Millet, spilling the tea:
@Vengeance: ooooh, a Russian Blue is a rare sight! And Dora almost has a human face with those eyes!
@Tuijp: What color is the eyes of your black kitty? The first one is adorable, looks so young! And I take it the third is a stray that frequents you, or?
@Another movie addict: your cat also looks part russian blue, I like how the white up the nose almost looks like an aesthetic scar or something or like a crack of lightning- very handsome. Your black cat seems so poised and contemplative in that photo haha.
@Fozzy: That's a prize winning picture for sure. "I sits in crown, cuz it not fit me head." haha
@Lazer: Feed them once and they typically keep coming back, who knows maybe he/she will wiggle their way in! Looks like a Lynx Point Siamese which are notoriously one of the friendliest breeds.