I'm doing alright.
Finally found a good blueprint on grabcraft so I could make a proper sauna for my base in Creativerse.
So I'm happy.
Might turn it into a CV blueprint to share with the community, cos is cute. c:
Donator — 0% Edible
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 14:04:41 )
My legs hurt the most, from all the walking I did at the theme park. Well worth it though. Got to see a tiger up close...almost got sprayed on by said tiger.
Donator — Winchester
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 14:50:59 )
We’ll carry on
A lot of them do, when they’re raised by humans
It’s Dutch tradition to make oliebollen, what are basically deep fried dough balls.
I wanted to make them myself but realised I had too much oil in the deep fryer. I took some out and put it in the nearest bowl that could handle that temperature. Then, for some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to touch that bowl bare handed. >.>
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 18:05:25 )
@Anarchist Beauty: The snow house and the tranquility garden were really neat! :D
I like the Christmas tree too :D
I never have the patience to complete block building .___. especially if it's not in creative mode lol
Which one took you the most time to make?
@Ixora: Aww, but gathering materials to build is half the fun!
The sand mansion is the one that took me FOREVER.
Gathering all the sand needed, my god...
I almost died.
Not to mention the adjustments I made because it was a grabcraft build that was only like 10 deep and I wanted it BIG.
So I think mine is like 28 deep? lol
Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/31 18:20:29 )
@Anarchist Beauty: I know! I don't feel fulfilled in creative mode but also... my patience ; ___ ;
I don't play Creativerse and the only block building games I have would be Staxel and Scrap Mechanic.
I played Terraria and not on creative mode so there's that XD
Yeah, the sand mansion is BIIIIG XD
Any future builds planned?
@Ixora: Ahh, come ooooon is fuuuun. ;P
Never heard of those two games. o:
I've heard of Terraria, but never played.
I'm a game hermit.
It is freaking huge.
And so hard to fill...
I remade it in my current world, then made a new blueprint so it could be 100% hollow inside so people could do as they pleased with the inside, and me doing as I please with the inside is a struggle!
I have no idea what to do! xD
There's too much room!
As for future builds I work here and there on my home base.
Still trying to figure out what to add to the one empty room in the actual house, but other builds pop into my mind first... lol
I also want to make a gingerbread village somewhere in the snow, but I don't know where to start with that.