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Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:21:51 )
Post One:


So after the “fiasco” that was the Reaping Ritual I guess I’m supposed to apologize.
I promised Violet I would say this so here.

Virgil coughs and stands at attention

“We at Joyful Jamboree pride ourselves with providing Voltra service with a smile.
I, Virgil Frost, let you down by missing out on all the… fun and would like to make it up to you.
In preparation of Vanora’s birthday “bash” (really?) I will be hosting a super fun scavenger hunt. Don’t miss out."

So yeah. Whoever helps out the most and saves me the most effort will get a prize.
Oh yeah, and make sure to stop by our store and feed the corporate machine for all your party needs.


Deadline: November 26, 2017.

This is a scavenger hunt with a topic of:
Birthday party items!

Criteria for judging:
Just be sure to follow the submission rules and your entries will count.

How to submit:
Take a picture of the item requested with your username somewhere visible and upload it to Imgur.
Then link in this thread.

Make sure you quote Virgil's submission post, or he might not see your entry!



Pictures must be clear enough to easily identify what's on the photo.

Pictures must be taken by the user who submits their entry! No photoshop shenanigans.

Remember to have fun!



1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Event FAQ example:

Can you keep a secret? Well, for the next week, you’ll have to! Our beloved Vanora has a birthday coming up on November 26th. We’ve got a week for preparations until then to throw her the most awesome birthday party she’s ever experienced! So, what are you waiting for, let’s get to the party prep!


Welcome to Vanora’s Birthday Bash! (Or as I'm calling it, “Super Secret Mega Happy Fun Time Vanora Birthday Bash Extravaganza!”) I'm baking a cake, Vontell is seeking inspiration through poetry, Virgil is searching for stuff, and everyone else is running around trying to get things together for a secret party for Vanora!

Plus, Frizz and Static have returned to their pig and goat forms to distract Vanora so she doesn’t know what’s going on. Supposedly they made off with some of her shop’s inventory and she’s chasing them to get it all back … We should let them do their thing!



■ How long is Vanora’s Birthday Bash?
The event will run from November 19th until November 26th.
This is a mini event and not a normal event like The Reaping Ritual.
This should give you a week to apply to the existing contests, grab limited-time event items, and enjoy the free use of our event forum.

■ Where can I get the event items?
Event items will be available for Volts in Virgil’s shop, Joyful Jamboree!

■ How long will the event items be available?
Event items will leave stores on November 28th.

■ Is there event currency?
There is no event currency this time around since this is a mini event.
Event items can be bought for Volts.

■ How many contests can I participate in?
You can participate in any and all of the contests being run for this event, as many as you feel comfortable with.
Please be sure to read the rules for each contest.


[Event Item Post. Include a picture of the thumbnail, the item being worn, etc. Include the price and a link to the purchase.]

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:24:59 )
A violent woman with a butcher knife sounds maybe a little concerning. Do you need an adult? I can probably find one.

I'm happy to see that our roleplaying section is going to be getting some use, finally~! It was super slow. x3

Welcome to the site, friend!

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:29:02 )
Welcome to the site!
Whether it was forced upon you or you happily agreed, I am glad to see a new member! ^_^

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:39:48 )

" Do you remember the blackout, my friend? Back then, we could not fathom the evil that emerged. I had read about such
events transpiring, but it was all fantasy! Literature that I and Leo would dabble in, clinging to every word with excited
anticipation of the conclusion! That night, however, we came face to face with a terrifying truth of this magnificent world.
I realized then, in the coalescing shadows, that the Voltra we all knew so fondly may have been but a mere reflection.
The following is an account from that time period written by my own hand to ensure the events are not forgotten.

In the darkened city of Voltra, an influential figure has been murdered, and council members have gone missing.
Strange things are happening during the Blackout, and Vontell has taken it upon himself to unravel the details!
Join the writer and his animal companion, Leo, on their hunt for clues, and uncover the beginnings of a much greater plot...
if you can.


If you've ever played a visual novel or choose your own adventure game,
this experience will be similar to that. If not, don't fret!

Vontell will post where he currently is and your job is to tell
him what to do next. Whichever posted option is most popular
within 24 hours of Vontell's last action will be selected and
his route secured. The community will then witness the results
of that choice in his next post, and the cycle repeats until the end.

There will be a reward for leading Vontell through this night of curiosities,
but its intensity will differ greatly based on how well the community succeeds.


Voltie — She/Hungry Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:46:19 )
:vanora_sweat: Violent woman with a butcher knife? That's worrysome! Hopefully you can find some safety in these forums! I cannot imagine you'd be forced here, but I still hope you enjoy your stay.
Welcome to Voltra~~ :vanora_heart:
Apparently out of a gig. --v
RLC Commissions always available! PM me or add me on discord: micami#8341

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:47:29 )
Haha, I'm actually not much of a roleplayer myself. I'm a DM/GM instead--I'll probably be posting a group roleplay sometime in the future. Playing a character bores me too fast sadly x3
Luna Chandra
Please let me exchange goods and/or services for art. <3

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:51:03 )

Hi everyone! I've been soo busy helping Vanora organize things around town that I've kinda neglected my shop!
I'm very sorry about that, but... um, I have an idea in mind for a fun contest anyone can participate in to
help us all get away from these gloomy vibes!

You're interested?! Super! I know it may be a little strange, but what if we all took some interesting photos of
Voltra in the... d-dark? A blackout is crazy rare here and I bet we'll find some amazing stuff that just wouldn't
show up with the lights on! Feel free to also snap pictures of how you've been living without electricity
since... yeah, I miss baking. A lot. But Vanora keeps me company, and I couldn't ask for anything more!

Oh! I nearly forgot.
Since the city'll... be um p-pitch black for the most part, let's take black and white photos, or there's
another word for it. Hmm! What was that? Monochromatic? Yeah, that's the one!
That's what we'll do, then! Black and white pictures of Voltra... in the dark, heheh.

Wait, did you hear that? I could have sworn there was a knock on the door just now, but... oh well!



This is a photography contest with a topic of: living in a blackout!

Vivienne will judge her favorite photos based on the three categories below,
and how well the photo fits the theme of being in a blackout. She will choose three favorites from each category.

To submit a photo, take a picture relating to a blackout experience, and upload it to an image site like Imgur.
Then link it in this thread for Vivienne to fawn over.

Winning Categories

Best Overall
Most Creative
Best Contrast (or best balance of black and white)

Deadline: February 24, 2018.

Each user may submit up to 2 different photos for Vivienne’s contest.

Photos must be in black and white. Use a filter if necessary.

Photos submitted must have your handwritten username somewhere IN THEM. Placement will not affect judging.

Disclaimer: photos submitted must be taken by the user who submits them.
Photos must not contain copyrighted images or copy existing photos. Plagiarism and art theft are not acceptable.


250 + Full set of event items!
1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

None yet? Get snapping!


Have you got an awesome photo to show me?!
Ohmigosh, I am so excited to see it! Let me know when you’re ready to share by quoting this post!


Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:55:28 )
Yellow friend... you are familiar are you not. So strange to see you dressed as such.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 09:59:53 )


Oh. My. Galoshes. Seriously, they are covered in mud—I must have stepped in some while I was wandering
around in the dark, and this is just one of the worst days EVER!

Ugh, SHOES ASIDE, thank the GODS Daddy installed that security system on the shop when we opened up.
Thankfully it runs on batteries, and it has been going off at all hours of the day! Every time I go outside with
my tire iron, I see these creepy people running off with masks on their heads.
Like, what the hell do they think they’re wearing?!


" I’ve tried contacting Daddy to get the authorities out here, but the outage seems to be
Voltra-wide, and I can’t get a signal out to him! But these no-good fashion disasters
have got to stop in the meantime. I am seriously tired of that alarm going off and
need some proper rest. Seriously, all this dark and I can’t get an ounce of shuteye.

So, can you lovelies help me out with arresting these fools?
Daddy and I will be sure to reward you handsomely when all is said and done.
We’ll round them up and keep them in the cellar of the shop until the actual help gets out to us.
I’m going to work on tailoring some proper clothes for them in the meantime…

Deadline: February 24, 2018, CST.

This is a "QUOTE THE THING" with the topic of: Hooligans messing with Velvet's store!

Velvet’s security system &#40;battery operated!&#41; is so advance you will know when a hooligan is approaching before Velvet posts.

The first user to quote the creep that Velvet sees will be awarded three points.

Each user that helps out (or also quotes the creep) after the creep has been initially arrested will be awarded one point.


250 + Full set of event items!
1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Get to quoting, everyone!


Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 10:04:01 )
I do like to RP. I have several on other sites, but I do have some threads right now in the RP section on here! ^_^

Voltie — she/her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 10:05:27 )
Worry not my strangely garbed friend, one day soon I shall don the silver blue colors I so love. In the meantime I shall ponder on the existence of the majestic creation of fluffiness that I wish to emulate.

Admin — He/Him Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 11:51:38 )
@Dowan: What a very interesting introduction... :vanora_sweat: Welcome to Voltra! :D
If you need assistance or just want to chat, you may contact me anytime by ping or PM.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/2 13:51:43 )

With the electricity still out and no remedy in sight, Volties have become restless.  
The city council and shopkeeper NPCs banded in the early morning hours a few days ago to put their
brains together on a way to make the best of the situation.  Their final decision?  What better way to
calm the minds of the people than making a bad thing something great?  An event!  While our resources
are limited, there are certainly ways to make this trying time fun for the masses.  

So, instead of surviving, take a load off and remember to continue LIVING!

▲▲ ▲▲

Welcome to the Alpha 2.0 Event! To celebrate Voltra’s re-opening to our former users,
we have planned a little event to promote some camaraderie in these dark times!  Since we are all in
the middle of surviving without electricity, what better way than to pass the time with fellow Volties
by participating in contests, chatting, and snatching up some limited items?  

Let’s make the best of this very dark situation!

▲▲ ▲▲



How long is the Alpha 2.0 Event?
The event will run from February 10 until February 24, and event items will be available in our
event shop through March to allow appropriate time to buy any number of items you may want.

Where can I get the event items?
Event items can be purchased through our event shop, Joyful Jamboree.  Pay Virgil a visit
(and try to get him to be nice for once!) for all event items available through the event.

Is there event currency?
As this is a mini event, there is no special event currency.  All event items can be purchased  with volts.

How many contests can I participate in?
You can participate in any and all of the contests being run for this event. Some contests
allow several attempts--be sure you read the contest threads fully so you know the rules!

▲▲ ▲▲

Voltie — Princess Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/4 06:32:14 )
Hello Dowan, I am guessing you probably know who I am. *wink wink* *nudge nudge* accept my friend request?

Always ping me please.

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