I'm not sure if this is a bug or just something my computer is incompatible with the site or something I may be doing completely wrong, but I thought I would bring it up in case it can get fixed, any way. xD
My friend has sent me a Trade. It was meant as a kind of Newbie Gift, but I can't seem to accept it or add items on my side to the trade with any effect. ^_^; When I click the Accept button, the slice activates (the button turns dark) but nothing appears to actually happen. If I activate the button and then click anywhere else, the slice deactivates. When I try to add anything from me to the Trade, it doesn't seem possible. I don't see anywhere where I can add Volts or Ohms (not that I have any Ohms) like the note on the side of the page informs me about adding Volts. If I click on an item (beneath the Trade boxes) from my Inventory, like to what I imagine is supposed to bring up all the colours of that item I have, nothing happens or shows up.
I have tried many times refreshing the page, reloading it, clicking here and there where clicking seems like it may do something, and waiting it out in case it's a temporary thing that just needs to pass. We have tried cancelling the Trade and reinitiating it, but have had no success trying to rectify it ourselves. ^_^;
Any assistance or insight would be appreciated. ^_^ I tried to include any informations that may be pertinent but if anyone thinks of anything else that may be useful information I could include, feel free to let me know. ^_^ Thank you for your time and attention and I hope you have a pleasant day!
Forums Bug Reports Problem with my Trade?
@DarknessVortex: I'll inform our developers and hope we can get this sorted out for you!
It might be that you are not familar with our trades system as well. In the mean time, here is a new user guide that has a section on trades.
To add currency, you just click on the number "0" next to the currency names.
And items appear below the trade if you have anything in your inventory.
Let me know if you have anymore questions!
It might be that you are not familar with our trades system as well. In the mean time, here is a new user guide that has a section on trades.
To add currency, you just click on the number "0" next to the currency names.
And items appear below the trade if you have anything in your inventory.
Let me know if you have anymore questions!
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.
@DarknessVortex: Could you perhaps attempt another trade and provide some screenshots? I'm having a hard time imagining what's going on. c':

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
@Fozzy: Thank you for your assistance in trying to get me help! ^D^ And thank you for the link to the new user guide! That was one I had open in a tab in my browser on my first day and had begun reading before my browser crashed and I lost all of my tabs and couldn't remember what all I had open. ^D^; It didn't help my issue, but I did learn some good to know things. ^_^
+ @Vii: Here are some links (my Photobucket account can't do 3rd party hosting) (hopefully I did the links correctly; let me know if I didn't) to screenshots (well Snipps since I can't do actual screenshots outside of games) with some explanations:
- Currency Numbers are text - When I hover over the currency amounts, my cursor just acts like it is text only. Clicking the numbers does nothing for me.
- The Currency area - The currency amounts register as text and the currency names don't register even as text. I have clicked everywhere in this red rectangle and most places outside of it (in case slices were just floating off to the side instead of sitting on top of anything clickable -it has happened before on other sites xD ). Clicking on my head did take me away from the Trade area (so not all clicking is being weird). Likewise, all of the other normal navigation links seemed to be working properly and took me to the various pages they were supposed to.
- Item in Inventory - When I click on an item in my Inventory area (I have tried all of my items and specifically went and bought something so I could see if adding an item would make it work xD and they all behave the same), whether the image or the down-pointing arrow, the only reaction is the item box shrinking slightly, like is normal for some kinds of web buttons. It then returns to normal size when I release the click (I have tried clicking and holding and clicking and dragging on everything I have tried clicking). Nothing beyond that appears to happen. (I have scrolled down all the way on the page in case the drop menu was popping up lower down.)
- Accept Button - When I click the Accept Button, it reacts by darkening, like is normal for some kinds of web buttons. If I click the Accept Button again, it remains dark. If I click anywhere else, in the window or out, the Accept Button returns to normal. Nothing beyond this appears to happen.
When I hover my cursor over the items in the Trade or the Accept or Cancel Buttons, their explanatory tags pop up. I don't know if that helps find the problem or the solution but I guess it at least means that it's not freezing or something. ^_^
Since I have to use my cursor to take Snipps, I could not show the effects the mouse had on the various things but I tried to describe them in enough detail. If anything needs further description or explanation, or if I have missed anything, let me know. ^_^ Thank you both for attempting to help this to get resolved! I appreciate it much! ^_^
+ @Vii: Here are some links (my Photobucket account can't do 3rd party hosting) (hopefully I did the links correctly; let me know if I didn't) to screenshots (well Snipps since I can't do actual screenshots outside of games) with some explanations:
- Currency Numbers are text - When I hover over the currency amounts, my cursor just acts like it is text only. Clicking the numbers does nothing for me.
- The Currency area - The currency amounts register as text and the currency names don't register even as text. I have clicked everywhere in this red rectangle and most places outside of it (in case slices were just floating off to the side instead of sitting on top of anything clickable -it has happened before on other sites xD ). Clicking on my head did take me away from the Trade area (so not all clicking is being weird). Likewise, all of the other normal navigation links seemed to be working properly and took me to the various pages they were supposed to.
- Item in Inventory - When I click on an item in my Inventory area (I have tried all of my items and specifically went and bought something so I could see if adding an item would make it work xD and they all behave the same), whether the image or the down-pointing arrow, the only reaction is the item box shrinking slightly, like is normal for some kinds of web buttons. It then returns to normal size when I release the click (I have tried clicking and holding and clicking and dragging on everything I have tried clicking). Nothing beyond that appears to happen. (I have scrolled down all the way on the page in case the drop menu was popping up lower down.)
- Accept Button - When I click the Accept Button, it reacts by darkening, like is normal for some kinds of web buttons. If I click the Accept Button again, it remains dark. If I click anywhere else, in the window or out, the Accept Button returns to normal. Nothing beyond this appears to happen.
When I hover my cursor over the items in the Trade or the Accept or Cancel Buttons, their explanatory tags pop up. I don't know if that helps find the problem or the solution but I guess it at least means that it's not freezing or something. ^_^
Since I have to use my cursor to take Snipps, I could not show the effects the mouse had on the various things but I tried to describe them in enough detail. If anything needs further description or explanation, or if I have missed anything, let me know. ^_^ Thank you both for attempting to help this to get resolved! I appreciate it much! ^_^
@DarknessVortex: What browser did you use?
And have you try using another browser?
And have you try using another browser?
yea trading is.....different here. i think whats happening here is normal.
u already clicked accept once, so i think @lunakiri: has to click accept on her end. i think.
u will not be notified when lunakiri accepts, so u have to check often, or let lunakiri know you've finished the trade.
on the top right corner of the trade it says Step 1/2. that means you have to do this again. 8D
again, just like step 1, you will not be automatically notified throughout the process for step 2.
(you only get notifications when you start a trade, and then another when you finish a trade. there are no notifications in-between which is..not the most convenient, but hey at least you get to earn votes by manually pinging each other "finish the trade." 8D)
u already clicked accept once, so i think @lunakiri: has to click accept on her end. i think.
u will not be notified when lunakiri accepts, so u have to check often, or let lunakiri know you've finished the trade.
on the top right corner of the trade it says Step 1/2. that means you have to do this again. 8D
again, just like step 1, you will not be automatically notified throughout the process for step 2.
(you only get notifications when you start a trade, and then another when you finish a trade. there are no notifications in-between which is..not the most convenient, but hey at least you get to earn votes by manually pinging each other "finish the trade." 8D)
@Piaro: I'm using IE. I haven't found any other browsers yet whose EULA I can agree to...
@okios: On Lunakiri's end it is showing as I have not done anything yet. ^D^; We were going over it together at the same time, each of us refreshing and reloading seeing if it would update or anything. But, nothing was working and she has been able to complete Trades with other people, which is one of the reasons I worry that it may be an incompatibility with my computer. I had an incompatibility on my last computer with another site I sometimes play and it never did get resolved on that computer but this computer seemed to work fine with it. Unfortunately, if it does turn out to be an incompatibility issue, there may not be anything that can be done to fix it so I'm hoping it's not that or that, if it is, then there will be something that can be done. ^_^; Lol, playing Ping pong does sound fun though. xD
@okios: On Lunakiri's end it is showing as I have not done anything yet. ^D^; We were going over it together at the same time, each of us refreshing and reloading seeing if it would update or anything. But, nothing was working and she has been able to complete Trades with other people, which is one of the reasons I worry that it may be an incompatibility with my computer. I had an incompatibility on my last computer with another site I sometimes play and it never did get resolved on that computer but this computer seemed to work fine with it. Unfortunately, if it does turn out to be an incompatibility issue, there may not be anything that can be done to fix it so I'm hoping it's not that or that, if it is, then there will be something that can be done. ^_^; Lol, playing Ping pong does sound fun though. xD
@DarknessVortex: First, a couple of questions:
Are you running the latest version of IE? I don't use it but Fozzy tells me the site was tested and should be compatible with IE.
And, have you cleared your cache (Ctrl+F5) since joining the site? There have been some changes to the code since you registered and the issue may be due to your browser using old files.
Now, in your screenshots it does say "Luna has accepted your offer" which is why you're unable to add anything else. But you say that it doesn't register for her when you click "Accept Offer / Trade". What happens when you refresh after hitting the "Accept" button?
If clearing your cache doesn't solve the problem, you may try canceling the trade, starting a new one, and have both traders add all the items before touching the "Accept" button on either end. We do have a trade system refurb planned but it will take time, and I just want to see where things are going wrong here.

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
Are you running the latest version of IE? I don't use it but Fozzy tells me the site was tested and should be compatible with IE.
And, have you cleared your cache (Ctrl+F5) since joining the site? There have been some changes to the code since you registered and the issue may be due to your browser using old files.
Now, in your screenshots it does say "Luna has accepted your offer" which is why you're unable to add anything else. But you say that it doesn't register for her when you click "Accept Offer / Trade". What happens when you refresh after hitting the "Accept" button?
If clearing your cache doesn't solve the problem, you may try canceling the trade, starting a new one, and have both traders add all the items before touching the "Accept" button on either end. We do have a trade system refurb planned but it will take time, and I just want to see where things are going wrong here.

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
@Vii: I at first thought that my browser was outdated too ^D^ but I checked it 3 different ways and it is the latest version. ^_^ Most of the site seems fine, though I can say there are probably features I have not tried... ^_^; After reading the new user guide, I did go back and try the ship click and that seemed to work fine (I don't know if that feature is set up anything like the Trades feature so I don't know if that is useful ^_^; ).
I Ctrl+F5'd and tried again and it still didn't work so I Ctrl+F5'd a few more times for good measure. It still didn't work so I tried the refreshing while the Accept button was clicked and that didn't seem to fix it either.
We tried the Luna not accepting route too and it didn't help. ^_^; And the cancelling and restarting one.
New development: We decided to try accepting the trade from another computer and it did go through, so that pretty much guarantees that it's my computer, doesn't it...
But perhaps with the trade system refurb it may be able to work with my computer. :D (Because it will be a long time before I can get a new computer... ^_^; ) Oh! Could it be because of my operating system? I don't use Windows 10 (for a variety of reasons) so am still on 8.1; would that perhaps cause any issues? :o
I Ctrl+F5'd and tried again and it still didn't work so I Ctrl+F5'd a few more times for good measure. It still didn't work so I tried the refreshing while the Accept button was clicked and that didn't seem to fix it either.
We tried the Luna not accepting route too and it didn't help. ^_^; And the cancelling and restarting one.
New development: We decided to try accepting the trade from another computer and it did go through, so that pretty much guarantees that it's my computer, doesn't it...

@DarknessVortex: Interesting...rather than your computer, I honestly believe it's an issue with your browser. IE is notorious for being finicky, have you looked into Google Chrome? Their EULA can't be much different from Microsoft's IE. I could be mistaken but it seems that the issue is somewhere in the javascript, ergo your browser isn't reading or processing it properly. I'm running Windows 7 so I doubt the operating system is the issue. o:
I'm sorry that I'm not sure how to fix this right now, but I'm looking into the current trade code to see where something might be hanging up; and I am working on a new trade system so hopefully it won't be too long before that's up and running. c:

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
I'm sorry that I'm not sure how to fix this right now, but I'm looking into the current trade code to see where something might be hanging up; and I am working on a new trade system so hopefully it won't be too long before that's up and running. c:

please ping me if you need my attention! || stardust || be excellent to each other ♥
[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
@Vii: I used to use Google Chrome (what feels like a reeeally long time ago), but when I came back to the internet after not having it for a long time, their EULA (and a lot of Google's EULAs) had unfortunately become something that I could not agree to so I had to uninstall it. :c But, I was including my browser as part of my computer. ^_^; Pretty much anything on my end I was including as part of my computer... ^D^; I kind of don't think it's the javascript though since I have to have all of that in working order to be able to play one of the games I play more frequently and the game is still working, but I am not incredibly knowledgeable in the area so it may extend much more deeply than I have any inkling about. ^D^; It is good to know that it is probably not the operating system. :D
That's perfectly okay! I seem to find all the tiny weird problems that no one else has problems with wherever I go. ^D^;; I don't expect anyone to be able to fix it; I just thought in case someone could, then they would know about it. :D I'm sorry if I've been a bunch of trouble! ^o^ I didn't mean to be... ^D^;; Ooh, while you're in the code, maybe you could tell me all the things the trade system requires and I can do some searching on my computer to see if I can find anything potentially out of whack? :o (Or, I don't know if it can work like that. xD I just like to try to fix things if I can and will try to come up with ideas to test... ^D^; If you want me to stop, I can do that. ^_^ ) Or, we can wait until the new trade system is implemented and see if the problem just goes away on its own, because that has happened before too. xD I probably won't have any more trades for quite a while as I explore around and get more bearings (I have a tendency to go pretty slow most of the time xD ). ^_^ So, there's no rush or anything. ^_^
That's perfectly okay! I seem to find all the tiny weird problems that no one else has problems with wherever I go. ^D^;; I don't expect anyone to be able to fix it; I just thought in case someone could, then they would know about it. :D I'm sorry if I've been a bunch of trouble! ^o^ I didn't mean to be... ^D^;; Ooh, while you're in the code, maybe you could tell me all the things the trade system requires and I can do some searching on my computer to see if I can find anything potentially out of whack? :o (Or, I don't know if it can work like that. xD I just like to try to fix things if I can and will try to come up with ideas to test... ^D^; If you want me to stop, I can do that. ^_^ ) Or, we can wait until the new trade system is implemented and see if the problem just goes away on its own, because that has happened before too. xD I probably won't have any more trades for quite a while as I explore around and get more bearings (I have a tendency to go pretty slow most of the time xD ). ^_^ So, there's no rush or anything. ^_^

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