Hai Voltra. It's finally happened. I got the Sept '17 crate. I now own one of everything(minus shop commons, which is now where my focus will be) on voltra! Since I realized I was missing the crate, I never stopped hoarding extras so that when the time came I would have whatever the person would want for the crate. Now that that's done I am sitting on a huge pile of beautiful, glorious, BOOOOOOOOOTY. Which I would like the share with all of you since I honestly don't have much use of most of it these days. I have decided to host a posting contests, much like the ones a user on Ernya used to host that I loved participating in. 8D
Since this is starting October and there will be a Halloween event, posting goals have been set a little higher than mthey will be for months with no events.
1: Intro
2: Rules
3: Posting Contest
4: Art Contest
5: Page Prizes/Other Contests
6: Entry Forms
7: Thread Helpers/Donators
8. Contest Records