So I grew up with the kids of Degrassi The Next Generation. I obsessed over the stupid drama and completely exaggerated and, at least in my area, unrealistic portrayal of high school issues. I loved that even though some of it was unlike any kids I knew, it still touched on so many issues that kids really do face. I still love it. I just went back and watched the seasons I never saw when I got "too old". Seasons 11-14. I started Next Class but it feels too different now, with the integration of social media and I just don't relate to the current characters.
I wanted my Degrassi fix again and decided to go back and watch Degrassi Junior High for the first time. I made the decision to skip Kids of Degrassi Street because I felt like JH was a good starting point when I'm trying to appreciate the 80's television style, which I wouldn't typically go back and enjoy now.
I'm on season 2 and I'm not too invested in the characters stories yet but man is it fun to see Snake, Spike, Joey, Lucy and Caitlin when they were so much younger. And the way you can compare the classic characters to the characters of TNG is wild, they always covered so many different personalities and found ways to make people who don't seem like they'd be friends in school work together.
If anyone else has seen the classics as well as the reboot and wants to chat about any of it, let's talk. I'm on a serious Degrassi kick and once I finish Degrassi High, I'm gonna start TNG from the beginning again, which I haven't done in years. Excited to catch more of the references the adults made to the classic.

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