We’ll carry on
Here’s a story for you all the enjoy:
As a kid, I grew up as a homophobe, but in the literal sense of the word.
There was a gay couple living in my neighbourhood and my mother explained that they were both male, but loved each other.
I thought nothing of it really, until I got a newspaper round.
One of the neighbour kids had a newspaper round, but he didn’t want it anymore. His mother asked mine, she asked if I wanted it and soon I had the newspaper round for this weekly, local newspaper.
My round was my neighbourhood and I did it every Wednesday (Wednesday afternoon are free hours for elementary school here).
One day, a man ran out of his house and shouted at me, asking if I was the one who did the newspaper round.
Me, being scared as hell, said yes. He ranted and screamed, until I was nearly crying. He then stopped for a moment and I told him I only got it a few weeks back.
He apologised, but man was I scared of him from then on.