Soon the night of the Reaping Ritual will be upon us. As it approaches, all things spooky seem to be flocking to the city! Help us keep this frenzy under control, we'd really appreciate it.
How to play:
♦ 1 Play per day
♦ Throw 5 Eye Balls to knock out the pests
1.) Roll a 25 Sided Die | 5 Times
[These are the targets you are aiming for]
2.) Flip a coin (2 sides) | 5 Times
[1 = Fail | 2 = Success]
3.) Optional Multiplier - Roll a 3 Sided Die | 1 Time
25 Additional Tickets Required
[x1, x2, or x3]
♦ The same target can only be hit once per round
ie. You successful hit prop #2 twice, only the first counts.
BUT if you unsuccessfully hit a prop & successful hit it too you will get points.
A chance at additional points! Combos can be in any order.
Must be successful throws to count.
Carving Fanatic
[+50 points]
Pocus Hocus
[+ 30 Points]
Living Dead
[+25 points]
Creepers Jeepers
[+20 points]

| Yes, squash them spiders, but make them angry and you'll pay.
[1/2 total points deducted]

| An aim for these is an automatic HIT and deducts points.
[15 points deducted per hit]

| RIP - That's Game Over for you, better luck next time!
[total points = 0]