Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/8 22:42:36 )
christmas cookies such as: jødekager, vanillekranse, brunkager.. peppernuts ( pebernødder ) I can also take in limited quality.. I prefer the cookies to be homemade but got two things against me this year; my weak wrists after the strokes I had 3 years ago, and a oven/stove that makes my apartments electricity go out when using the stove/oven..
I also like Klejner, but as with peppernuts, only in very limited quality and NOT fried in animal fat or the like.
I also have a fondness for Pågen gifflar with peberkage taste ( translated to gingerbread taste on the pack, but honestly the taste is very muh different from gingerbread ) unfortunately it seems to be quite the hunt to find those gifflar this year. at least I have yet to find them in my town.
as for the julefood itself I like ricepudding, though my stomac does´nt always agree with me there ^^;;