Takashi smiled some at her words when she agreed to stay. He easily lifted little Mitsukuni and set him down in one of the chairs, then sat down as well in a chair beside him. "You can ask us questions if you have any." He said to her casually. She was bound to have some, right?
The woman continued to wear her smile as she watched Alice and boys say their farewells. Alice smiled some and nodded before letting go and opening the door of her mother's car. She slid into the backseat and closed the door, giving the boys a small wave before her mother drove off. Alice buckled her seatbelt and relaxed against the seat. Tonight would be fun.. She'd be lucky to go to school tomorrow.
Forums Role Playing OHSHC - How did this happen? (1x1)
"Was it that obvious that I had questions?" Mia asked, blushing a bit. "Umm...okay well I do have some silly questions. You don't have to answer them if you don't wish to though. I understand." Mia started and sipped her tea. "What do you do when you aren't here? What I mean is, what do you do outside of this club? Do you all hang out still? Or do you only spend time together during school hours and in this club?" She asked, patiently waiting for their response.
Honey looked at her, "Well...Takashi and I are family, so we spend a lot of time together even when we're not here. I like to go buy sweets when I'm not at school or here. Sometimes we just like to go window shopping though. Sometimes we play in the park too!" He answered and reached for another sweet to eat.
The twins waved back and watched as the car drove away. "Do you think she'll be here tomorrow?" Kaoru asked his brother quietly. Hikaru frowned. "I don't think so. Unless her mother decides to have a heart and let Alice continue attending this school But she saw us, so the chances are very slim." Hikaru answered rather depressed. "Come on now, let's be a little hopeful." Kaoru took Hikaru's hand in his own and started leading him back to the club.
Honey looked at her, "Well...Takashi and I are family, so we spend a lot of time together even when we're not here. I like to go buy sweets when I'm not at school or here. Sometimes we just like to go window shopping though. Sometimes we play in the park too!" He answered and reached for another sweet to eat.
The twins waved back and watched as the car drove away. "Do you think she'll be here tomorrow?" Kaoru asked his brother quietly. Hikaru frowned. "I don't think so. Unless her mother decides to have a heart and let Alice continue attending this school But she saw us, so the chances are very slim." Hikaru answered rather depressed. "Come on now, let's be a little hopeful." Kaoru took Hikaru's hand in his own and started leading him back to the club.
Takashi thought her question over, and nodded lightly when Mitsukuni spoke. This was true, they did spend a lot of time together even out of club activities. He also had the kendo class to attend to once a week, which sometimes caused him and his cousin to be late to the host club. But the others didn't seem to mind. "I have a kendo class once a week." He spoke casually, not really minding sharing this bit of information about himself.
Nearly the whole car rider back to their house was Alice listening to her mother, but she wasn't even really listening. Most of it went in one ear and out the other. She did though, explain to her mother that Tamaki had put a host club together and that was why the twins were dressed up and such. That seemed to calm her down, and the rest of the car ride was quiet.
((should we time-skip to the following morning? or after club hours? O.o))
Nearly the whole car rider back to their house was Alice listening to her mother, but she wasn't even really listening. Most of it went in one ear and out the other. She did though, explain to her mother that Tamaki had put a host club together and that was why the twins were dressed up and such. That seemed to calm her down, and the rest of the car ride was quiet.
((should we time-skip to the following morning? or after club hours? O.o))
Honey nodded in agreement with his cousin. Kendo class was pretty fun, even though it was usually the cause of the two running late to the club. Not that the others minded, probably because they didn't want to get on his bad side. Mia was impressed, "A kendo class? And I'm going to guess you both go together?" She asked to which Honey nodded. "Correct. So if you are here and we don't show up until later it's because of that." The shorter one admitted. "And, do you both enjoy going to that class?" Mia asked.
When the twins returned, it was easy to see that they weren't too happy. Normally they were laughing and being peppy. Now their shoulders sagged and they dragged their feet along the floor, slumping in their seats. "Was it really that bad?" Haruhi asked. "Did her mother say something bad?" She asked, worried about her friends she walked to their sides and lightly pat their backs.
((Sure. Whenever is fine.))
When the twins returned, it was easy to see that they weren't too happy. Normally they were laughing and being peppy. Now their shoulders sagged and they dragged their feet along the floor, slumping in their seats. "Was it really that bad?" Haruhi asked. "Did her mother say something bad?" She asked, worried about her friends she walked to their sides and lightly pat their backs.
((Sure. Whenever is fine.))
((hmm... To.. Morning! x3))
Takashi nodded to Mia when asked if they both enjoyed it. If course, he was captain of the class and Mitsukuni usually just watched him. It was entertaining to him though, most of the time. He could see it. When club ended, and everyone was headed home, Takashi offered Mia a ride home since he didn't know if she drove, or had someone who could take her home. Whether or not she took the offer, they went home eventually. They didn't live together though. When Takashi got home, he has dinner with his family, did his homework then went to bed. When morning came, he woke and got ready for school.
Alice and her mother had dinner at some point, in quiet. Which made the blonde uneasy. After dinner, her mother started up again about how she needed to call her if something came up or another. Then she went on about working hard so she could go to a good school and eventually Alice just walked out of the house to take a relaxing stroll. She'd go down to the park down a block of two and sit on the swing for a bit to give her mom some time to herself, before going home. She never went home though, and she woke up in the hospital wearing an oxygen mask.
Takashi nodded to Mia when asked if they both enjoyed it. If course, he was captain of the class and Mitsukuni usually just watched him. It was entertaining to him though, most of the time. He could see it. When club ended, and everyone was headed home, Takashi offered Mia a ride home since he didn't know if she drove, or had someone who could take her home. Whether or not she took the offer, they went home eventually. They didn't live together though. When Takashi got home, he has dinner with his family, did his homework then went to bed. When morning came, he woke and got ready for school.
Alice and her mother had dinner at some point, in quiet. Which made the blonde uneasy. After dinner, her mother started up again about how she needed to call her if something came up or another. Then she went on about working hard so she could go to a good school and eventually Alice just walked out of the house to take a relaxing stroll. She'd go down to the park down a block of two and sit on the swing for a bit to give her mom some time to herself, before going home. She never went home though, and she woke up in the hospital wearing an oxygen mask.
Mia enjoyed just having a casual conversation with the two cousins, until it was time to head home. The club was closing for the day and she had reluctantly accepted Takashi's offer and thanked him when he dropped her off. Of course, her parents had noticed and started asking questions during dinner time. Who was he, what was he like, was he her boyfriend. The usual. It was embarrassing, and Mia explained he was just a classmate and a friend. Nothing more. After dinner, she focused on her homework then went to bed afterwords. In the morning, Mia took a shower and started getting ready for school so that her father could drop her off at school before heading to work himself.
Honey had enjoyed dinner and did his homework once he was dropped off back home. The following morning though, he refused to get up. "Mitsukuni, you need to get up. Come on." His mother told him, gently picking him up off the bed. "Come on, you need to shower and get ready." She said to him, dragging him off to the bathroom so he could take a shower.
The following morning, the twins were dressed and ready to head off to school. They were hoping to see Alice when they got there, but Hikaru didn't think she'd be there. He had complained about it last night while laying in bed. Of course, Kaoru reassured him that everything would be fine then, as he did so now. "We'll see her Hikaru. Even if she were to leave the school so soon, I think she'd at least be allowed to say goodbye. So come on now, cheer up. I don't think Alice would want to see us sad now."
Honey had enjoyed dinner and did his homework once he was dropped off back home. The following morning though, he refused to get up. "Mitsukuni, you need to get up. Come on." His mother told him, gently picking him up off the bed. "Come on, you need to shower and get ready." She said to him, dragging him off to the bathroom so he could take a shower.
The following morning, the twins were dressed and ready to head off to school. They were hoping to see Alice when they got there, but Hikaru didn't think she'd be there. He had complained about it last night while laying in bed. Of course, Kaoru reassured him that everything would be fine then, as he did so now. "We'll see her Hikaru. Even if she were to leave the school so soon, I think she'd at least be allowed to say goodbye. So come on now, cheer up. I don't think Alice would want to see us sad now."
After he had showered, gotten dressed and had a quick breakfast, Takashi picked up the phone and dialed his cousins hourse. Just to see if he was ready.
The hospital she was brought to belonged to Kyoya's father, so when stopped in that morning and noticed a certain schoolmate from the club yesterday, and remembered she was rather close to Tamaki and the twins, he pulled out his phone and dialed the twins. He figured would be best not to inform the over-dramatic blonde haired teen. Kyoya made sure to get a copy of her file and read it over while the phone rang.
The hospital she was brought to belonged to Kyoya's father, so when stopped in that morning and noticed a certain schoolmate from the club yesterday, and remembered she was rather close to Tamaki and the twins, he pulled out his phone and dialed the twins. He figured would be best not to inform the over-dramatic blonde haired teen. Kyoya made sure to get a copy of her file and read it over while the phone rang.
"Yes, he's ready Takashi." Mitsukuni's mother answered, looking at her son who was currently trying not to doze off while finishing up his breakfast. At least he had eaten his breakfast, probably because it was a sweet breakfast.
Mia followed her father out of the house and stepped into the passanger's seat of the car and buckled up. Her father then drove to the academy and dropper her off at the front gate. "Call if you need anything Mia, alright?" he instructed her. Mia nodded and waved then watched as her father drove away to work. Mia looked down at her feet then took a deep breath and exhaled then started walking towards her first class. Even though she was early, at least this way she wouldn't get lost right? She didn't see Alice anywhere and wondered if maybe she'd be showing up later.
The twins were already on their way to school when they got a call, it was from Kyoya which they found strange. Why would he be calling them? Regardless, Kaoru answered. "Hello?" He asked. At this time, Haruhi was heading to school as well. She was curious to see what would happen today. Remembering yesterday's events, she wondered if Alice would show up today. If she didn't, she could only imagine how the twins and Tamaki would react since those three were rather close with her.
Mia followed her father out of the house and stepped into the passanger's seat of the car and buckled up. Her father then drove to the academy and dropper her off at the front gate. "Call if you need anything Mia, alright?" he instructed her. Mia nodded and waved then watched as her father drove away to work. Mia looked down at her feet then took a deep breath and exhaled then started walking towards her first class. Even though she was early, at least this way she wouldn't get lost right? She didn't see Alice anywhere and wondered if maybe she'd be showing up later.
The twins were already on their way to school when they got a call, it was from Kyoya which they found strange. Why would he be calling them? Regardless, Kaoru answered. "Hello?" He asked. At this time, Haruhi was heading to school as well. She was curious to see what would happen today. Remembering yesterday's events, she wondered if Alice would show up today. If she didn't, she could only imagine how the twins and Tamaki would react since those three were rather close with her.
Takashi was content to hear this, and told her he'd be by to pick him up for school in a few minutes. It was easier on their families this way, since they didn't live far from each other. Then he finished getting ready and did just that.
((I wonder if he can drive.. O.o))
Kyoya focused his attention on the voice coming through the phone. "Put me on speaker if I'm not already." He said casually. He wasn't sure who answered but he needed them both to hear this. Once he was sure they could both head him, he glanced down at the file. "Your friend was checked into my father's hospital last night, and I don't doubt her mother had something to do with it." He said, leaving out any details one of the other might not know.
((I wonder if he can drive.. O.o))
Kyoya focused his attention on the voice coming through the phone. "Put me on speaker if I'm not already." He said casually. He wasn't sure who answered but he needed them both to hear this. Once he was sure they could both head him, he glanced down at the file. "Your friend was checked into my father's hospital last night, and I don't doubt her mother had something to do with it." He said, leaving out any details one of the other might not know.
"Of course Takashi, we'll be here." She answered and after hanging up, she fixed her son's hair and took the empty dishes to the sink to wash. "Mitsukuni, your cousin will be here any minute now. Don't you go falling to sleep again." She warned her. Honey whined but nodded and made sure he wasn't forgetting anything. When Takashi arrived, the sleepy boy walked out and climbed into the car, buckling up.
((I think Takashi can. Honey, I'm not sure. Even though he's apparently the oldest of the club members, I can only see him driving one of those toy cars around. xD ))
Kaoru did just as he was asked and the two twins payed close attention to what their friend was saying. Alice was in the hospital?! "We need to go there now!" Hikaru stated. Kaoru nodded and handed the phone to his brother then redirected the car for the hospital's direction. "Kyoya, is she okay though? I mean, is she awake right now? Sleeping?" Hikaru asked. "If she's awake, tell her that we're on our way right now." Kaoru instructed, stepping on the gas.
((I think Takashi can. Honey, I'm not sure. Even though he's apparently the oldest of the club members, I can only see him driving one of those toy cars around. xD ))
Kaoru did just as he was asked and the two twins payed close attention to what their friend was saying. Alice was in the hospital?! "We need to go there now!" Hikaru stated. Kaoru nodded and handed the phone to his brother then redirected the car for the hospital's direction. "Kyoya, is she okay though? I mean, is she awake right now? Sleeping?" Hikaru asked. "If she's awake, tell her that we're on our way right now." Kaoru instructed, stepping on the gas.
Takashi parked out front when he arrived and patiently waited for his coisin. He waited until he was all buckled in before heading to school. He did glance at his cousin to make sure he was alright when they came to a red light, and when they arrived at the school he parked the car, turned it off and everything before getting out and opening the door for his cousin.
Kyoya adjusted his glasses when the time of voices changed as if speaking to another twin. "She's fine for the moment, and I don't know if she's awake or not. I haven't called Tamaki and I don't plan to tell him." He said to the older. "If you're coming, you best get here before her mother. I'll be waiting in the lobby." He said casually. Kyoya didn't know who this girl was to his friends, but he'd be damned if he would allow a mother to put their sick child in the hospital like this. He hung up the phone and headed to the lobby to wait.
Alice was awake but not really awake yet. She was just awake to say she was conscious. There were nurses coming and going as they continued to do their job, whatever that was. Checking her vitals and stuff.
Kyoya adjusted his glasses when the time of voices changed as if speaking to another twin. "She's fine for the moment, and I don't know if she's awake or not. I haven't called Tamaki and I don't plan to tell him." He said to the older. "If you're coming, you best get here before her mother. I'll be waiting in the lobby." He said casually. Kyoya didn't know who this girl was to his friends, but he'd be damned if he would allow a mother to put their sick child in the hospital like this. He hung up the phone and headed to the lobby to wait.
Alice was awake but not really awake yet. She was just awake to say she was conscious. There were nurses coming and going as they continued to do their job, whatever that was. Checking her vitals and stuff.
"Good morning Takashi. Sorry, I'm still a little sleepy but I'm okay." Honey explained, rubbing his eyes gently. "Thank-you for always picking me up and dropping me off." He thanked his cousin genuinely and hopped out of the car once they arrived after removing his seatbelt. "I wonder if everyone is already here, or if we're the first ones to get here. Hmm, do you think that Mia is here yet? Oh! Maybe she's at the club, but maybe not if it's closed. Kyoya isn't here, maybe Tamaki isn't here either and if he isn't then the club isn't opened right now. But maybe he is. Hmm.." The smaller boy contemplated this.
Hikaru hung up after Kyoya did and looked to his brother who kept his eyes on the road. "I wonder what that woman did to Alice that would send her to the hospital.." he muttered quietly, looking out the window. After a while longer, they arrived at the hospital and parked the car. "Come on, let's go quickly before she arrives." Kaoru instructed, getting out of the car and Hikaru quickly followed after. Both twins practically ran to the front entrance of the hospital and then ran inside.
Haruhi arrived at the school and noticed Mori and Honey had arrived as well. "Good morning you two." She greeted them with a smile. Were they the only ones who had arrived to the school? There were other students but so far she didn't see anyone that she recognized.
Hikaru hung up after Kyoya did and looked to his brother who kept his eyes on the road. "I wonder what that woman did to Alice that would send her to the hospital.." he muttered quietly, looking out the window. After a while longer, they arrived at the hospital and parked the car. "Come on, let's go quickly before she arrives." Kaoru instructed, getting out of the car and Hikaru quickly followed after. Both twins practically ran to the front entrance of the hospital and then ran inside.
Haruhi arrived at the school and noticed Mori and Honey had arrived as well. "Good morning you two." She greeted them with a smile. Were they the only ones who had arrived to the school? There were other students but so far she didn't see anyone that she recognized.
Takashi greeted his cousin with a small nod and a light pat on his shoulder before easily lifting.him up and setting him.down in his own shoulders. "I dont.mind, Mitsukuni." He said honestly as he began walking towards the school. He glanced at Haruhi when she greeted them and offered her a small smile. "Morning."
Kyoya waited in the lobby just like he said he would, when the twins arrived. He adjusted his glasses and glanced at them before turning and leading them to the girl's room. "This way, and relax, you made it first." He said to them.
Kyoya waited in the lobby just like he said he would, when the twins arrived. He adjusted his glasses and glanced at them before turning and leading them to the girl's room. "This way, and relax, you made it first." He said to them.
"Hi Haru-chan!" Honey greeted their friend. Haruhi smiled up at the smaller boy. "I'm guessing you both haven't seen any of the others?" she asked them. "Yeah, we just got here." Honey answered with a nod. Haruhi followed them towards the school. "Hmmm, maybe they're at the club room? I'm sure Hikaru and Kaoru are probably out there pranking the other new student." She said with a chuckle. "I hope she doesn't get too upset."
Mia had arrived at her first class but no one was there yet. The teacher was however, so she opened the door and stepped inside. At least she could take this time to look over her homework assignment before it was collected.
The twins were relieved to know they had arrived there first. All thanks to Kaoru's speedy driving. They stuffed their hands in their pants pockets and quietly followed Kyoya to the room where Alice was begin kept.
Mia had arrived at her first class but no one was there yet. The teacher was however, so she opened the door and stepped inside. At least she could take this time to look over her homework assignment before it was collected.
The twins were relieved to know they had arrived there first. All thanks to Kaoru's speedy driving. They stuffed their hands in their pants pockets and quietly followed Kyoya to the room where Alice was begin kept.
Takashi thought a moment as Haruhi mentioned the twins pranking Mia, and shrugged lightly. "Maybe she went to class." He said casually, glancing at her. It made since didn't it? For a new student who got to school early, to find their way to class before everyone else. "Should we go to the club room?" He asked curiously.
Kyoya led the boy down the long hall until they reached a room somewhere near the middle. He used a keycard to unlock the door before slowly opening it, then handed it to one of the twins. "Don't lose it." He said to them, adjusting his glasses. "I have to go to school, but I won't tell Tamaki of this. Just be sure not to start a bout with her mother." He said to them, propping the door open slightly with the kickstand before heading back down the white long hallway.
Alice slowly took off the mask, to which the nurse frowned. "I'm alright now.. I want to sit up." She said quietly before adjusting the bed so she could do so. Someone was here, and she didn't want to be laying down when they came in. Though- she had a feeling she knew who it was.
Kyoya led the boy down the long hall until they reached a room somewhere near the middle. He used a keycard to unlock the door before slowly opening it, then handed it to one of the twins. "Don't lose it." He said to them, adjusting his glasses. "I have to go to school, but I won't tell Tamaki of this. Just be sure not to start a bout with her mother." He said to them, propping the door open slightly with the kickstand before heading back down the white long hallway.
Alice slowly took off the mask, to which the nurse frowned. "I'm alright now.. I want to sit up." She said quietly before adjusting the bed so she could do so. Someone was here, and she didn't want to be laying down when they came in. Though- she had a feeling she knew who it was.
"Hmm, it's a possibility." Haruhi agreed. Maybe Mia had run off to her first class. Regardless, she still wanted to check the club room to see if the others had hidden away in there. "Yes, I think we should at least have a quick look around in the club room. If they aren't there, then I guess they're not here yet or they've also gone to class. Let's go." She instructed quietly, walking in the direction where the club room was located.
Hikaru and Kaoru nodded and Kaoru took the key card. "I won't. Thank-you." He told Kyoya, his voice low. Hikaru had already gone to approach the bed by the time Kyoya left. Stuffing the key card away, Kaoru slowly approached the bed watching as Alice moved to sit up on the bed. What had caused her to end up here. He doubted she'd let them know. He pulled Hikaru back to his side and shook his head. They needed to give her some space to get comfortable first. They couldn't just attack her with questions right now.
Hikaru and Kaoru nodded and Kaoru took the key card. "I won't. Thank-you." He told Kyoya, his voice low. Hikaru had already gone to approach the bed by the time Kyoya left. Stuffing the key card away, Kaoru slowly approached the bed watching as Alice moved to sit up on the bed. What had caused her to end up here. He doubted she'd let them know. He pulled Hikaru back to his side and shook his head. They needed to give her some space to get comfortable first. They couldn't just attack her with questions right now.
Takashi nodded to her words and easily followed her when she began headed in the direction of the host club, still having little Mitskuni sitting up on his shoulders. The school was strangely quiet, despite all the students wandering around and chatting among themselves. He himself had some questions floating around, but he didn't know how to ask them, nor was the person present to answer his questions. Mia. Why couldn't he get the girl out of his head?
Once she the bed was angled right, Alice noticed the older twin and glanced at the nurse. The woman only nodded and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her once the other was also inside. She'd be back to check on the girl shortly. Alice lowered her gaze some, ignoring the untouched breakfast tray sitting off to the side on a wheeled bed table. "How'd you know I was here?" She asked quietly and curiously.
Once she the bed was angled right, Alice noticed the older twin and glanced at the nurse. The woman only nodded and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her once the other was also inside. She'd be back to check on the girl shortly. Alice lowered her gaze some, ignoring the untouched breakfast tray sitting off to the side on a wheeled bed table. "How'd you know I was here?" She asked quietly and curiously.
Honey was dozing off on his cousin's shoulders. He rested his cheek on Takashi's head and closed his eye, his stomach growling quietly. He had eaten breakfast though, but the idea of going to the club room brought sweets to his mind and now he hoped he could sneak in a few before class. Haruhi stopped in front of the large club room doors. Would they be locked? Would someone be in there?
Mia was proud with her work she had done. Everything seemed right in her mind, hopefully the teacher would see it that way too.
Hikaru and Kaoru approached the bed after the nurse had left. "A little bird told us." Hikaru answered. "We should probably tell you the truth." Kaoru began. "As it seems, you are in this hospital which happens to be Kyoya's father's hospital. So of course Kyoya found out, and called us. Don't worry though, we are the only ones who know you are here. I'm sure your mother must know as well but let's not get into that conversation. How are you feeling?" He asked her.
Mia was proud with her work she had done. Everything seemed right in her mind, hopefully the teacher would see it that way too.
Hikaru and Kaoru approached the bed after the nurse had left. "A little bird told us." Hikaru answered. "We should probably tell you the truth." Kaoru began. "As it seems, you are in this hospital which happens to be Kyoya's father's hospital. So of course Kyoya found out, and called us. Don't worry though, we are the only ones who know you are here. I'm sure your mother must know as well but let's not get into that conversation. How are you feeling?" He asked her.
Takashi followed Haurhi, feeling his cousin's weight shift slightly as the smaller boy began to doze off on his shoulders. When they arrived synthetic club room, the lights were on. Takashi reached and casually opened the doors before them. Tamaki could be seen pacing around the empty club room and talking quietly to himself. He hasn't heard from his best friend or the devious duo, and he was growing concerned. Takashi went over to the sound and carefully set Mitsukuni down on the couch.
Alice tilted her head. Kyoya? Ah, the guy who held the club together. Well it was nice of him to call her friends.. Wait a minute. No, no it wasn't. At the mention of her mother, she glanced at them briefly then lowered her gaze. Her mother probably went to work like any other day, but Kaoru was right. No use getting into that conversation. "I feel better than when I got here.." She murmured softly . "But I won't be leaving today unless mother dearest picks me up." She murmured quietly . Alice sighed some and glanced at the twins. She explained what happened when she got home, and how she went to park for some fresh air. Then woke up here. "I'm sick.. and I don't have much time left.." She maybe had a couple of years without a pacemaker.
Alice tilted her head. Kyoya? Ah, the guy who held the club together. Well it was nice of him to call her friends.. Wait a minute. No, no it wasn't. At the mention of her mother, she glanced at them briefly then lowered her gaze. Her mother probably went to work like any other day, but Kaoru was right. No use getting into that conversation. "I feel better than when I got here.." She murmured softly . "But I won't be leaving today unless mother dearest picks me up." She murmured quietly . Alice sighed some and glanced at the twins. She explained what happened when she got home, and how she went to park for some fresh air. Then woke up here. "I'm sick.. and I don't have much time left.." She maybe had a couple of years without a pacemaker.
Haruhi walked into the room, seeing only Tamaki was there. Kyoya and the famous duo were nowhere to be seen and that seemed to have the king of the host club worried. Of course this worried her too, where were they? Honey yawned as he was set down on the couch, his arms wrapped around Usa-chan now, eyes heavy. "Tamaki-senpai.." Haruhi began and closed her mouth. What could she even say about this situation? She didn't even know anything herself so it wasn't like she could offer any form of comfort. "I-I'm sure they'll be here shortly. Perhaps they uhh...g-got caught up in traffic?" She offered, trying to help in some sort of way.
This was a surprise to Kaoru who had never heard about her being sick before. "You're sick?" He repeated and looked at Hikaru who frowned and looked down at his feet. "And you knew about this...and didn't tell me?" He asked his brother. Hikaru nodded. Kaoru wasn't going to make a scene, he knew better than to do that here. Instead, he looked at Alice again. "What do you mean sick Alice? How sick are you? W-what are you talking about when you say you don't have much time left? C-come on now, surely you c-can't be seriously...d-dying." That last word was but a whisper. The idea of his best friend dying so soon was not something he wanted to think about. She was too young and she looked so healthy, how long had she been sick? Why didn't he know about this? "Does anyone else know about this?" He asked.
This was a surprise to Kaoru who had never heard about her being sick before. "You're sick?" He repeated and looked at Hikaru who frowned and looked down at his feet. "And you knew about this...and didn't tell me?" He asked his brother. Hikaru nodded. Kaoru wasn't going to make a scene, he knew better than to do that here. Instead, he looked at Alice again. "What do you mean sick Alice? How sick are you? W-what are you talking about when you say you don't have much time left? C-come on now, surely you c-can't be seriously...d-dying." That last word was but a whisper. The idea of his best friend dying so soon was not something he wanted to think about. She was too young and she looked so healthy, how long had she been sick? Why didn't he know about this? "Does anyone else know about this?" He asked.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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