So Disney has put the Obi-Wan movie on hold, and they're contemplating whether or not to continue the stories I guess? I'm not 100% sure, my parents are giving me mixed answers from different media outlets. But essentially Disney was not happy with the numbers Solo brought in (even though they were still pretty great) so they're not sure if they should continue these side stories.
I'm unsure of how I personally feel about it all; I only started watching Star Wars because JamJam (my partner on here) loves them. While I do very much adore the Skywalker story, I'm not a fan of these additional Star Wars stories - I could barely stay awake for Rogue One (not that it was a bad movie mind you) and I refused to see the Han Solo movie.
I've known people with mixed feelings on the subject - and people who have very strong feelings towards the Last Jedi. I think I'm mostly indifferent because I'm not one for the side stories, and I'm admittedly getting a little Star Wars-ed out.
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