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Forums Anniversary Party 2018 Among Voltra's Stars

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/28 21:19:31 )

(GOAL OF 100 MENTIONS OCCURED AT 9:30pm voltra time with thirty minutes to spare!)
Thank you so much for paying me a visit. I truly do appreciate it from the bottom of my beating heart.
I will be honest with you, I have been so excited for our one year anniversary that I may have gone a
tad overboard! Fear not, I have a solution for those of you who are prone to going cross eyed
at walls of text. I am a writer, it is hard for me to resist pouring my heart out. Which just so happens to be
what my event is centered around! I will break everything down into "spoiler" tags just for you guys.

My story

My dream

Raffle Details/Rules

1) Each user can send me a private message (for today only.)
2) You are entitled to send me no more than 3 people to mention/pass the message on to.
3) Said messages must be good natured. Nothing negative will be tolerated.
I would even swoon from overwhelming empathy if there was written love confessions!!

The users you address to me in the private message, I will ping throughout this thread;
(as well as update the first page with a spoiler showing all anonymous messages.)
I'll make sure they receive your message publicly.

Mind you, the fun in this is the anonymous factor. It is fun for people to guess who sent what.
So only mentions sent to my inbox count!

If you are the type that struggles with motivation to express yourself,
surely you will permit me to tempt you in stretching your boundaries?
EVERYONE, who participates will be entered into a raffle, in addition to the people they sent messages to.
Now, now, don’t worry this isn’t a popularity contest. Only one ticket per person can be added to the drawing.

Prize explanation

For every 9 people that get @mentioned by me from your submissions:
It will prompt a prize added to the raffle bag!
(Yes, including duplicates this time is fine.
Let's say myself is mentioned 4 times, each one counts as a mention. But not tickets. )

So if 9 people get kind sentiments that's one prize up for grabs.
If 20 people get kind sentiments, that's two prizes to be raffled. etc.

The prizes will be raffled after the event is over and winners announced at a later date:
9 mentions: 2k Volts
18 mentions: 2k Volts
27 mentions: Autumn Orb
36 mentions: Autumn Orb
45 mentions: 5k Volts
54 mentions: 5k Volts
63 mentions: Sept' Crate
72 mentions: 10k Volts
81 mentions: Unlock an extra color of my beloved capybara, Leo!
90 mentions: The RARE set from this months crate.
99 mentions: ANY rare set from the present orbs for sale!

In the mean time, while I collect your sweet sentiments. Let us have a fun discussion.
Drop photos or links to things you would love to see as an item in Voltra. Chat back and forth
about whatever you like though. I am here as well to chit chat and answer any questions.

Event ends 10:00pm Voltra time.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/28 21:32:02 )

Our community, spreading the love.

Nyuu: Your avi's are always some of the cutest on the site! You seem like you're always a bundle of adorableness and great
for the atmosphere, you are awesome! Those pixels you make are amazing!

Deaa: You've piqued my interest and I can't wait to see you around more!

Dowan: EPISODE 2: "OK ILL REDO SPARK" - In all seriousness I appreciate you greatly
and cheese-a-rifically hope to be good friends!

Miss Kitty: You are strong. I believe in you. Keep going, and see the day to its end!

Dowan: Oh, my love for you shines brighter than the moon, it glows with warmth and laughter. May the seas not part us, nor the wispy veil, for surely, one day, we may meet again, upon the shores of that place, where our love is electrifying as the very air itself~

Artemis: I hope life keeps you well and that your life is filled with joy and wonders!

ghost: Your art is wonderful and I get so excited when I see new stuff from you! I sincerely hope you're still planning on releasing your comic; I'm dying to know Milo's story! Wishing you all the best. :)

Unicorn: You are the nicest person I've ever met, and it's great to know that you're not just that way online, but in real life as well. :D We haven't talked in a while, but I hope you're doing well!

Lady Turnip: I wish you the best of luck in making friends, and I hope that you'll find the right person for you. Someone that won't play with your emotions, and truly cares for you. Have fun, and be safe.

Zuzu: A good person, if there ever was one. You're friendly, you're passionate, and you're a joy to hear from. Though you've made mistakes, some of which have cost you. I hope you can come back from those mistakes and find yourself happiness again. You deserve it.

SnakeWeaver: You continue to astound me. Even among deviants, you keep a clean mind. Sometimes naive, but always candid. Resolute in being yourself, the only way you know how. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Hazer : I love all that you do for all of us here on Voltra so I must say thank you, I love that sexy british boy accent you have, your nice and so very kind!

Bone Wench : I call you mommy on here, but you're an awesome friend, and you're like the sister that I've never had. we talk a lot and I always check up on you to see on how you are doing and you do the same for me.

Lady Luna : You're just as awesome as I am we both like to give to one another and help each other out when we can. You're a great friend, and I love your paintings and drawings that you do even the cell phone cases.

Rallaa: Your dedication to Hazer is unmatched. You are truly an inspiration to all.

Elithiya: I know what you do can't be easy, but you keep making it look like a piece of cake! Thank you for all that you do.

Hazer: You ROCK my world!....UPSIDE DOWN. Literally. You flipped the site. But you are loved and forgiven anyway.

Millet: Ah! You have been doing so well since being on staff. I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve, so far I am impressed!

Saeyra: You are my personal favorite pain in the butt. :P

Anarchist Beauty: hey we dont talk much but wanted to tell you that since I joined the site seeing your posts have been interesting and im sorry your birthday didn't go so well but I hope this makes you feel special on voltras birthday. xo

milkdaddy: i love your avatars they are so fun to just stare at I might have to give you free art one day. I hope your home life is better and that maybe we can get closer. xo

Robyn: ireally like your art and have fantasized doing an art trade but i dont think mine compares lol xo

Mousy: See below
moodybats: see below
vengeance: see below
"hi sorry im bad with words but please tell these three users that i enjoy what they post and good luck at the raffle."

Tuijp: Whenever I read your username I keep thinking tulip WHAT DOES TUIJP EVEN MEAN!!! This doesn't count as a nice message does it von?
Me: Um. hmm. Well. It's fun and playful.
Them: ok just tell him thanks for his hard work on the site then.

Mousy: You know who I am probs. Just wanted to give you recognition that you are neato.

Vengeance: I just want you to know that you were the first person to say hi to me and even though Im not sure where to post and feel odd that I always feel comfortable posting in a thread you are on. Thank you for being so nice to me!

moodybats: I like your avi and enjoyed our short but nice interaction. thank you thank you

totalanimefan: u are supper nice and im a total anime fan to :)

LonelyLuna: welcome to voltra i hope you enjoy ur stay and have luck at ur shop

Vanora: i dont know to many users but vanora is my favorite character and i love her design so can i mention her?

Vontell: He's a super good friend and a reliable man to anyone in need! He's very talented and has taught me so, so much! He's there for us whenever we need him, and like now, is like... is like a shooting star painting the night sky in its otherworldly light! Ahem. And... and, uhm, I'll always love him for what he did. Always.

Millet: You've done a lot for me and I appreciate it more than you know. More than I can express. Thank you.

Millet: You are doing amazing as a staff and I have a feeling you and Dowan will get along well. I'm happy for Dowan to finally have someone special.
platonic of course haha.

Dowan: You have held the helm for a while now and I want you to know that your efforts are not ignored in staff. We've relied on you so much and maybe sometimes too much but you have always delivered. Thank you for making Voltra a better place.

Hazer: Our new developer making strides already. You're our mascot brit, and thank you for your daily humor and diligence in serving Voltra.

@Ghost: Spoooopy and wonderful, you breathe so much life into our site and I hope you know how much we all as a team appreciate your work. You're talented beyond belief. Excellent painting of the siblings btw. ;)

Fozzy: Our overlord and friendly supreme! May your new home bring you new and happy memories and may we all here at Voltra continue to grow this community!

Saeyra: You know I adore you and our chats in hangouts. If you didn't know, now you do!
Yes, Vontell I know only 3 but since I can't go in the raffle as a staff maybe you'll let it slide? Pretty please?

Vontell: I love your hair man, never change it. It makes you, you.

Elithiya: I might apply as a item tech but am lowkey worried of dissapointing you LOL
your present avi is stunning.

Raxton: Of all avatars yours are usually my favorite. :)

@Elithiya: You are the kindest and sweetest soul on Voltra's staff and I you. You work really hard uploading and fixing all the items and we all appreciate you so much.

@Tuijp: I love you man. You are a bright light everyday when you show up. I feel like Voltra only wakes up when you do. You are better than morrning coffee.

@Hazer: You literally restarted Voltra's beating heart with your passion and hard work. You patched Voltra up and made her better than she ever was before. You are not only an awesome dev but you are also an awesome person and friend. Talking with you always makes me smile.
This is so mushy I am so happy this is anonymous.
I would never say all these nice things about you in public. Toddler over and out.

@Lady Luna: Thank you for always looking out for the users. You are a really good mod. Keep up the good work!

@Millet: You are amazing! I hope you know how much we appreciate you and all that you do. When you arrived on Voltra it was like a breath of fresh air. Your passion and new ideas like your writing prompt thread are just a joy to see. I hope to see you around for years to come.

@Unicorn: You are a kind generous soul. Thank you for making every user on Voltra feel welcome. I love seeing you around the forums chatting away and asking about peoples' days. It would be a quiet and sad world without you. Thanks for being so wonderful.

@AnotherMovieAddict: I love talking to you, you are funny, interesting and a really cool person in general. I am really glad to have met you.

@Rallaa: Dedicated and wonderful! I love seeing your posts and chatting with you always. You are a really good host and the hangout you made for Hazer is really cool and my favorite thread to read through and hangout in.

@Fozzy: Eyy big man! Thank you for making this wonderful place where I met all these wonderful people. Thank you for keeping it up so I have a place to hang out with my friends. Thank you for all that you do.

@MandyAmour: Thanks for running V.A.G. Voltra's Artist Gallery. It's a really nice place for artists all over to come and hang out.

@Dipper: Have more faith in yourself. You can do whatever you set your mind to. You have friends who have your back. Don't be afraid to fall on us if you need to. We're here for you always.

@Jazz: Never stop being who you are. Some may think of it as pushy or irritating but honestly, I wouldn't want you any other way. And if more people got to know you, they would see that really you are just very protective of those you care about. Thank you for being my rock and not a mean ol' black hole >_>

@Dowan: I'm horrible at making friends and yet you came along and without hesitation put yourself in that spot. I'm not used to that, but I'm so very glad it happened. I hope you continue moving forward, despite life being...*cough* such a pain in the butt xD You are such a great person and deserve all the happiness!

Hazer: "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" is what comes to mind when I think of you.
Everyone: Because I can't spend 3+ hours choosing the other 2 people (and mostly because I've already spent one), I just want to say all of you are great. Thanks for all that you've contributed to Voltra, no matter how small. Have a wonderful day, everyone!

You are my hero.
Thank you so much for everything that you have done, taking complain after complain of stuff in the puxel perfect thread and fixing them without a single complain.
That really means a lot

Thank you for everything that you have done to the site
It might not be much for you, but it really means a lot for me

You might be new to the site, but you bring so much life to the site already. Hope you enjoy it being here

@Totalanimefan: for being the sweetest person ever. It is always a joy to chat with you and Voltra wouldn't be the same without you.

@Okios: for always making me laugh (in a good way!)

@Tuijp for always being so helpful and keeping Voltra awesome!

@Vontell: Can I say thank you for this thread? I have been mentioned a couple of times and honestly as stupid as it sounds I am crying a bit. I suffer very bad depression and the internet, voltra included is a welcomed escape for me. This thread and knowing how much people care for eachother but also specifically me has given me the ability to sleep well today without the bad thoughts. thank you really thank you.

@kozi: I love your avi its kind of nightmare fuel but its awesome!

@Shark: you seem like such a nice and genuine person maybe I will add you if you dont mind lol

@RainbowPanda: I miss you and haven't spoken in a while but wanted you to feel special for asecond seeing this message.

@Aly: Thank you for the wonderful profiles!

@sunny: I KNOW that was you that sent me that mention. I love you too and you are a bright ball of sunshine just as your name implies.

"I have 3 staff members who I never told how much I appreciate them and I for whatever reason really don't have the confidence to just tell them upfront.
Those three are @Q t e a p o n: and @Frossy: and @Cookie: sorry if those aren't their actual usernames. I am used to discord. But you three are my trio of who I find embodies a not in your face kind of positivity, and personally that is my preference. Thank you. "

@Dowan: Your hard work and dedication shows in everything you do, you create amazing work and I feel blessed we were able to meet.

@Apollo Im Burning: It's nice to see you posting on the site again. You're a good presence to have around and you were missed while you were gone. Also, I want you to know you have really amazing and creative art.

@Dipper: It always makes me happy to see you active and online, and your codes during the Wonderland event were fun. You have such a genuine passion for everything you enjoy, and it shines when you're able to share it. It's really uplifting, and I hope you're doing well.

@Ghost: A great person who helped renew my faith in everything. Very talented.

@Okios: We don't talk much, but you're awesome. Keep on keepin' on, okay?

@Miss Kitty: Gentle heart like a kitten. Kindness the intensity of a lion. Stay strong, and roar away the doubt.

@Taemins Lover: Surprise, surprise! Hope you're doing well.

@Cookie: A reliable soul who'll stand by you until the end... and then some. Seek them out and you won't be disappointed.

@Unicorn: Sweet and giving. Will always brighten your day like a true unicorn with a shining horn.

@Mica: You probably weren't expecting this, so BAM! Love your art.

@Dipper: Can I double dip? Triple dip has to be a thing. Can never have too much light, and you bring a lot. Blinding on Blackout.

@kent: OMG you're here! I was trying to think who to send a message to and I choose you! You are wicked cool guy and you actually were one of the first to talk to me but I think we started around the same time anyay HA


For being really supportive and always showing appreciation for the things others do.
Constantly spending almost all his free time working on the site and trying to get things going.
He's a real shining star and without his constant efforts Voltra would still be in a blackout.
He overcomes troubles and pushes forward, a real inspiration to us all.


Elithiya is truly one of the most dedicated staff I have seen.
Without her constant and unending effort and dedication the experience of Voltra would not be as amazing as it is now.
Willing to stay up to ungodly hours and drain all her energy just to make sure everything is A-OK for any releases is such an amazing thing to do for us Volties.

Sometimes I wonder if she's a hindu goddess with 10 arms because it feels like the amount of work she puts in is not the kind one would manage with just two arms, that's for sure!
I would appreciate her taking a bit more of a break when needed and not overworking herself though.


Dis goober over here is one of the main reasons I've enjoyed my time here.
Even though she can be a bit of a ... toothpick under my toenail sometimes, she's incredibly kind and supportive.
Without her boosting my morale and talking to me constantly - I might not have stayed here due to recent ... mishaps.
Thankfully, she's pretty much tied me to a pole and put an electric fence around me so I can't leave.
I'm stuck here forever.

. . . _ _ _ . . .


Ghost also has 10 arms, because god damn the work that boy puts into this site is spread far and wide and constant.
Sometimes he pushes himself into a corner with the amount of things he want's to do for you Volties and this wonderful world.
It just shows his love and dedication to this site and its members, and I want to let him know he's valued for it!
He's put his ghostly ethereal finger in pretty much every pie Voltra has.

Illustration? Yep.
Writing? Yup.
Concept Art? Mhhmmm
Web Design? Don't sweat it. (though he can't sweat because he's a ghost)
Pixel-ling up a beautiful item? Look no further!

Shower him with love for all he does. Because he definitely deserves it!

I'd like to mention nyreen!
You were one of my first friends here, though I believe we met on another forum. I greatly admire all of your positivity and the way you actively and passionately help your community. You're going to be showing so many kids how to turn into pretty cool adults.

@mdom: You embody a rainbow in a blender and I love how colorful you are no matter the site you're on.

@Lucan: You were one of my first voltra friends and I'm glad I added you to my friend's list, especially since you have a penchant for changing names. XD

@Ulixes: We don't really talk on votra but we are friends on discord, and I wanted to send you a nice message here for this anon event. You are such a sweet, amazing, cute person and your dolls are just as cute as you. <3

@Lizard Breath: I love your username, mostly because I have a lil lizard and while I never noted his breath your username has inspried me to go shove my nose in his mouth which I guess isn't recommended haha.

@Dragoness129: I just started noticing you around but you seem so friendly hello!

"Hey I wanted to @Vii: The work you did on the summer event was beyond amazing. We all know you're still learning the ropes, but your effort and dedication really paid off. You were there for us when we didn't have anyone and we really appreciate it!"

@Elithiya: The most amazing person, hard working person I've met. She gives all her time and energy not expecting anything back when she deserves the world.

@Glume: A talented person that has a bright future ahead of them!

@Dowan: Does things that no other writer can do and I hope they know we love and value them!

To Volties: Seriously, you are what make this all worth it. You are the blood of our machine and without you, well we'd be all crusty and dead.
Okay sorry that was gross LOL onto the sweet mushy stuff.

I love getting to know y'all whenever I can and seeing how much love and support y'all give Voltra is just inspiring. Truly this is why I love being on here, along with working with an awesome team!

Y'all are all amazing people and I couldn't choose just 3 people so I addressed to all of you because YOU'RE ALL AWESOME OKAY?

To Staffies: Y'all are a crazy bunch of weirdos and I love y'all so much! It's been a blessing getting to work here (trying not to make it obvious I'm staff - is it working?) and I'm thankful everyday for it

All of y'all are amazing and contribute to helping Voltra not only run smoothly but to grow to be even more amazing than it already is. THANK Y'ALL

To.............. the Items: Y'all are beautiful. Keep doing what you do, which is cover our bodies and make sure we aren't running around all nekkid like cave people. Voltra MVPs right here.


Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/28 21:49:00 )


Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:01:57 )
Aww, this seems like such a sweet idea/thread!

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:07:09 )
My inspiration being fed through the dream world...I could almost be motivated to write a novel about that alone! I'm glad you enjoy this.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:09:34 )
A messenger summons your attention.

@Nyuu: Your avi's are always some of the cutest on the site! You seem like you're always a bundle of adorableness and great
for the atmosphere, you are awesome! Those pixels you make are amazing!

@Deaa: You've piqued my interest and I can't wait to see you around more!

@Dowan: EPISODE 2: "OK ILL REDO SPARK" - In all seriousness I appreciate you greatly
and cheese-a-rifically hope to be good friends!

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:11:23 )
So our messages can be as short or as long as we want? o:

Oh, also, you need to add text after mentions for a mention to work. Unless they’ve changed how mentions work.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:12:33 )
AH, and they didn't inform me of such changes. Perhaps I missed an announcement? I really need to get my head out of the books sometimes. Thanks kindly for the information! But yes, your messages can be of any length so long as they are kind in nature.

I shouldn't say changes, I mean methods. I thought tags work regardless. Hmmm.

Donator — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:18:06 )
Yeah, I don’t know if it’s written down anywhere. Someone had to tell me about it too. XD It’s a learning experience I guess.
Ash 8/7/19
Kate 1/9/22

by YukiThePanda <3


Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:23:17 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
Indeed such is life! Always learning, always making mistakes and picking ourselves back up and patting off the dirt.
However, I think it would make good reference for our Newbie guide that maybe @Vengeance: would be interested in adding.
"How to assure your tag works". Her thread is really thorough for new users, I quite appreciate the hard work she has put into it.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 19:52:46 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
@Miss Kitty: You are strong. I believe in you. Keep going, and see the day to its end!

@Dowan: Oh, my love for you shines brighter than the moon, it glows with warmth and laughter. May the seas not part us, nor the wispy veil, for surely, one day, we may meet again, upon the shores of that place, where our love is electrifying as the very air itself~

@Artemis: I hope life keeps you well and that your life is filled with joy and wonders!

Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:04:10 )
Oooh this looks interesting OwO

And item ideas, hmmm? How fun >w<
"I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing."

Ping me for a response.

"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:17:46 )
@Vontell: this is such a lovely Idea.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:23:39 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!

We have new messages!

@ghost: Your art is wonderful and I get so excited when I see new stuff from you! I sincerely hope you're still planning on releasing your comic; I'm dying to know Milo's story! Wishing you all the best. :)

@Unicorn: You are the nicest person I've ever met, and it's great to know that you're not just that way online, but in real life as well. :D We haven't talked in a while, but I hope you're doing well!

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:24:07 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
@unicorn: GOOD timing, you just had someone mention you! Thank you so much for the kind words.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:25:44 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
@Q t e a p o n: I'm sure you must be smiling seeing all this love! You should be proud to be an admin of such a loving site.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:29:33 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
We have more messages, I'm loving this so much. My dreams are coming true.

@Lady Turnip: I wish you the best of luck in making friends, and I hope that you'll find the right person for you. Someone that won't play with your emotions, and truly cares for you. Have fun, and be safe.

@Zuzu: A good person, if there ever was one. You're friendly, you're passionate, and you're a joy to hear from. Though you've made mistakes, some of which have cost you. I hope you can come back from those mistakes and find yourself happiness again. You deserve it.

@Snakeweaver: You continue to astound me. Even among deviants, you keep a clean mind. Sometimes naive, but always candid. Resolute in being yourself, the only way you know how. Shine on, you crazy diamond.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:39:49 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
Even MORE messages!
@Hazer: I love all that you do for all of us here on Voltra so I must say thank you, I love that sexy british boy accent you have, your nice and so very kind!

@Bone Wench: I call you mommy on here, but you're an awesome friend, and you're like the sister that I've never had. we talk a lot and I always check up on you to see on how you are doing and you do the same for me.

@Lady Luna: You're just as awesome as I am we both like to give to one another and help each other out when we can. You're a great friend, and I love your paintings and drawings that you do even the cell phone cases.

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:52:58 )
Always looking forward to hearing from you!
@Dipper: Forgive me! My eyes glazed over your comment here in this piles of love letters I have been reading.
And yes, please post images that you'd like to see. I hear the team is always looking for inspiration. :)

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/2 20:53:46 )
@Vontell: Your welcome, and thank you as well
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.