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Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 22:50:21 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: ipad would be a very good investment. :vanora_smile:
I think my investment will be the display tablet.
But i might get a new computer first too.

YEAH! I might make a new watermark.
I like mine but idk. i might try out a few of them to see which one i like more.

Ah yeah that makes sense.
Just having my own merch or even some of my prints framed
would be awesome.

i know two ways of blending. But like...No clue if i am actually blending correctly. :vanora_xd:
I can't blend either mediums. I'm mostly a digital artist as i have no art supplies for other mediums.

Yeah, so those two will be the prototype sticker designs.
Yup! i never say practice makes perfect as it's not really good to have a perfection mind set.
Today i am working on hands, but like not realistic hands. More like breaking it into shapes.
I've drawn two today and i honestly love them. :vanora_heart:

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 23:36:45 )

@MoodyBats: Oooo good luck on that~ <3
My new investment has changed...for...reasons. So now I'm looking for an apartment or something, just somewhere safe xD
so fun.

No harm in trying out some new ones~

Aw that would be cool, if I finish a full scene or something I'd totally make a print of it just to have xD

I feel you on that xD I'm like "I think I know how to do this....but DO I?"
I'm primarily a digital artist now but I did traditional art a lot before and throughout college so I know some traditional mediums a bit better ^^;

Woo prototypes~!
And that's a pretty good thought, 'cause if your constantly strive for perfection you'll just get disappointed 'cause no one will ever be perfect xD
Aw that's awesome~ I'm taking a break from apartment and job hunting to work on part 3 of my Secret Art Exchange thing ^^


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/25 23:57:04 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: So many investments to make.
I'd love to move out and have my own apartment with my sister
but eh i doubt it. :vanora_xd:

Yup true enough. Plus so many people i follow use procreate.
//wants to be included

Scenaries seem so fun to paint!
I've only ever draw one. and it was a spoopy one and not like a full scenery.
Just a giant pumpkin, a moon with some mini pumpkins lol.

Haha same. Struggles of an artist.

I'd love to do oil paints and traditional media other than my studies. :vanora_xd:

Yup! and i learned from an artist named JelArts on youtube that practice makes progress.
She's honestly helped me a lot. When i started watching her videos i actually stopped comparing myself to others.
and i still dont do that anymore.
Ah cool. i wanted to do the secret santa thing but i knew i would not even finish one thing. :vanora_cry:
so i never entered in it.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/26 00:27:28 )

@MoodyBats: I miss living alone tbh xD
I was happiest then even if I had less money xD

My best friend uses procreate~
I've always wanted to use it since she showed me xD

I've draw a couple of scenery pieces but none that I really liked tbh ^^;
I need to practice more scenes and stuff~
I've been trying to slowly incorporate more things into pieces xD

I have never used oils....always seems like something I wouldn't have patience for tbh xD

Ooo I love JelArts~ I should watch her more tbh xD
I still compare myself to others pretty hard ^^;

Haha I entered it to be held accountable to finish a thing tbh ^^; And because I wanted to give art to someone xD
But then I decided to be extra and do more than one piece I am....working on the 3rd part xD


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/26 00:37:12 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: ive always lived with my sister. so I'd be fine with living with her.
living with my dad not so much. especially when he is pushy on religion stuff
and then i am constantly dealing with anxiety, depression and feeling guilty[which is also anxiety]. :vanora_sad:

Pro create just looks so nice.
it doesn't have some things but i see procreate always trying to add new things
that artists can use.

Same here. I need to remember to always use references.

I've never used a lot of paints and such.
I really want copic markers though. and those color erase prisma colored pencils.

She is so nice. I love watching her videos. I make sure to watch her videos when a new one is out. :vanora_sun:
I so wanna buy stuff from her definitely.
It's a hard habit to break. I just started thinking that it takes many years to get as good as they did.
and they weren't instantly born with the skills they have now.
which helped me a lot tbh.

Knowing myself, I'd avoid it. :vanora_neutral:
Hopefully you don't over work yourself. make sure to take breaks an eat and hydrate.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/26 00:52:09 )

@MoodyBats: I totally get that
I think I could live with one of my sisters if I wanted to.
But I get what you mean, I wouldn't say my anxiety was better exactly, but I didn't feel as guilty because I didn't feel like I owed my family anything or like was being a burden. So....moving back home with the family while I try to get back on my feet hasn't been the best for my mental health

Yeah~ I think it would be good for the kind of stuff I do anyway, so I think it would be nice just for some on-the-go stuff, or just sketching at least ^^:

References are our friends~

I've done a lot of acrylic painting and stuff, but basically only realism xD I've only done a handful of stylized paintings xD
I haven't ever used alcohol markers, I had to buy a prismacolor colorless blender before for school and I don't think we ever ended up using it xD
And I usually sketch with just a random color pencil tbh since they all erase to some extent and I don't ever need them to be like....completely erased xD But I do still want some xD

I've seen some of her videos, at least enough to know I like her and to subscribe xD
Yeah that's what I try to do xD I just think that I don't improve as fast as other people tbh so it just messes me up ^^;

You too~ Remember to take some breaks in between studies ;w;
I'll try not to ^^; I'm hoping to get these done and turned in tonight so I can try to get some examples done for freelance advertising ^^;
i just need money, man


Voltie — Moody Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/26 01:03:23 )
Batsy Says. . .


@KayBit: my sister is pretty much my best friend.
I only have one sibling though. but we basically tell each other everything.
but i have a hard time opening up sometimes. :vanora_sweat:
Aww i'm sorry. Mental health is such a pain sometimes so i feel you.

I feel it would be perfect if you travel too because it's not super large or anything.
unlike my current tablet which is way too big for anything except a suitcase. :vanora_xd:

Yes they are! i save so many on instagram since i use the laptop version more than the
app version.

Ah I see. probably when i get a job and understand art better i might experiment a lot more
with art. for now digital shall satisfy me.
I've tried and failed drawing with color pencils.

I love her art and she always has some great tips too.
Same here! though i feel i should practice a lot more so I am going to try to make it more of a habit now.

I will not to worry. :vanora_smile:
Sounds like a plan.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/26 01:15:17 )

wholy cow BIG Merry Christmas 'waves'

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/28 02:21:10 )

casually crawling back in here while I finish some art stuff~

How is everyone~?
Up to anything interesting?


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/28 16:34:12 )


casually crawling back in here while I finish some art stuff~

How is everyone~?
Up to anything interesting?

well Y esterday i went tot he ER, because im out of supplies and needed more desperately, and had an infection starting up in my leg. so i go in at eleven, get out at five thrity at night. wasn't offered any food, and oh yeah they did rewrap my leg at least, but i got NO SUPPLIES. non zip. though they did giv eme the print out stating what i knew i needed which was why i went in, hoping they'd GIVE me some of them..they coudlnt' even give me enough to do a leg c hange today..and yet im to 'start using' the items i todl them i was out of.

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 14:43:19 )

I am prepping for a wedding right now. Kiiiiinda wanna jump off a cliff

@star2000shadow: Wow that seems like a crazy situation ;A;


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/29 17:08:32 )


I am prepping for a wedding right now. Kiiiiinda wanna jump off a cliff

@star2000shadow: Wow that seems like a crazy situation ;A;

its..really really REALLY annoying is what it is..

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 01:00:34 )

Evening, Kay!
How is your night going?


Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 04:24:57 )

@star2000shadow: I'd imagine so ;A;

@dragoness129: My night's been okay ^^; Really tired tbh xD
What about yourself~?

//ahhhh sorry for the ping ;A;


Art Dump | Art Shop |

Donator — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 08:37:00 )


@star2000shadow: I'd imagine so ;A;

@dragoness129: My night's been okay ^^; Really tired tbh xD
What about yourself~?

//ahhhh sorry for the ping ;A;

meh I'll make do like i always do, at least they gave me new acewraps, one large one and one small. I'm using hte large one righ tnow to see if that will last longer. 'moves on to happier conversation' I find the fact they gave us what amounts to lovely jewlery that makes me wanna eat it cute.

Star's Memory Jar | Star's Quest |Star's Runway | Shadow Realm Market
Pls Mention as i wander

Avi art is best gift

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/12/30 16:24:15 )

Glad it has been ok.
I stayed up a bit later myself.


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