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Forums Quests • A Nalightful Quest •

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 13:01:37 )
Hey Panda, welcome back in.
Awww your profile is so cute! Did you make it?

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 13:02:23 )
No, someone made it and gave it to me. :p

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 13:18:26 )
I plan on checking out some of the art shops for one in the future.
I could try making one, but it's not something I'm super at.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 01:18:34 )
All I did for mine was change the colors, lol. That's about all I can do with profiles myself, lol.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 02:41:07 )
At least it's something!
When I do that, I like to change it to match my avatar :D

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 03:27:55 )
I just use my favorite colors. ^_^

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 03:34:30 )
Purple is a really nice color :D
I really like greens. Current favorite is more of a mint/light teal.

Donator — bun Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 06:34:57 )

@Nalight: I didn't know Chi was on here! I'll have to look her up as well!
There were a couple of others I was hoping to see around, but I can't remember what usernames/names they went by. :vanora_cry:
Yeah! I'd love to see some of your edits! I've been keeping up with your art on facebook and maybe instagram? I can't remember if I follow you on there or not, LOL. But your stuff is rad! You graduated recently, right?

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 10:09:15 )
@chai: Pretty much everyone is going by a different username, now, so it's hard to find them. That was a big reason I put my other username in my signature for the time being because everyone on other sites know me by that. And it's been handy because it's attracted a few of you!

And thank you! Sometimes I feel real inadequate as of late, but I'm trying. Going to do a little color challenge my friend posted to help work on a little side something.
You probably follow me on FB, not sure about instagram. I forget to update instagram a lot anyway. Trying to get better at that! What's your instagram?

Donator — bun Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 10:26:53 )

@Nalight: Maybe I should do the same thing. Though, then I sort of worry people are gonna like, throw rocks at me LOL. We'll try it and see. If I don't make it out of the potential stone throwing raid...take my stuff. :vanora_cry:

Nah, it's all been great! I really like that logo you did. The Grammar Candy one, I think it was? It's A+.
What sort of color challenge? Like the palette things, or something similar?
Tbh I don't even know how to check who I follow on Instagram...I feel like an old person sometimes. I'll be sure to follow you though, if I'm not already! I'm the same way. It's either pictures of my rabbit or something ridiculous on there. My Instagram (I REALLY need to update it, wow. Maybe I'll make an art-specific one instead because my life is boring.)

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 10:42:28 )
@chai: -picks up a shield-
I'll help protect you from any rock raids!

Yep, Grammar Candy was a recent one I did for a friends band. I got to see them play a bit last... Saturday I think it was. It was cool. Another recent one I done that I think you'd like is Atlas Gaming. I just posted that a few days ago. It's for a friends gaming shop their opening this week. :D
As for the challenge, yeah it's a color palette thing. I can do whatever I want using their color choices.

And I'm already following you it says! Here's mine if you want to check if you're following or not.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 10:45:57 )
By the way, check out this thread.
I'm using your signature as an example for a bug thread.

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 11:49:20 )
Hey Fox :D

Donator — Female Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 11:53:21 )
@Nalight: Thank you for being an active member of my charity. ^^
I sent you some of your quest items.

Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 12:00:33 )
@Panda: Oh my, oh my thank you so much! Now I gotta start working on a new avatar :D
And you are absolutely welcome! You have such a great place going I plan to stick around for a long time <3

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 06:41:28 )
@Nalight: Hooray for not being bludgeoned to death by rocks today!!

What sort of music do they play?
I just checked out the Atlas Gaming one! That's spectacular! :O You're too good...teach me your ways. :vanora_cry:
Have you been doing a lot of freelancing?
Nice! :D You'll have to show me when you finish them!

OH YEEEEAH, I remember loving all the animal skulls you put on there! Do you have any of them as prints? I'd love to buy a couple if you do. :vanora_heart:

AND LOL i break everything, I swear...

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:05:36 )
@chai: Yay, I'm glad you didn't die :vanora_xd: That would make me sad.

Ummm they play sort of eclectic sort of music. It's like a mix of things with jazz, idk really.

Haha I'm too good?! You're too good! I always look at your stuff and have the same "teach me your ways" reaction! But yeah, I've been getting some decent freelancing so far. A few things from friends and some better paying things from the place I interned at. The owner doesn't hire many people, but she uses freelancers a lot. Lucky for me she seems to like me. Currently doing a graphic design project and an illustration project for them.

I can do some prints. I actually still have all of the originals, too. I've been meaning to talk to people who might want to buy them. Feel free to message me sometime if you really want to purchase something!

And I've actually seen several people have broken links around, so it's not just you.

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:23:48 )
@Nalight: Ooohh, that sounds interesting! Do they have a bandcamp or soundcloud or something? :o

We'll teach each other , then! And combine to be a super artist. Like Voltron, but...with like, colored pencils I guess? :vanora_sweat:
Oh cool! What sort of internship were you doing? Nice that they seem to be keeping you on with projects and all that. :]

For sure! They're all so pretty! :D I'd definitely be willing to buy some from you, haha!

I think Baz mentioned something about links having to have the http/https in order to work to leave the site or something. I know a lot of sites sorta skip out on that, so I'm not sure...must have something to do with the way redirects work? I'm pulling this all out of my ass I have no idea what programming involves LMAO

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:40:18 )
@chai: I don't think they do yet. Especially with their continued rotation of members. It's a little bit of a mess for them right now.

WE WILL BE CHAILIGHT THE ALMIGHTY. The internship was basically what I'm doing now. Some graphic design and some illustration. But add in a lot of information input into spreadsheet. On my Behance portfolio thing the like 8th and 9th some of what I done. Landmark illustrations and then graphic design stuff for the chamber of commerce.

Yaass, I'd love for my art to go to someone who would really enjoy it. That's one of the best things about it.

And yeah, you to have the whole url basically, or it won't work correctly.

So how have you been, what have you been up to?
• A Nalightful Quest •

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 09:05:33 )
@Nalight: Oh, haha. Being in a band must be hard. I know a friend of mine has gone through like...4 of them within a few years. Seems chaotic. P:

CHAILIGHT: LEGENDARY DEFENDER. New series, Netflix. @ me.
:vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: Your graphic work is seriously soooo nice! I like it a lot! You make me want to go to art school. Why must you do this to me when I'm so broooke. :vanora_cry:
For real, though! Your stuff is awesome. I hope doing these little projects and internships lands you a nice, big job with a good company! C: If I ever see anything for little freelance projects, I'll be sure to send them your info, though!

Right? It's always cool to have people appreciate your work. Those pieces would look so amazing underneath like, little fairylights. I have the entire thing planned out in my head now, LOL

I've been pretty good! Took a year off of working after getting sick. Recently got a job at a research and production place that i really enjoy! Hoping I get to stay there for a while, but I keep screwing up some pretty expensive things so I'm a little concerned...LOL.
How about you? Anything exciting happening other than ding some badass freelance work?

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