I'm not going to say that I'm willing to eat just about anything, even I have my limits. Like I'd never eat bugs, that just sounds all kinds of gross. Did has a science teacher in high school that would see crickets and scorpion lollies for a limited time every year. Was never one of the folks brave enough to give that a go. And some of the things that I've had might not be considered that adventurous or weird to some people, but it is in my area.
Anyway last night I was able to get an eel pizza to myself, instead of just one tiny slice. It's not really a pizza, just what this place calls one. It's slice of eel, avocado, and bbq sauce all on a deep fried rice patty. It was so good you guys. I hate seafood, I hate avocado, and I just adored this thing.
Now, tell me all about your adventurous eating guys I'm really curious. Might even add it to my list of things to give a try.