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Forums Role Playing ~Romance Under The Sea~ [re-do! again!]

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/31 04:10:58 )
We decided to change the plot a bit, so here we are!
This is between KimmiChan1989 and myself, no one else post please

Natalie and Nathan


In this world, being a mermaid/ merman and gowning the surface once in awhile was alright, as long as you didn't get found out for being merfolk. Natalie and Nathan are royal twins of one of the seven seas, the Atlantic Ocean. Nathan preferred life under the ocean, while his twin sister often found herself watching the humans on the surface, and neglecting her duties as princess. So, being good brother he was, usually covered for her whenever she ventured off, if he didn't go with her of course.

Like today for instance. Natalie had noticed the ocean floor darken as a storm on the surface, and Nathan immediately found himself swimming after her, as she swam out of the castle to search for their best friend. Natalie loved to watch the storms from the surface. There was just something about how the water acted, that brought out a more playful side of the mermaid, which made her all the more fun to hang around, in Nahan's opinion. She seemed to love the surface all together.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 22:05:34 )
@kimmichan1989: poke

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 01:02:06 )
You can die anytime...

(Sirene as a Mermaid)

(Sirene as a Mermaid and Bryan, their human friend)

Sirene had already been watching the waters for the coming storm, a nervous look to her face. This storm seemed like it could be more intense than any other recent one in years. The waters were rough, and you could see the wind was shifting. She wanted to poke her head up to look around but knew it could be really dangerous to do so. Especially if there were humans around. Sirene was a bit curious about life on land and had always wanted to explore, but she felt being under the sea was a bit more safer for her.

She looked over, seeing her friends appear. She didn't know how she had gotten so lucky to have the Prince and Princess of Merfolk in their part of the ocean as good friends, but she was thankful to have them. She was always welcome to stay with them since she and Natalie had been friends since small merchildren. She looked at her friends before looking back up at the edge of the water,"This storm really worries me..." She said softly.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 01:56:37 )
Natalie immediately swam up and hugged her friend Sirene. "I haven't seen you all day! We have to go see the surface, our castle mystic warned us about this storm, but I just can't help it!" She chirped, lightly touching their noses like when they were merchildren, then released Sirene and Sean up towards the surface. Nathan sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. This happened every time a storm came to the surface. His sister acted like a child, but it was more-so when their was a storm. "C'mon, we can't let her go off on her own. "

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 02:31:35 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene giggled and hugged her friend tightly back before she had left to go to the surface. She looked over as Nathan spoke and agreed with him,"Yeah... something about his storm is really unsettling..." She swam after her friend and broke the surface, looking over at her as she looked around,"Natalie, we can't stay long..." She said softly,"Something is really unsettling about this storm and I don't think we should risk it this time.."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 02:47:04 )
Natalie broke surface before either of them, her eyes widening with awe. The clouds were so dark, they were almost black and the wind was really messing with the sea water. Nathan quickly followed after Sirene, not liking how the water also began to darken. That was a sign that the clouds above were darkening. He began to worry for his sister, and his childhood friend.

Natalie blinked and glanced at Sirene. "I haven't seen a storm like this in a long time.. There's nothing unsettling about this storm, it's just big." She spoke calmly. Nathan broke surface after Sirene and wearily glanced at the sky. "It's dangerous. " He murmured.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 02:58:47 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene gently took her hand,"Come on Natalie..." She said, looking fearful. She gasped as lighting crackled and broke out across the sky, striking a large rock nearby. She let out a gasp and hugged Nathan tightly without even thinking about it. She was obviously scared of what this storm was doing to the ocean. Lighting cracked again and Sirene looked over at Natalie again, silently pleading with her to go back under the water where it was safe.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 03:34:17 )
Natalie watched in awe as the lightening brightened the dark clouds briefly, then struck a rock. Storms had always intrigued her, and never ceases to amaze her. She wasn't scared, not for a second. This was her favorite time to surface. Nathan instinctively held Sirene when she coward in his arms, not thinking much of it since the three of them were very close. "Natalie, it's not safe! We need to go!" He said in a very strict brotherly voice.

Natalie glanced at him, then her attention was shifted to a ship, a fishing ship, and she swam off again. Nathan slowly released Sirene and grew annoyed with his sister. "Nat!" He called as she swam off.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/27 13:17:15 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene groaned and swam after her friend, catching up with her,"Natalie come on!" She called to her, gently grabbing her arm to stop her,"Look, you know I'm always up for exploring in a storm, but this one is too dangerous! Please let's go back under the water where it's safer for us!" She saw the fishing boat too and hoped it couldn't see them; that was the last thing they needed, being caught by humans and possibly eaten. The thought made her cringe inside, her heart pounding wildly in fear.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/30 00:34:37 )
((I'm home~ :3 dunno how much rping i can manage ^^' i'm kind of exhausted xD ))

Natalie paused when she saw the large fishing ship, and sank under the water some so the humans wouldn't see her.There was a boy she noticed that looked familiar, she had even felt Sirene grab her arm. "I'm not leaving.. There's a boy on that ship, around our age probably- I've got a bad feeling those humans is the trouble our mystic forewarned us about. I want to make sure they'll be alright in this storm.." She said, sounding much like a responsible young lady, then a spoiled child.

Nathan rolled his eyes and shook his head."It'll be trouble if they see us." He warned, crossing his arm lightly. "Humans can tend to their own." Natalie glanced between her friend and her brother and started pouting. "Please? It's okay as long as they don't catch us in their nets. Even if they see us, we'll be alright." She glanced at her friend. Nathan just didn't like humans in general, but Natalie could see the good in most of them.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/12 00:00:41 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene didnt like this idea. Not one bit. She looked at her friend,"Let's make a deal. We will stay and watch, to make sure they are okay. But if theres any danger to us, we go in that instant. Does that sound fair?" She was fearful they would be captured by the humans, but she didnt want to leave her best friend behind.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/9 18:52:46 )

Natalie nodded lightly to the terms of her friend's deal. "Okay, fair enough." She agreed, locking her pinky with Sirene's just so she knew that this princess would keep her word. Nathan sighed quietly as he watched the girls make a deal, also going along with it. It sounded like a pretty good plan to keep themselves safe. Natalie hugged her best friend, and then swam closer to the large fishing ship, while making sure to stay hidden.

Nathan shook his head and ran a hand through his messy hair. "How can she be so childish?" He murmured quietly, glancing at Sirene. He wasn't going anywhere until she moved. His sister could more or less look after herself, he was more concerned about their friend.

When a lighting bolt crashed into the large sail on the ship, a fire broke out immediately and the humans began to panic. Natalie had managed to climb up part way of the ship, just enough to watch the humans, but she jumped off when the fire started and landed in the water hard. The crackle made Nathan jump and turn his attention to the now burning ship.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 04:27:45 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene's eyes widened, seeing the ship caught on fire,"Natalie..." She swam towards the ship, not wanting to see her friend hurt,"Natalie, it's time to go home!" She said, reaching her friend,"This has gotten dangerous and it's not safe anymore."

They saw one of the humans fall overboard. It was a young man who had been helping on the ship. He had been knocked off by accident and was being dragged away from the ship by the strong current.

Sirene gasped and swarm after the human, not thinking about it, as she didn't want him to drown.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/28 02:24:35 )
It all happened so quick that Natalie hardly had time to understand what happened. Shaking her head as Sirene dove under the water after a boy, she quickly followed. Swimming as fast as she could so she could help.

Nathan was awestruck. What just happened? Did they really just go after a human? What happened if he saw them?

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/29 19:24:42 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene managed to grab the human and dragged him up the the surface, hearing him gasping for air,"Hold on... Just hang in there..." She panted to him, swimming as hard and fast as she could to get him to the surface. Finally, the storm slowly died down as Sirene gently lowered the young man onto the shore. She patted his back as he coughed up sea water.

"Thanks..." The young man coughed,"The fire... it happened so fast..." He looked up frantically to see if he could see the remains of the ship, or the person who had rescued her.

Sirene had managed to slip back into the water before she was seen. She caught up with Natalie and had pulled her away before she made it to the surface,"That was a close one." She said to her,"He's gotten to safety and he has no idea who or what saved him."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/14 23:40:06 )
Natalie tried her best to catch up to Sirene, but the other mermaid was faster than her. She frowned at her friends words when she stopped her. Nathan caught up to them and placed a hand of his sister's shoulders, before she could speak. "At least he's safe. C'mon, let's go home now before anything else happens." He spoke, then glanced at Sirene. "Want to come over for dinner?" He asked, offering really.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/14 23:48:50 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene smiled and nodded,"Sounds wonderful." She said. She looked over at Natalie,"Natalie, when was the last time we explored the human world?" She asked her friend as they swam, "I'll make you a deal. Tomorrow if you want, you and I can go on land to explore. But I want to be back before it gets close to getting dark..."

but living takes true courage.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/15 00:46:32 )
Nathan smiled some when she accepted his offer. Natalie blinked and tilted her head. "Quite a while ago.." She said with a playfully hum. She blinked and her blue eyes lit up at the offer of going and exploring the human world tomorrow. Natalie smiled, and nodded. "I can live with that." She said cheerfully. Nathan sighed quietly. Once again he'd be covering for her at the castle, or tagging along with the girls to keep them, mainly his sister, out of trouble.

Donator — She, her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/15 01:07:59 )
You can die anytime...

Sirene looked over at Nathan,"I know this frustrates you." She said to him as they swam,"If anyone asks for Natalie, just tell them we are out and about for a much needed girl's day, which is something we haven't had in a long time anyway." She knew he didn't want to go with them and she could understand why. She knew Nathan preferred life under the sea. She loved living where she did but she had always wanted to explore a little of the human world.

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/23 19:07:43 )
Nathan nodded lightly to Sirene and smiled some. "Thanks." He said, thankful he didn't have to tag along OR cover for his sister. "Let's get to the castle." He suggested. Natalie giggles and swims home, leaving Nathan and Sirene alone together. She couldn't help it, she was excited about tomorrow.

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