Hello, hello, my beautiful Volties~ It's my favorite time of year...
Time for another Surge Update!
It's a bit short today, but I'm still happy to be here with my favorite people.
Let's see what we've got in stores for you!
New Commons!
Once again, we gather 'round and give thanks for another commons surge!
And not a moment too soon! With the temperature dropping, those new cold weather items are a hot commodity!
*Shudders* I should get ahead of everyone and grab a hat before the rush!
Vyc also stocked up on more body mods!
I'm excited to see how creative everyone gets with facial expressions.
Dumb Look | Qt
Annoyed Anime Eyes | Qt
Anime Eyes | Qt
Cartoony Eyes | Qt
Dot Eyes | Qt
Pleasant Gaze |Qt
Lin Eyes | ghost
Crooked Nose | Qt
Dot Nose | Qt
Pouty Mouth | Lily | Qt
Kitty Mouf | Lily | Qt
Kitty Teef | Lily | Qt
Bug Smile | Ghost
Bug Teeth| Ghost
Heart Eyeshadow | Ghost
Round Ear | Ghost
Thank you to our fabulous team of Item Technicians for uploading!
Lily, Dipper, Saeyra, & Yixing
Event Feedack
Well that Cirque really put on an act, didn't they!?
Let us know how we did with this event, volties!
We want to keep delivering the best events and all the goodies that come with em.
Thanks in advance!
Staff Positions!
The Voltra staff is currently looking for Volties who want to actively take part in nurturing Voltra to it's fullest potential.
It's still just a widdle baby, awwww
Review our list of open staff positions and submit an application.
Not only do you get to join a great team, but I'm told there's a Monthly Staff Stipend of premium items!
Be sure to message Fozzy when you submit an application.
Staff Updates!
Let's officially welcome our newest addition to the team, front-end developer, Aly!
Coming Soon!
November Community Discussion [11/18]
Winter Plasma Orbs [11/25]
:crate: December Crate [12/1]
And on that note, my lovely Volties, we are out of time! But don't worry, I'll be back real soon!