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Donator Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 21:14:41 )
I was pretty distracted from life with Pokémon Red for quite some time. Before that it had been Pokémon Black, which was actually the first Pokémon game I had ever played.
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My mind wanders so that ensures I come back.

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 22:17:46 )
I'm in much the same boat as Slytherclaw when it comes to the games. I went into Moon (mostly) blind, so, that was enjoyable, but there wasn't really that much to do post-game, I found. I'm not competitive at all, so my teams got destroyed in the battle facilities, and I'm not one for breeding or Shiny hunting. The tabletop's definitely spoiled Shinies for me, especially. "What do you mean it's only a different colour? What can it do that every other member of its species can't?" XD
I do go back to Emerald every so often. The fact that it's before the Physical/Special split always throws me off, though...

Donator — She/Her Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 22:19:54 )
@DataNinja: omg you like pokemon? I never would have guessed.

No but I'm so amazed you managed to go as unspoiled into moon as you did tbh

Voltie Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/5 22:24:14 )
@Slytherclaw: I know, right? I'm very subtle about it. :P

I'm honestly surprised, too. I do wish I'd been able to manage not knowing about Alola forms, though. Because that was only spoiled for me by one group of people, right after the announcement. I didn't even look at the box art, or watch the pre-title clip-cinematic until after I beat the game. (Incidentally, that meant that the exclusion of HMs genuinely surprised me.)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 02:25:11 )
@Lily: I can tell you, from personal experience, going in blind to Moon was the best experience. I didn't know anything about the story, or characters, or anything. And in being such a story focussed game (well, for Pokémon), it definitely kept it fresh. I don't know how much Ultra Sun/Moon will shake things up (unfortunately, I doubt there'll be a bunch of new Pokémon to discover), but, hopefully there's enough of a change to keep things fresh.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 02:56:41 )
@Lily: Oops. That's why I shouldn't get involved in these discussions. I didn't know there was a new form. XD

And, yeah, I was expecting it'd be after the events (like BW2 was 2 years later), but, I've got no idea. I've been avoiding information like the plague, if I can. :P

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 03:09:36 )
@Lily: Ah, that's all right. It's not as bad as the people (who knew I was trying to go in blind) spoiled the Alola Formes for me the day of their release. And I did learn of the Rotom 'Dex early on, for the same reason (some people assumed it was common knowledge, so they didn't spoiler tag it). I know that most people don't expect me to have seen nothing, so, it's fine. It wasn't malicious.

And, yeah, Battle Frontier would be nice. Or, really, any post-game that allows me to go more than a battle or two without getting destroyed. XD (Something along the XY Looker missions would be pretty cool.)

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 03:37:21 )
@Lily: No, please, don't beat yourself up over it! D:
It was in a Skype chat with just a few of us. So I don't think they were intentionally just being jerks, but more... just didn't care that I was trying to go in blind. Despite knowing that I was. And it's kinda hard to avoid when the first thing I see when waking up in the morning and turning to the chat is it in all caps, with no spoiler warning... Ah, well. What's done is done. It would have been really cool to discover them on my own (heck, I didn't even look at the back of the box, or watch the opening pre-title cinematic), but there were still lots of cool little things to discover. Like, Ride Pokémon. That was a nice surprise, and one I didn't see coming.
The post-game in Sun and Moon wasn't bad. It was pretty neat to find more completely new "Pokémon"... I just don't know exactly how I felt about the whole story and dimensions stuff that went along with it. I'm sure that Ultra Sun/Moon'll expand more on it (just based on the name alone)... so I'll probably get a more solid feeling then.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 03:50:59 )
@lily: Well, that, compounded with some other stuff (generally, ahem, "jokes")... let's just say that I don't associate with that group of people anymore. Most of the other chats that I'm in are totally understanding - like, I'm in a Pokémon Tabletop community, and they go so far as to make a separate spoiler chat for everything. So, ironically, the place most mired in Pokémon is where I'm least likely to get Pokémon spoilers. XD
Moon was the first game that I was able to complete the regional 'Dex fully, so, that was nice. I did get ridiculously lucky on some things, though - fishing up a Dhelmise first time I tried fishing in that boat town. That was the first time I'd ever saw the thing, I didn't know they were rare. XD
I was also oddly disappointed to discover Minior doesn't evolve. I was expecting it to go something like Minior > Medior > Majior or something, just by the naming scheme. :P

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:07:35 )
Data thinks the best of people, lol, but I'm pretty sure even if they weren't intentionally trying to be jerks, they were intentionally disregarding his feelings and they were butts.

I don't think I actually hunted for anything in the games lmao. I wonder traded or trade traded for everything, since I do breeding and people will usually trade me whatever haha
I have a hacked file I literally did nothing but catch things, wonder trade until I got something good and new that I'd go hack into perfection/shiny, clone, and rewonder trade away x3

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:11:35 )
@Lily: Yeah, I guess that's fair enough about the fandom thing.

Going in blind was really painful for 'Dex completion, though. I had to break my blindness when trying to fill out the 'Dex. The biggest ones for me were Salazzle (I didn't know it was female only), Crabominable (I hadn't even seen one, so I didn't even consider it would have needed "victory road" location), and Vikavolt (who would have thought electrical evo wouldn't have been the electrical plant? I only figured it out because one guy in Poni canyon had a Magnezone.).
Honestly, I think that was one of the weaker parts of the games. The first island was full of Pokémon you'd never evolve until late game. Bagon, and Vullaby/Rufflet (especially the latter two - doubly so because they're single evos) have ridiculously high final evo levels. Crabrawler and Grubbin can't evolve until close to the very end of the game. Yet those are all things from the first few routes.
And don't get me started on the Battle Royale. I'm studying game design, and how that was integrated made me really irritated. The very first battle with the Prof, introducing them, is fine. Great, in fact. It's balanced to the area's power level, and doesn't force you to go through three Pokémon, in case you don't like it. The problem is... the facility itself is post-game content, and it tells you this nowhere. It doesn't even warn you "Pokémon above 50 will be set to level 50", telling you that it expects you to be at that level. There is no sign that if you enter this cool new thing directly after tasting it, you will get creamed by things you didn't even know existed if you'd never played before. I went in with my level 25ish or whatever stuff, and was facing fully optimized stuff, from out of Alola, two of which had Mega Stones. I never even got a hit off. And, unlike most facilities, I couldn't even forfeit. So, I had to go through the super laggy battle, watching them smash my helpless team down one at a time. It was not fun, and was absolutely stupid game design. /rant

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:27:30 )
@Lily: Believe me, it does not. I looked through the entire facility, and checked every possible line of dialogue to make sure it wasn't just me missing something. There was nothing. Which is baffling to me, because its been explained in every other post-game facility up to that point. (Though, to be fair, most of those things don't even let you enter until you've beaten the Champion.)

And, yeah, Vikavolt looks really cool, but it definitely is an annoying stat change from Charjabug. And, speaking of appearances... I wasn't really a fan of how the Pikapek line evolved. Each of them on there own are perfectly fine designs... but, I think they changed a bit too much between evolutions. There wasn't really too much of a similarity besides "tropical bird". And that disappointed me, because I really liked Pikipek.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:29:33 )
@Lily: Haha, yeah, I don't actually hack any of my own stuff. I have breeding for that, which is weirdly something I enjoy--and I care about the legitimacy of my own mon. But I also had the ability and it made a lot of people who didn't care happy, so I didn't mind doing it on a second file just for fun x3


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:50:12 )
@Lily: I'm personally a big fan of Vikavolt, but that's just because I love the sleek, angular 'futuristic' look it has. I'm a sucker for that kinda stuff...

For 'low level birds', I have a weakness for Fletchling. That's only increased now that I've been using it in one of my tabletop games, haha. XD

I should maybe pull out Moon again. I haven't played many games, recently, but part of my homework for one of my classes is that I have to play video games, so I'll actually be forced to make time. :P

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:01:58 )
@Lily: I... never really did the petting game too much, so I didn't know that. >.>;

And, yes, I know. It's truly a horrific fate. Whatever shall I do? :P

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:05:36 )
@Lily: I dunno what the new one's called. All I know is that it made curing status hilariously easy...
And the class is a History of Video Games. So, every week we'll learn about some part of the era, and then have to relate a game that we play to that. It's just a short little piece, only ~500 words a week, but there'll be some larger projects.

Donator — DirtyHobo Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:49:41 )
Anyone here play Pokémon TCGO? I just got back into it after a few years of not playing , so I'm basicly starting back over from the start, since most my cards are rotated

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:50:33 )
I play the video games, read the fanfiction, watch the movies, and play the tabletop, but I gotta say that the cards are the one thing I don't do lol
Luna Chandra
Please let me exchange goods and/or services for art. <3

Donator — DirtyHobo Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:57:43 )
The TCG is one of my favorite things to do. I use to play at a competitor level and travel quite a bit(went to nationals a few times regionals and states) I have to say it is one of the most friendly communities I been apart of :D But wouldn't recommend if you like money because dang it gets expensive lol. My current deck I put in over $400-500

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/8 09:23:22 )
I used to collect the cards, but very rarely actually played. I've still got a big binder full of them, but they're just collecting dust right now. (Also, nice name. :P)

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