So after the “fiasco” that was the Reaping Ritual I guess I’m supposed to apologize.
I promised Violet I would say this so here.
Virgil coughs and stands at attention
“We at Joyful Jamboree pride ourselves with providing Voltra service with a smile.
I, Virgil Frost, let you down by missing out on all the… fun and would like to make it up to you.
In preparation of Vanora’s birthday “bash” (really?) I will be hosting a super fun scavenger hunt. Don’t miss out."
So yeah. Whoever helps out the most and saves me the most effort will get a prize.
Oh yeah, and make sure to stop by our store and feed the corporate machine for all your party needs.
Deadline: November 26, 2017.
■ This is a scavenger hunt with a topic of:
Birthday party items!
■ Criteria for judging:
Just be sure to follow the submission rules and your entries will count.
■ How to submit:
Take a picture of the item requested with your username somewhere visible and upload it to Imgur.
Then link in this thread.
■ Make sure you quote Virgil's submission post, or he might not see your entry!
■ Pictures must be clear enough to easily identify what's on the photo.
■ Pictures must be taken by the user who submits their entry! No photoshop shenanigans.
■ Remember to have fun!

1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place
Event FAQ example:
Can you keep a secret? Well, for the next week, you’ll have to! Our beloved Vanora has a birthday coming up on November 26th. We’ve got a week for preparations until then to throw her the most awesome birthday party she’s ever experienced! So, what are you waiting for, let’s get to the party prep!
Welcome to Vanora’s Birthday Bash! (Or as I'm calling it, “Super Secret Mega Happy Fun Time Vanora Birthday Bash Extravaganza!”) I'm baking a cake, Vontell is seeking inspiration through poetry, Virgil is searching for stuff, and everyone else is running around trying to get things together for a secret party for Vanora!
Plus, Frizz and Static have returned to their pig and goat forms to distract Vanora so she doesn’t know what’s going on. Supposedly they made off with some of her shop’s inventory and she’s chasing them to get it all back … We should let them do their thing!
■ How long is Vanora’s Birthday Bash?
The event will run from November 19th until November 26th.
This is a mini event and not a normal event like The Reaping Ritual.
This should give you a week to apply to the existing contests, grab limited-time event items, and enjoy the free use of our event forum.
■ Where can I get the event items?
Event items will be available for Volts in Virgil’s shop, Joyful Jamboree!
■ How long will the event items be available?
Event items will leave stores on November 28th.
■ Is there event currency?
There is no event currency this time around since this is a mini event.
Event items can be bought for Volts.
■ How many contests can I participate in?
You can participate in any and all of the contests being run for this event, as many as you feel comfortable with.
Please be sure to read the rules for each contest.
■ How long is Vanora’s Birthday Bash?
The event will run from November 19th until November 26th.
This is a mini event and not a normal event like The Reaping Ritual.
This should give you a week to apply to the existing contests, grab limited-time event items, and enjoy the free use of our event forum.
■ Where can I get the event items?
Event items will be available for Volts in Virgil’s shop, Joyful Jamboree!
■ How long will the event items be available?
Event items will leave stores on November 28th.
■ Is there event currency?
There is no event currency this time around since this is a mini event.
Event items can be bought for Volts.
■ How many contests can I participate in?
You can participate in any and all of the contests being run for this event, as many as you feel comfortable with.
Please be sure to read the rules for each contest.
[Event Item Post. Include a picture of the thumbnail, the item being worn, etc. Include the price and a link to the purchase.]