I don't hate but strongly dislike all four of my sisters, Mary, is bossy, tells me what is hould do, even though i am an adult women and live in my own place, Michelle has nearly gotten me kicked out of said place, when i offered her a place to stay until she could get on her feet, she walked all over me, had music playing so it thudded into my bedroom at midnight for crying out loud, Darny's a drunk who lives in another city from me and since i moved out of moms has had no contanct with me, and wanda, well she's the latest in people i dislike iwth a firey burning passion, i let her stay here longer then i should of over the winter so she could get her feet under her, but when i was informed i had to have anyone 'staying' with me leave by the people who own my apartment, she decided that iw as a brat, but stronger, and told me my mother, who's dead, and Berry, who is also dead and was her old man, boyfriend, hubby, whatever they where, and who'em i looked up to because like my mom he treated me as if i could give him the moon, that iw as that precious and awesome.. would be disappointed in me. its like 'excuse you?'