Honestly I really like the items, the header, the sandcastle contest. I like basically everything about it.
Except for one thing: The RIG (Random Item Generator) way of achieving the event items.
I liked in the past how event items were in the event shop.
I understand that the RIG system was recently developed and you probably wanted to use it again, but it's really quite frustrating getting the same items after flushing 100 seashells down the drain, especially for lurkers who are already having to post a lot more than usual just to get items. (Which I'm not complaining about having to post, realize that please. :3)
My suggestion is possibly making one rig option as opposed to as many as there are now. It costs say 25 currency. It has a very high chance of dropping the cheaper items, and a rarer chance of the higher ones. Because if I'm going to drop 100 of a currency, I want to be able to choose what I get. Then leave the shop and make everything else purchasable like past events.
I'm sorry if this offends anyone!