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Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/24 04:29:25 )

    @Night xiv: Nice! Listening to your own music during work! I was able to do the when i used to work at my previous university's library. Definitely helps pass the time when your working too. c:

    The apartment is fine so far. Unfortunately, my room is near the lounge/pool area. :( So I'm hoping people don't have late night parties when classes starts again. On the bright side, I don't share a wall with any of my roommates or neighbors. xD

    @Nyuu: How often do orbs switch out? Crates are the monthly donation items, right?

    I don't remember...but how do you like that season so far? I'll try not to spoil anything for you!
    But I gotta say in the later seasons they have one musical episode, and it is the best ever!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/24 09:04:00 )

@Night XIV: Japan sounds nice but i'd rather not live there o:


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/24 09:05:19 )

@Yixing: I believe it's seasonal, so 4x a year... every 3 months if i'm correct^^
Yes, crate items are the monthlies, they come every month on the 1st

I have watched up to 6 i think? but i restarted because i love it so much so now i'm back at 4, i don't know if i've seen the musical one yet o:
I'm really loving it up until here!


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/24 18:33:33 )
@Nyuu: I've always wanted to visit Japan :o
Conor's went before, but it was mostly a class trip so it wasn't like he could look around and have fun and things like that
He was there to learn, not that a vacation xD

@Yixing: Here's to hoping I find another job that lets us listen to our music while we work ;D

Might have to invest in sound proof walling :'D
But hey! Ya technically got your own place, so that's good xD
And with a pool! I would love it if our apartment had a pool because I would never leave it xD

@Unicorn: Physical therapy used to kick my buns D:
I was so sore the first day and I had to go Wednesday and Friday so at least I got to rest over the weekend after the Friday session, but Wednesday I was super sore. It was, literally, a workout for my legs

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/24 21:05:21 )

@Night XIV: Visit sure but live there i'd say no, i actually love living here at home :3


Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 02:10:40 )

    @Nyuu: Oh okay. It feels like we just got the crates though. xD Time sure does fly by fast!
    Thank you for the info!

    Ooh, it's from season 6! I don't remember which episode it is but i loved it so much. xD

    @Night xiv: I hope you can find one where you can listen to your own music while you work too. Good luck! o uob

    LOL it's not the walls i have to worry about. It's my window. It faces that area. ; o; There's a party as i type this reply too. XDD
    I kind of miss my parents and my sister. I'm so used to living with them for so long. ^^; I hope once classes start I won't be as homesick.
    Sucks that your apartment doesn't have a pool. Would be nice for the summer, huh?

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 11:20:08 )

@Yixing: They're coming out today, super excited to see! There's also a community discussion tonight on discord. :3

I can't wait to see it! I try to watch a little bit every day, usually only around 20 minutes though


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 19:52:34 )
@Yixing: The place used to have a pool, but that was waaaaaaaay before I was born xD
I learned that my mom and dad used to live in the same complex then I was born and stuff. Now the pool was converted into a playground.
Ah, that's understandable about the homesick thing :o
You at least talk to them when ya can, yeah? ^^

@Nyuu: Ah! I love your avi's hair ;o;
I wanna steal it :'D

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 23:04:04 )

@Night XIV: Thank you night-chan! It comes in other colors too <3


Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 03:25:53 )

    @Nyuu: I like some of the items! Mostly the hairs though. ^^;
    How about you? Any favorites so far?

    You gotta let me know what you think of the musical episode. xD I thought it was so funny lol.

    @Night xiv: Oh okay. That's too bad though. But hey, a playground isn't that bad either.

    Yeah, my mom actually called me a few times already. xD Other than that, I just text my sister.
    Only one more day until classes start, and i can be busy again! ; o;
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 11:18:21 )

@Yixing: I'm loving the new items! Especially Quinn, mostly because i'm a harley fan :'D
I love your avatar! It's super cute

I sure will let you know! ^^


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 18:28:35 )
Everyone's avi's look so cute! Then I'm just here with my monochrome D:

@Yixing: I mean the playground is nice until you turn 25 and then it's just like...can we have the pool back xD
If only we had time to do another art trade :'D
Good luck with your classes though!!

@Nyuu: Ah you changed your avi again :o
Lovin the harley quinn style
I'm a fan of poison ivy and Scarecrow myself ;D

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:16:23 )

@Night XIV: Thanks night-chan! I love Harley Quinn! She's so pretty <3
Still loving your avatar!

What do you think about the new orb items?


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:25:00 )
@Nyuu: I already added some of them to the quest list
I would buy an orb of my own, but I'm trying to stay above 5k so I can pay you the volts for the pixel
I've got 7k right now, but I'm also trading with someone ^^;;

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:27:03 )

@Night XIV: I just took a look, those are really pretty!
I will probably have time to work on your pixel this week, the person that was ahead of you isn't responding to a question i asked about their pixel so i'm going to do yours first until i hear back from them~


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:31:39 )
@Nyuu: I hope they respond soon :o
But I also can't wait to see my Soraya done in your style! ^^

Also I apologize if I poof from the site. I have to cook dinner >>

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:32:41 )

@Night XIV: Can't wait to start on it! I love your OCs~

No problem, have fun cooking!


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:53:22 )
@Nyuu: I was able to bring my laptop out into the living room so I can cook and chat at the same time ;D
Ah! So how have things been for ya, Yuu? :o

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 19:55:07 )

@Night XIV: Sounds good!
Things are okay at the moment, how are you doing?

Questing: click here!

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/26 20:02:41 )
@Nyuu: I'm doing a little better. Still helping Conor house hunt and I learned my best friend is taking a week off from work a few days before my birthday so we made plans for me to spend the night at his place and I finally get to meet his 7-8 month old daughter, who I call my niece :D
He has a 3-4 year old son too and he's finally started calling me makes me feel old, honestly, but at the same time I'm just like I'm an aunt! xD

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