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Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 20:03:10 )
@xirin: XD I’ve been out for a month now with my knee but I’ve been able to walk around since thanksgiving. I still limp a little, but I’m ready to be super productive. But tonight when I get back from town I can guarantee I’ll be in front of my phone and heater all night.
I’m just outside sipping on my veggie broth and smoking a nasty cig haha.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 20:15:31 )
Awwhh. If it’s hurting, I’d go get it checked out. :( I made the mistake of not going, and I feel like it would have healed better. :(
Yesss. The broth was yummy. :) I want coffee and lots of water now. Haha.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 20:19:35 )
Awhhh, I hope it heals faster for you. I totally get it. Is it still swollen?
. . . . : ∴ .☽ ⍟ ☾ . ∴ : . . . .
Basic Witch
. . . Dance with the C⍟ven . . .

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 22:51:06 )
Aaahhh my head hurts. My throat feels dry, and my nose keeps running.

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 22:59:05 )

@MoodyBats: ohhh yes that would be nice
i would love to work from home and on my own schedule c:

nice, nice! xD
yeah proportions and perspective are very important



Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:00:59 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: yeah though i might just do it as a side job not a full job.

Yup, so good thing i am taking notes on literally everything.

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:04:18 )

@Little Crane: oh nooo
hmm are you getting sick?



Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:07:13 )

@MoodyBats: yea that would be more practical
since i might be hard to support yourself just on art commissions
esp just starting off c:

mhmm that's good
taking notes take more time, but is very helpful in the long run



Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:32:43 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: Yup and not a good idea to do when
I am still learning all my fundamentals. :vanora_sweat:

I just take notes as a go.
I pause the video so I won't forget. and just write my notes through documents on my computer.
that way i can bring it up whenever.
I lose notebooks pretty easily. :vanora_xd:

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:38:28 )

@MoodyBats: yeahhh that's true
unless people are okay with misproportions
but i can see some people think that's hipsterish c:

mhmm half my notes are online but the other half is written
since i don't like carrying my laptop everywhere i go and my phone screen is too small
but unfortunately i also lose notebooks quite easily too /:



Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:50:21 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: for me i can't bare giving or making anyone something that is off in proportions.

Yeah that makes sense.
Since I don't actually go outside or anywhere, I'm always at home with and on my laptop.
Eventually I will make some notes in my sketchbook but not until i've really got into studying i feel.
as I have a bigger sketchbook that will be purely for studies.

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/25 23:57:21 )

@MoodyBats: ah i see that
esp if they are paying for it

yea that makes sense for you
most of the notes i make aren't at home

oh a sketchbook would be nice c:
so you can keep your art and notes in the same place



Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:07:17 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: Yup and would feel pretty guilty my skills are not
good or at least know the basics.

Yeah. So once I feel something is important I just write it down ASAP.

Yeah. Though it wouldn't be all my art notes. Once some of them become second nature.
it would mostly be my anatomy notes, and proportions.

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:15:32 )

@MoodyBats: hmm yea
but you can also think of it as they like your work as it is
so it's alright c:

yep that's a good way to take notes
i think everything is important though
so i just end up transcribing everything xD

yea that makes sense
with time and progress you would need your notes less and less



Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:18:15 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: For me nothing is never good enough.
Like i have doubts people like my art or if they're just being nice XD
and if it's not good in my eyes i see it as me not trying hard enough to get better.

Haha yeah. Though I do not do traditional art much
so it might be hard for me to adapt things like color theory.

Yup. And soon I won't need them at all.
But i will always keep them anyways.

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:33:04 )

@MoodyBats: awww i'm sure people do like your art
i really like the three eyed lady xD
and i'm sure you're trying your hardest, you seem really invested in wanting to make yourself better c:

hmm yea colors theory is hard

it's always good to keep notes
you never know when you might need em again



Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:40:27 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: nothing seems good enough in my eye.
I feel I can make her look WAY better.
and again feel like i'm not trying hard enough with my work. :vanora_sweat:
Yes I do. Nothing would give me more happiness or fulfillment than to improve and do my best.

Yeah. and I don't really have any coloring tools that i want like copic markers, prisma colored pencils[that can erase]
so I'd probably focus my attention of just doing random anatomy proportion and value studies in my sketchbook.

Yup. and of course when you might need to add more to it as well.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 00:53:03 )
@rolly joger: I have the symptoms but not the temperature for one, so most likely. I only hope I am ill as Mother has many social events she plans on going to and being in poor condition will mean that I cannot go. Father will have to stay behind as well to make sure I do not strain myself and get even worse. Naturally, he will give vent to having to take care of me, but he and I both know that he likes going to social events as much as I do, so he is not actually mad about it. A few quiet days, at least.
Item QuestHangoutSales

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 01:30:55 )

@MoodyBats: hmm i feel like we are the worst critics of ourselves
like we always see the little mistakes even when no one else does
aww you seem like you're trying hard to me though
watching vids, taking notes, getting a new desk c:

ah i see
i'm quite different, i love colors, so i get all kinds of coloring things
but most of the time i just get them to look and imagine pretty art with it and not use to make pretty art

yeah yeah of course

@Little Crane: maybe it's a cold since those usually don't come with fevers?
oh that's nice, at least there's a bright side to feeling slightly under the weather



by anarchist beauty
quest // closet

Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/26 01:47:55 )
Batsy Says. . .


@rolly joger: Haha well thanks. I am trying.
and yet part of me says "try harder." :vanora_xd:

Ah nice. i rarely color my art.
the art on my blog is literally the only art I have colored in a really long time.
I'm happy with them, but feel i can do better. :vanora_sweat:

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

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