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Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 01:56:12 )

@KayBit: Thank you for the well wishes, it means a lot.
Apparently, I made it through the first phase, the boys are saying I'll feel significantly better the next couple of days so I'm hoping that's the truth. You never know with these things though honestly.

@Inspire: Magic users in-game tend to be what I choose too for the same reasons honestly. And wow that's crazy! I think I have a lot of scars (none too noticeable besides the surgery scars from getting my gallbladder removed...) But she's a good mom honestly, she wasn't always a good mom but she's gotten better over the years and apologized and we all moved on xD But those are stories for another day xD I'm currently jobless as well, kinda. I'm supposed to keep the house clean and cook and stuff but I completely suck at it. I have bad depression (especially around the holidays) And with me getting sick it's gotten worse... but I digress... I hope someone calls you soon!


Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 03:10:55 )
@MimikyuToo: It definitely is!!! The best and craziest part about my scars is the one on my leg with stitch marks where I don't even remember what happened to it, I've had it since I was child, hahaha. I think it was in a bicycling accident where I was trying to replicate what an ex friend did on the street. She cut her leg up doing so, I got off much better than she did, whew. I'm so happy that,although you have scars, that your gallbladder was removed successfully and you're fine after it!!! My mother is an okay mother, I'd say. She really messed up on the raising of the other kids,based on their jokester attitude and disrespect towards everyone and also their apparent depression and anger issues and generally what they've become. But when I was born, she became a totally different and good person and changed for me. She tore me away from my real father's family and married my step father. Which was a mistake but at least we're all generally happy and have never went without??? Ahhhh, I clean the house all day and when messes arise but I've done that for a very long time and I don't get paid so it's not a side job or anything, hahaha. I do as well right now, with it leading to panic attacks but it's getting a lot better!!! I only have massive ones occasionally instead of every day now and I'm a lot happier a lot more!!! Thank you sooo much, I desperately needed that hope!!! It'll be my first job/jobs and I bet that's why it's taking so long....

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 17:29:12 )

@Inspire: Eyyyooo how are you today? Personally, I am doing better (Not throwing up so that's fantastic) but I must be honest and say my brain is kinda like ..... I don't even know how to explain it? Like it's not firing on all cylinders? That being said if my replies don't make sense you now know xD

That's crazy though, the whole situation with the bike and everything. Also I had complications after my surgery which is why my scars are larger than normal but I did heal up after that honestly. And it sounds like your mom got her stuff together with you. Sometimes that happens. I know that my parents gave up after me and then changed completely when we adopted my youngest sibling. I think it varies from family to family but I think every child will be raised differently than the others. Panic attacks suck, a lot, and I wouldn't wish them on my enemies honestly. So I hope they don't keep happening. Ahhhh first jobs are always hard to get into.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 18:55:27 )

@MimikyuToo: I'm glad you're doing a bit better ;w;
What are you up to today??


Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 23:11:50 )
@MimikyuToo: I was happy for most of the day because I was around the kids (my siblings) but as soon as my mom started getting in the picture, things turned awful like they always do. I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better and hopefully a lot better now, you only deserve the best!!! My brain has been the exact same but I must blame it on my tiredness that I always have, especially now since I'm sick again and generally feeling off, you know??? It is but I wanted to try so hard and I don't remember if I did or not, lol. That's why I said I don't know how the one stitch scar happened, hahaha. Oh my, what a time for you!!! I'm so glad you overcame them as you should have and moved on though!!! Now that you say that, it sounds the same as me. Although.... It shouldn't have happened to you or the seven children my mom had after me, she should have been a real mother like I can be, I mean it's just astounding how you can have so many children yet not love them, like what?!?? Panic attacks are very much VERY terrible and I can't wait for the string to end, soon I hope... They are?!?? Everyone's been telling me to either keep trying or to give it time but no one told me they'd be hard to get, that makes things much more clear, thanks so much!!! Here I thought it was because of me but it's not, it's like this for everyone!!! Omggg, thank you sooo much!!!

Donator — King Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/24 23:15:12 )
What chu look like under there!?

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 15:53:32 )

@KayBit: Going to be resting and maybe work on my little writing project of mine.

@Inspire: How are you doing today? Good, I hope! And nah panic attacks are pretty messed up and from my experiences and stuff, most have the same experiences with it. Wait how many siblings do you have in total? You were the youngest of your birth dads right? Then your mom had seven more after you? That sounds pretty intense.

@Dread Pirate: Whatchya mean? XD Like under my avi or?


Donator — King Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 18:51:56 )
@MimikyuToo: under the sheet. (mimikyu refferance)
Dressed as goblins!
Do it all again!
See the friends all again!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 19:01:43 )

@Dread Pirate: Ohhh derp. It totally went over my head xD I've been pretty tired lately that could be why ;u; but how are you today?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 19:42:31 )

@MimikyuToo: Oooh~ A Writing project?? What kinda of writing do you do?? ;w;


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 19:44:10 )

@KayBit: Not much honestly. I want to write a story that's extremely loosly based off of my real life... I mean a lot of people say it's interesting and that they would like to read stuff about it or whatever but it's in like rough rough rough draft honestly.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 19:53:37 )

@MimikyuToo: Well a rough rough rough draft is still better than nothing~ As long as you get all your ideas out ^^
You'll refine it more with each draft <3
I would totally be down to read it if you need a second set of eyes sometime ^^


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 22:19:45 )

@KayBit: Waaah that would be so nice of you!!! I appreciate it ;u;
I'll definitely have to take you up on that offer.
How's your day going?

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 22:37:12 )

@MimikyuToo: Ahhhh it's.....going ^^;
Gonna hopefully be able to stream sometime tonight ^^
But gotta go home, which I'm not too happy about ^^;

How about yourself?


Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:22:58 )
@MimikyuToo: I'm doing good, except I'm a little depressed now and I'm fighting off a panic attack. Ahhhh, I tried to this morning but it didn't work too well but I did stop myself from falling to the floor and being unable to control myself though, which is great. I have seven. I was born 19 years ago and the kids came after my new father and mother got married in a church with me on my mother's hip, hahaha. But it wasn't... I mean, I enjoyed every kid and took care of them and their diapers, etc. I vaguely remember taking care of my 15 year old brother. I held him and did a lot for my mother while she was busy. My new father went off to his job for computers and me and my mom took care of the little ones.

@KayBit: I love the excitement in your avatar, it's super cute.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:30:51 )

@Inspire: Ahhh thank you ;w;
I really like how elegant yours looks ;w;

Just reading a little above, I do hope you'll be able to be at ease soon <3


Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:01:38 )

@KayBit: Oooh, you should post your stream, so I can watch!
I'm doing okay. Kinda tired? I think? Hahaha

@Inspire: Oh wow. eight kids are a lot :O I mean cool for her and everyone but that's a lot of kids. I mean I guess I can't say much since I have 4 siblings so that's not too far off
Hangout || Questing
Please ping me if I don't reply.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:26:26 )

@MimikyuToo: Aww I totally will <3
I'm kinda tired too tbh ^^; But I needa wake up so I can work xD


Voltie — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:27:25 )
@KayBit: Thank you so much!!! That's actually exactly what I was going for, elegant with a little bit of 20s feel to it, ahhhhh!!! You're so sweet, thank you so much!!! I loveeeee the cuteness I see in you!!!!

@MimikyuToo: It is but I prefer the larger number after being in the situation for 19 years, hahaha. I can't wait to have at least two of my own, and if I actually end up with as many as my mother then I would accept it so happily, they'd be some generation changers, hahahaha. No but seemingly, you didn't spend so much time and parts of your life watching them and making their personalities be exposed. I helped them with a school a lot too, they learned so quickly. They started losing the "ugh" attitude within three days and got to actually wanting to work and learn. Too bad that ended when we moved again, ahhhh I miss it.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:44:37 )

@Inspire: Oooo I could totally see that~ It's very nice ;w;
Ahhhh thank you >//////<


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