Donator — Puzzling
Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/3 01:18:08 )
@baz: Yup. Happens with any amount I put in. I tried refreshing. Tried putting an item in to see if that would maybe trigger it. I tried putting 1k, 1000, 1,000, lol. It just hates me for some reason. I'm using firefox if that helps any.
Edit: Its doing it with Ohms too. I put 2 in, just to see, and its giving me the same error, just saying "ohms" instead of volts. o.o
Edit: Tested on chrome to see if maybe it was browser or cookie/cache related. Fresh install of chrome. And still wouldn't work for me. :(
Edit: A friend let me sign onto their account really quick so we could test to see if it was my side or site side. I went into the trade on their account and it let me edit the amount perfectly fine. No errors.