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Forums Winter Solstice 2018 Ribbons of Rebirth!

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 03:08:53 )

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 03:09:47 )

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 16:40:33 )

These we're all beautiful. I may actually send in some more. I've lost so many people lately.


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/24 19:37:17 )

I think I'd have to share about my mom if I shared anything at all. she passed away a few years ago. every christmas started the same a week before christmas we set up the christmas tree.. she had one of htem old take aparts and put back together trees, then we'd decorate it, and us kids would each end up gettign a candy cane before it all got put on the tree..a nd mom bought a LOT of candy canes.. then we'd put out stockings christmas eve, and all crhistmas eve we'd watch christmas shows and bake slash cook for christmas day. mom would work on making eg saled, potato saled, tuna saled, actual saleds.. in fac tmom stored a lot of the food, when it's a normal winter here, int he car because she bought so much just for christmas day..s he'd also make those eg halves things.. oh right Deviled Eggs. christmas day was always the day she did the major cooking. turkey, ham, biscuits, turn overs, pies.. yeah mom did major cooking. and she was GOOD at it. for me c hristmas wasn't jsut about hte gifts but about helping mom in the kitchen, and berry when he and wanda got together, and talking, watching my sister's kids.. i mean as a kid yeah it was the gifts but as i got older it was spending time with family.

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 01:24:08 )

Sorry I've been mega busy guys! I plan to respond to everyone's traditions after tomorrow.
It's just hard to carry a conversation from the top of a GIANT tree, but I'll be climbing down
soon. Totally grateful for us to be able to share in these memories together.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 01:59:02 )

Thank you Vanora, and be careful on those ladders!


Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 02:29:00 )

I almost forgot that there was a picture thing to enter xD I should think about it and do that.

My holiday traditions are a bit strange. For Christmas I would go to my grandmother's. We often set her tree up sometime in December. Build snowmen. Play with my cousin who is three weeks older than me. I can still smell the pine tree and hear the laughter as we hung up ornaments and string lights. Grandma loved having the lights on all day and night.
We would play board games on the floor beneath it. And on Christmas day all the adults (all 8 of my grandmother's kids and their spouses) we're in the kitchen cooking. And us few kids were hanging out doing our things. And wishing to get through dinner just to open the presents. As grandma's memory started to go... Fewer family members showed up each year. . .
Now she's gone and I don't know what to do for Christmas because it wasn't my tradition it was hers.

In February though! My 4-5 days of gift giving is my favorite. I try to throw a party and cook good food for friends and family. I try to donate to good causes and help out others however I can.

Wow extending the commemorative season all into February! I'm impressed! I'm sure your grandma would be very proud of the strong spirit you possess and keeping her good will going on.

Voltie — Sha/female Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 04:20:17 )

Thank you Vivienne. I hope she appreciates it. :)

Currently recovering from large amounts of PTSD. I'll post when I can, please ping for replies. Things are very difficult for me right now.

Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 01:34:56 )
Priestess of Pie:

When I was a kid my brother and I used to spend about a week with Grandma leading up to Christmas. I think it was a good excuse to get rid of us while our parents went shopping for and/or wrapping our presents, but I always enjoyed going so I didn't even notice. I'm sure it was a nice break for my parents. XD They'd come back on Christmas Eve and then on Christmas Day after presents were exchanged among my immediate family, my extended family would come over and we'd to a secret santa exchange (we usually drew names at Thanksgiving). Looking back, it's kind of amazing because I know how hard it is now to get people together for the holidays. I'm thankful that I had that opportunity to spend time with them all back then.

Now that my Grandmother is gone and my extended family is getting older and more spread apart, I really only celebrate with my parents and brother each year. We eat dinner, exchange gifts, and play board games. Naps also happen often. XD

It's totally challenging getting everyone's schedules to line up! Even this Solstice me and Viv were apart for a few
Days so busy! It sounds like you guys still have it thriving in spirit though and I'm pleased to hear it.
Nothing wrong with naps either! Dang, I wish there was a national napping week! Especially in this chilly
weather where we just wanna snuggle up with some toasty cocoa. I hope your Solstice has been going well. :vanora_heart:

Npc — He/Him Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 01:40:41 )
I had traditions with my foster family; they would go to a forest to find a tree we could use for x-mas, in the night while we kids were sleeping the would put up the tree and decorate it, so we had that to watch when we woke up. watching x-mas-calendars ( like pyrus, jul i gammelby and the like ) together on television too while eating snacks. we would also make the advent decoration together some days before the first advent. on christmas day we would go to church before getting home and getting ready for guests. Each night we would also place our indoor shoes outside the door so the 'nisse' would be leaving small gifts for us to wake up to in the morning. From candy to small toys and erasers

at the institution ( or orphanage as it was by name ) we had a donated x-mas where rich people and compaies would donate so that we kids could get x-mas present and celebrate x-mas about a week before the actual x-mas one of th pedagogs would be dressins up as santa and come in with a bag with the presents and an other bag with stuff from the companies that usually were in sportsbags or schoolbags after we had danced around the christmas tree , only us kids while the pedagogs would be watching.on sundays we would get a advent present for a certain amount of money that the commune would give them.

In my biological family we dont have any traditions, though my sister this year will try to start making traditions now that she got her own daughter. My oldest brother and father wont be joining, my brother cause he cant be with my sister, my father because of stairs up to her apartment as well as, what is suspected to be bowel cancer, ( but we will first know for sure next year..) giving him a lot of issues.

Im just kinda considering to try and hold x-mas alone by myself next year ^^;;;

Advent decoration, such as what- you have me curious.
Pretty neat the building you mentioned extending the celebration the entirety of the week, I presume that's to accommodate
the many children who stayed there? I love the shoe thing, that sounds clever though I'd never want food in my shoes.
They get uh..not so pleasant after a day on my feet. heh.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 13:45:47 )

Advent decoration, such as what- you have me curious.
Pretty neat the building you mentioned extending the celebration the entirety of the week, I presume that's to accommodate
the many children who stayed there? I love the shoe thing, that sounds clever though I'd never want food in my shoes.
They get uh..not so pleasant after a day on my feet. heh.

advent decoration as in a little naturefilled decoration often on clay, with candles... there are the 'juledekoration' with a calendar candle that have numbers counting up till 24th of December so you burn a number for every day ( * shamelessly takes a photo from google * <- example )
The other type of advent decoration is the ' light a candle every sunday till christmas' variant and is most often seen in churches and educations. the classic example being this ( another shameless photo from google ) xD

And yes it was pretty neat of them. Though we were not THAT many children.

And I understand with the shoe. It was not outdoor shoes, but mostly bathsandals or the kind of fuzzy warm indoor shoes you can get. Sometimes we also just used a sock in front of the door.

( If the links do not work you can google 'juledekoration' and ' adventskrans' )

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 16:21:02 )
When I was a kid, I had my own little Christmas tradition - I was always the one that decorated the tree, and every year I made a new ornament to put on it. It was always some kind of craft, sometimes included family photos. I loved watching the tree change every year with the increasing amount of ornaments I made haha

Well I'm not a kid anymore and I don't put up a tree either, but my sister and her family do. So I switched to making ornaments for their tree instead haha

I'll enter this photo I took into the contest - it's of an ornament I made for my sister's tree (on the right)

Donator — Frog bless Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 16:39:22 )

@Hachi: That's beautiful!


Donator — Frog bless Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 20:06:57 )

Sorry it's blurry but I think this is my favorite photo from the holidays here.


Mallow Tumbleweed
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