— sewer rat
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/3 03:35:42 )
oh man i remember my days w/o a/c. my heart goes out to u bro. :vanora_cry:
what u gotta do: keep the sun out as much as possible, i.e. keep the shades pulled down, curtains shut, block windows with computer paper if u have to. we want a solar eclipse inside ur house. all the shade. all the darkness. if u need light, turn on the lights bc honestly they give off less heat than sunlight imo.
and whatever u do, do not open the freaking windows to "cool off." that is an illusion. if u live in an insulated house (and most houses are insulated btw), ur house will naturally feel cooler compared to outside. you can double check this! (unless you already left the windows and doors open then RIP nvm then.) key word here: insulation (for those that don't know: it's the fluffy stuff in between walls that keeps the house warm in winter and cold in summer by several degrees.). don't make the same mistake like younger me and mess up this thermodynamic cycle(?) up lmao.
open it only if it feels cooler outside than in. like maybe at night (but sometimes it's not even cooler at night, so maybe not. use ur best judgement)
TL;DR: do what u can to make cooler/cold air. then do what u can to keep that cold air in. rinse and repeat
if you're willing to relocate for a bit, the basement is naturally the coolest part of the house in hot weather. i think it has something to with dirt being a good insulator.
and the most important tip of all is to drink lots of water!!! cool some down in the freezer. throw some wet towels, or ice packs in there too. keep your head and body cool to prevent heatstroke.
remembr to check on the elderly and maybe google for local cooling centers.
sayonara cheesecakes ( 0 ڡ≦)ゞ✩◄-