Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/22 23:44:07 )
I normally don't do cranberry sauce as I don't care for the stuff out of a can, but this year my sig others sister made homemade cranberry sauce cuz she knows how much her Dad likes cranberries and there was some left over for today(we did the big family one with his side a few days ago, and just got together with his parents today... on Sat I do my side of the family, which I'm thinking of making Taco Dip if nobody is making it yet... I wasn't sure I was going as sig other has to work, but a family member offered me a ride so I'm like, why not.) But anyway, I had some of SO's sisters cranberry sauce and it was really good... it had these huge cranberries in it and it was... hard to explain the taste, but it was waaaay better than out of a can.