I was at a fast food restaurant alone for lunch today. Whataburger to be exact.
You know how there are just certain rules that you have to follow because it's the unwritten law?
Well, I'm an unwritten law follower.
I notice a man sitting alone by the wall.
Everyone else is eating with someone else.
That area is for the alone-eaters.
He's facing the window.
I sit in the booth in front of him, also facing the window.
We sit in the same direction because it is the rule when you are eating alone.
Don't face someone else if you can help it.
He was there first.
He chose the pattern everyone else must follow.
So. I. Did.
This guy comes up and ruins it.
He's an unwritten law breaker.
He makes life uncomfortable for everyone.
I've included a super fancy diagram just in case you don't understand my plight.
I'm the pink smiley face, the OG sitter is the yellow, and this guy who just wants to watch the world burn is green.

What other unwritten laws can you think of that everyone must follow?