Spark here, reporting on this wonderful Wednesday!
Why is today so special? - C'mon, Volties - It's a new Common Surge today!
Let's hop right in and see what spectacular new goodies our artists have whipped up.

Item Name | Original Artist | Additonal Artist

Vermillion Shawl | Glume

Nomad's Sash | Glume | Fozzy

Light to Dark Gradient Rounded | Fozzy

Light to Dark Gradient | Fozzy

Dark to Light Gradient Rounded | Fozzy

Dark to Light Gradient | Fozzy

Dark to Light Bottom Faded | Fozzy

Light to Dark Bottom Faded | Fozzy

Dark to Light Top Faded | Fozzy

Light to Dark Top Faded | Fozzy

As always, a HUGE thank you to our Item Technicians Elithiya and Lucan!
Coming Soon!

:crate: September Crates (9/1)