Donator — Puzzling
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/26 20:03:03 )
I always hated volleyball back in school. We always got stuck playing with the guys who liked to be a-holes and play their hardest and spike any chance they could get ><
Donator — They/them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/26 20:09:08 )
i remember i kinda liked lacross. we had it for gym class for awhile, had a mini tournament,
i was team captain for my team. we won. we got cerfificates for a free meal at mcdonalds. XD
Donator — They/them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/26 20:24:07 )
when my gym class did swimming, i just refused to participate,
i think i got a failing grade for that section.
but a solution i think would have been good for people who don't participate, is to write a essay on whatever sport they are skipping.
i dislike essays but at least if people had that option, they could still get a bit of a grade.