. You still do a very good job with your avis

"Have you every tried floating? I know there is a difference between being on a broom and not being on one.. I know that people want to have that security of having something there as we all fear death. Though it is extremely odd that you have a fear of heights yet you play quidditch and are more likely going to fall because of that." Jasmine was not upset by the fact he had that little quirk despite how odd it was. She ran a hand through her purple hair before offering him one of the unopened pumpkin juices since she knew some of those jelly beans could dry your mouth out.
"Right! His class is so boring! It is so hard trying to get good grades in it when your teacher is a ghost and it is all just so very dry. she groaned, having started smiling in the beginning at the comradery they shared over a class that neither of them were good at.She forced the slight smile from her face, giving the male a suspicious look before sighing, drawing the blinds down of the windows on the doors. "You know that you make it rather hard to keep being me, I suppose." The dark skinned female rubbed her face as she hid her red eye with it, gazing at him with the purple one. She noted the blond hair and blue eyes, she felt her cheeks grow heated as the thought of how attractive she found him crossed her mind. The gaze turned away as she busied herself with one of her other snacks, trying to turn her thoughts away since she only just met him even if they went to school together this whole time. "I suppose I don't have to excel in his classes but my parents would much rather that i excel in every class. I am actually rather good at potions anyways. I can't help you with arithmancy though cause that is on my list of horrible classes. she admitted to the male as she gave into the urge to relax and actually be herself with him since they wouldn't interact together at school. "Well I have to go into the family buisness unless things change in the future and then I can be whatever I want." She ran her hands through her hair once more, stopping long enough to braid it over her shoulder, looking away from him while Yuki drew her attention to something in the bag next to her, she frowned even more as the feline pulled a remembrall out.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/26 11:53:42 )

@Roshan: they are working on making a thread with every item and the poses
oh and I won't be here for a while tomorrow, for another hospital visit

"I just like to have something under me when I'm that high in the sky," said Matt, "And, when you play Quidditch, you go too fast to notice how high above the ground you are."
He gladly took the pumpkin juice from her. He had a long and tiring day already and, combined with the dry mouth from the jellybeans, he could use something to drink. For his feeling, he had to wake up way too early that day and running around to get everything he had forgotten didn't exactly help either. Then, at the station, he had to run again, to be there in time. His father had driven them there. He just got his driving license, because he felt that the muggle neighbours thought it was odd he didn't have one, despite working over in London. Now he knew how to drive, he insisted that they would go everywhere by car if they have the chance.
"His class is the most boring class ever," said Matt, "I can hardly stay awake long enough to listen to the intro of the lessons."
When she said it was hard for her to be 'herself' around him and blushed slightly, he smiled at her. "Maybe this is who you really are and the rest is just show because people expect you to be that way.
And what is your family business? If it was up to my mother, I'd get a boring job at the Ministry. Somewhere behind a desk all day, without anything, what she considers dangerous, to do. Dad thinks it's all fine, as long as I don't become a player for the Chudley Cannons. He's a fan of the Ballycastle Bats, you see?"
Jasmine pulled a Remembrall out of her bag and Matt frowned a bit. "I heard about those. Remembrall. The smoke turns red when you forgot something."


Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/26 18:23:47 )

@Tuijp: I know they are. The price guide helps out a lot and unicorn mentioned there was a pose guide running around someplace but I have yet to see it. I hope the visit goes well for you! And that is fine I have kids to care for anyways.

Jasmine disn’t Say anything more on flying or quidditch considering that Matt was right when it comes to quidditch and how fast one flies during a match or practice. She might not play the game but that didn’t mean that she didn’t enjoy watching and supporting her team in their matches even if she wishes she was some place else.
”Right...I have to get notes from someone else and they always end up stopping about halfway through the class. I am sure the only one with good notes is Granger.”
she snorted, wrinkling her nose as she thought on the female that was dubbed the brightest young which of her age. That fact ticked the female off, just because the mudblood wanted to prove herself and learn everything she possibly can about a world she never knew before didn’t mean that she was the brightest one of the bunch.
”Wouldn’t you like to know which one is the real me. You can believe the version of me that you want but only one of me is real.” she said to him with a shrug, stashing the rest of her snacks away as she rolled the rememberall between herself and the blue silver feline. ”We own a business in Knockturn Alley. You could say that we keep the cursebreakers extremely busy.” she shrugged her shoulders, she didn’t know how to explain the business to him since it wasn’t exactly legal to begin with but then again nothing in knockturn was as it was devoted to the dark arts.
”Why don’t you join the Appleby Arrows then? That way you not even on the team your dad roots for. That they do....though I rarely forget anything anymore. It tends to just serve as a” she tossed the glass ball to him, letting him examine it and see if it would do anything for him. She chuckled as Yuki growled slightly as she moved over to the male to try and get the ball back from him.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/28 13:43:21 )
My shadow\'s the only one that walks beside me

"My notes don't even make it to half way through the lesson," laughed Matt, "I'm already happy if I get two lines on paper. Good thing people in my class pay more attention than me and, together, we have most of the lesson. But yeah, only Granger has everything and good notes. Too bad she doesn't want to share them most of the time."
He had asked her for her notes several times before and the only times she wanted to give them was when something had happened tho his notes or when he said he knew he went wrong somewhere and wanted to checked where that exactly had happened.
He let the line slide that he would like to know which was the real Jasmine. He didn't know her and he had a feeling they wouldn't meet up much after the train ride. She was a Slytherin and probably had enough friends there. Besides, he wasn't exactly sure if she wanted to be seen with the younger brother of a curse breaker and an auror.
When she said what her parents did, he just gave a small nod. He knew it was something that was pretty much taboo everywhere. Knockturn Alley wasn't exactly a place where you would go shopping for furniture or new school supplies. Well, maybe if you went to Durmstrang, but nothing more.
"Because I don't fancy a career as a Quidditch player," said Matt and he raised his eyebrows, "I have other things in mind that I want to do."
Matt barely managed to catch the remembrall, but he did. He looked at the ball and the smoke staid white. When Murray saw the ball, he started to hoot happy, hoping it was a play he could play with. Matt looked at him and noticed, behind the owl, that they were almost at Hogwarts.
"I see it's time for me to get changed into the uniform," he said as he gave the remembrall back to Jasmine and grabbed his uniform out of his bag, "My name is Matt, by the way, Matt Price."
He went out of the compartment and into the toilets, to get changed into his robe. When he was done, he walked back and knocked on the door. "Can I come back in?"

My shallow heart's the only thing that\'s beating

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/28 16:18:24 )
”Seems like you have better luck on getting more of a full set of notes than I..” Jasmine shrugged to him, smiling slightly as she started to clean their mess up, popping a stray jelly bean into her mouth. ”Yea.....she absolutely refuses to have anything to do with.....” her voice trailed off as she had no need to finish her sentence as they both knew the bias everyone held against slytherins and Malfoy seemed to paint a brilliant picture of them with the mudblood and her little gang.
The couple of times she had asked the female for her notes never turned out very pretty, of course she ended up cursing under her breath as it only seemed as if the golden boy and Weasley were able to get notes from her. She scratched the nebelung between the ears, her eyes going to Murray, a soft smile graced the delicate features as the owl ate some more beans.
Contrary to what Matt thought about her, she didn’t really have any friends even in her house since they were all there for the reason of their family loyalties. Even though the kids were forced into a battle chosen by their parents, to a sad they probably did not even support themselves. They couldn’t voice it or show their disagreement since it was all about survival.
She took the offered ball back, frowning as the smoke started to change to red in her hand, quickly shoving it back into her bag. ”Guess it is time for us both to get ready. Nice to met you, Price. I am Jasmine Youngblood.” Exchanging a hand shake with him before pulling her own robes out, once he was gone, she locked the door so that no one could walk in on her on accident, not that they couldn’t just cast a spell if they wanted to do so. It didn’t take long for the dark skinned female to change and have her things packed away and stored neatly. The knock on the door brought her back to the fact she was sharing the compartment with someone else. ”Of course. She called out to him, scrambling to unlock and open the compartment door to allow her possible friend to re-enter. ”So back to Hogwarts....back to being on two different sides of the same coin....” she grumbled more to her self than to her companion as she watched the castle grow larger with each passing moment.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 11:26:24 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

The moment Matt walked back in, his owl hooted harder when he saw the uniform. The owl always liked Hogwarts. He loved being a lot of his species and being able to fly out whenever he wanted. Matt went up the owlery a lot, to bring Murray some snack or just to pet him a bit. Matt didn't sit down right away. He grabbed his trunk and placed it on the floor, so he was ready to go. He packed his bag again, putting his book and the left over beans in it.
"I'm not so sure if I'm ready for this year," he said, "I'm sure we have a lot of studying to do and that they will give us a lot of homework. Not to mention the talk with our heads of houses and the O.W.L.'s. Something in me tells me that this year will become a very heavy year. Maybe even worse than the next two years. I just hope to have enough time to study everything and do all my homework. You know, with Quidditch practice and all."

The train slowed down and soon came to a full stop. The doors opened and he could hear Hagrid outside, telling the first years to follow him. When the most students had gone outside, Matt put his bag over his shoulder, took Murray's cage in one hand and his trunk in the other.
"Are you coming?" he asked when he was at the door, "I don't feel like walking when we miss the carriages."
He waited outside of the train for her, holding the door open. He had placed Murray on the ground, who was hooting around at all the legs that walked by and the other pets that he saw. "Don't mind him, he's always a bit hyperactive when we get back here."

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 18:43:53 )

Where as her opposite seemed to be excited and nervous about this year, which matched his owl, Jasmine was anything but that. She felt dread and a since of nausea over herself, having to take deep calming breaths to mask the overwhelming feelings that were threatening to show through. She doubled checked her things, though she left her bags in the compartment as she knew that they will be taken straight to her room.
”I don’t think any of us are ready for this year...not after what happened last year.”
Jasmine commented as she brought back her snarky replies even if the conversation was still a friendly one. ”I agree with you there. With the O.W.L.s coming up we all need to focus on studying and passing so we can get the jobs we want. To be honest I wish for once I didn’t have to study.” she groaned before picking up Yuki, helping the cat to drape across her shoulders, nodding in agreement as she followed him out to where the carriages were. ”A walk could do us loads of good or we could just take the boats.”
She shoot some glares at several people and at Matt, though she felt touched and appreciated the fact that he was holding the door open. Her lips twitched slightly before she fought the urge to smile, shaking her head as she picked up the bird cage that held Murray in it.
”Maybe you should let him out the cage to join his friends.” she suggested to him as they made their way to where the carriages were, trying not to speak to loudly for others to hear her. ”Do you think...that we could be friends? she whispered so that only he could hear her.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/1 13:05:55 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

"Yeah, last year was terrible," said Matt sad, remembering what happened to Cedric and what Dumbledore had said about Voldemort being back, "Even while it started good, with the other schools and all, I think that school year was one of the worst in decades."
In the summer, there had been a lot of debates on what Dumbledore had said. Some in his family believed him, while others didn't. One of his brother and his father both worked for the Ministry and they didn't believe that Voldemort was back. His other brother and Matt did believe it. Their mother, on the other hand, wasn't too sure, but almost didn't want Matt to go back to school after the summer, just in case it was true. It took a lot of talking and convincing before he was allowed to go.
The talk of the O.W.L.s brought him back to the conversation. For his dream job of Healer, he needed Outstandings or Exceeds Expectations in the classes Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts. He had seen last year how much studying the fifth years had to do and he already felt tired just thinking about it.
"Last year, I heard someone of Beauxbatons say that they only had exams in their final year," he said, "I wish that would also be here. If something like last year would happen this year, big chance a lot of us don't get enough O.W.L.s for the jobs we want."
Jasmine said that a walk would be good for them or that they could go by boat. Matt grinned and shook his head. "The school is way too far for my liking. A sort walk would be good, yes, but not that long right before a big meal. As for the boats, they are already gone with the new first years."
She had picked up Murray's cage, with the hyper Murray in it. As they started to walk to the carriages, Matt took the cage back from her. He shook his head when she suggested to let him out.
"I did that in my second year," he said, "He was gone before I knew it and I thought he went to the owlery, until I arrive in the great hall. He was sitting on the back of Lockhart's chair, attacking his hair. While it was fun to see, Lockhart soon found out it had been my owl and gave me grief for it the rest of the year."
They were near the carriages when Jasmine whispered something to him. She had asked him if they could be friends and, because she had whispered it, Matt knew she would want anyone else knowing she had asked that. He looked around and saw that no one had noticed or was listening to their conversation. Turning back to Jasmine, he nodded. He opened the door of a carriage, signing that she could go in first.
"Yes, of course," he said with a smile.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/2 14:25:33 )

Jasmine didn’t comment on the talk of last year as they all knew how it went. Though those of them who had death eaters for parents knew that the Dark Lord was back and for now his plan was already in motion and working rather well. Her hand reached up to fidget with the little blue opal pendent that hung from her neck.
Of course it was nice as two other schools had come to visit and it was extremely fun to met with foreign wizards and witches that they might not otherwise have met in their life. It was sad that it had to end on such a bad note, hopefully the friends they had made would last.
Her mind alao wandered to that summer, her hand dropping down to her forearm that was hidden by her sleeve, squeezing it. Marked for life, only to be a slave to someone she would rather not follow because of her parents alliance. They weren’t worried about keeping their daughter from going to the school because of Voldemort.
Jasmine chuckled slightly at his comment on how to get to the school. “Oh. Yea that must be extremely nice but you know that it is actually better to do it every year in my opinion as then we can actually see if we have retained anything that we have learned so far.”
she spoke softly to the male while she examined the excited owl with in the cage, being careful not to let the creature have access to her fingers.
”Well you could have the trouble that Neville always has with his toad. As for Lockheart...he was a horrible teacher so I say good for this little owl for tormenting the man.” Giving Matt a small smile as she handed him the owl back, climbing into the carriage that was offered to her. She continued to keep her voice low, helping him up into the carriage without being to obvious about it as she smiled slightly.
”You sure you want to be friends with a slytherin? We wouldn’t be able to let anyone know of course.”
Questing: !

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/2 16:28:33 )
My shadows the only one that walks beside me

"But we already have exams every year," said Matt, "That is way more than enough for me."
Every year, at the end of the school year, everyone had their exams. Matt always studied hard for those exams, to keep all of his grades up. He even asked for help before of professor Snape, to get his Potions grade up. Snape first didn't want to do it, but gave in after a while, when he realised that Matt wasn't going to stop asking until he got some extra lessons.

"Murray likes to fly around a bit too much," he said, "He doesn't always stay in the owlery. He often comes into the great hall, to have a snack or just to sit between people. Doesn't matter who, really."
Matt had often see Murray fly into the great hall during lunch or dinner, just to sit down at a random table and beg for any kind of human food. He would often sit with the Hufflepuffs. because he knew that they would give him food if he looked sweet enough, but his favourite spot was between Sprout and McGonagall. First few times, McGonagall tried to shoo him away, but, when he didn't even move, Sprout petted him.

"Yeah, why not?" asked Matt, "And why can't anyone know?"
The carriage had stopped in front of the castle and Matt placed his trunk on the ground first. He then placed Murray's cage on it and got out. He turned around and signed to Jasmine to give her trunk to him.

My shallow heart's the only thing thats beating

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.